Unit 4: A Nation Divided: Lesson 7: Reconstruction

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Unit 4: A Nation Divided

Lesson 7: Reconstruction


SSUSH 10 The student will identify legal, political, and social dimensions of Reconstruction.

a. Compare and contrast Presidential Reconstruction with Radical Republican Reconstruction.

c. Describe the significance of the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. e. Explain the impeachment of Andrew Johnson in relationship to Reconstruction. f. Analyze how the presidential election of 1876 and the subsequent compromise of 1877 marked the end of Reconstruction.

Warm up
1. What type of Source (Primary or Secondary) is this? 2. What is the topic of this source? 3. What happened according to this source? 4. What can we learn based on this source?

5 days after the Civil War ends President Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth!

After the war, the South needed to be rebuilt physically, economically, and politically. Reconstruction was the rebuilding of the South after the war

Richmond, Virginia

Atlanta, Georgia

Opposing ideas
President Johnson began a lenient reconstruction right away. He began to implement his plan before Congress came back into session. VS. A group of Republicans in Congress became known as the Radical Republicans, supported a strict version of reconstruction.

Andrew Johnsons Reconstruction Plan Johnson became President

after Lincolns assassination in 1865 He was a southerner who used to own slaves He was sympathetic to the South. Johnsons plan for Reconstruction was against what the Radical Republicans wanted

Presidential Plan for Reconstruction

1. general amnesty (forgiveness) to all Southerners who swear loyalty to the US 2. former Confederate states to hold constitutional conventions to set up state governments. 3. require that states had to ratify 13th amendment (ending slavery). 4. allow the states to create a constitution and rejoin the Union

Johnsons Reconstruction Plan

Johnson began to pardon former Southern leaders many of whom were then elected to the US Congress When Congress reconvened many Radical Republicans were outraged with Johnsons plan

Radical Republicans Take Over

In 1867 Congress divided the South into military districts: Southern states had to redesign their state constitutions to the approval of Congress

Republicans in Congress offered their own plan for

The Radical Republicans Plan

Reconstruction: 1. Southern states were put under military rule 2. Southern states had to hold new constitutional conventions. 3. African Americans were allowed to vote. (suffrage) 4. Southerners who had supported the Confederacy were not allowed to vote temporarily. 5. Southern states had to guarantee equal rights to African Americans. 6. Southern states had to recognize African Americans as citizens. The Radical Republican plan was much harsher on the South!

Johnsons Impeachment
Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, which required that Johnson get Congressional approval before removing a government official from office. Of course, Johnson fought this law, and removed an official without Congressional approval The House of Representatives impeached (formally charged Johnson with a crime) Johnson, charging him with refusing to uphold the law The Senate came up one vote short of finding Johnson guilty and removing him from office Johnson remained President, but did not run for re-election in 1868

13th Amendment
13th Amendment:
Passed by Congress in 1865, it banned slavery in the United States. As part of Reconstruction, Southern states had to ratify the 13th Amendment to rejoin the Union

14th Amendment
Passed by Congress in 1866, the 14th Amendment granted citizenship to all people born or naturalized (including former slaves) in the US. It gave all people the right to due process and equal protection Southern States had to ratify the 14th Amendment in order to rejoin the Union

Ratified in 1869, the 15th Amendment stated that the right to vote can not be denied on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude In essence, the 15th Amendment granted suffrage to the former male slaves

15th Amendment

The End of Reconstruction

In the 1876 presidential election, controversy over votes occurred. Rutherford B. Hayes won because Southern Democrats bargained with Republicans to end Reconstruction in exchange for Hayes becoming Pres. Hayes ordered the withdrawal of all Union troops in the South as part of the Compromise of 1877

Exit Ticket!
What were some of the main differences between the Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction plans? Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?

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