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Prisa Kurnia Riskiawan

The origin of pornography

Pornography derives its name from pornographos (Greek), which means writing about prostitutes, from porne prostitute and graphein write.
Pornography is printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intend to stimulate sexual excitement.(Oxford Dictionary)

The Background Information and communication technology has been developing since early 70 decade. But the fastest development of information and communication technology its happen in 1994 when internet pervasive into social life. Recently, internet become super power technology, not just to find information only, but internet also has ability to forming human behaviour.

it can be said that internet is doubleedged sword. At one side internet is very useful to find any information and at the other side it can deprave human being.

Whats make pornography become a serious problem???

Based on report that issued by Ministry of Information and Communication Indonesia by the end of 2009 there are 400 millions porn website recorded in world wide and there are 30K porn website accessed by internet user in Indonesia every second.

Now days, spreading of pornographic contents at young generation in massive amount makes more and more worrisome. NGO Yayasan Kita dan Buah Hati reported, during January 2008 until February 2010, 67% from 2.818 elementary school student (4th-6Th grade) ever accessed pornographic content and 22% of them accessed via internet.

The bad effect of consuming pornography

Sexual Attention Deficit Disorder (SADD) Many research proved that man which is pamper them self with visual stimulation susceptible to suffer SADD. In long term, a marital man that is suffer SADD will be hard to have healthy relationship with their wife.

Decreased Intelligence Young generation is the most susceptible group of being decreased their intelligence because consume pornographic contents. Development of human brain mostly happen at young age and if young generation expose pornography, itll decreased their intelligence.

Pregnant, Abortion, and disease Now days, for youngster doing intercourse is something that common in relationship, even tend toward to free-sex life style. Research from Lembaga Studi Cinta dan Kemanusiaan dan Pusat Pelatihan Bisnis dan Humaniora indicated that trend of free-sex and abortion in Jogjakarta is in danger status.

From 1660 respondent there are 1611 respondent that had been doing intercourse. And 98 respondent from respondent that had been doing intercourse had abortion before. Then from 98 respondent that had abortion, 23 of them doing abortion more than once time.

Crime KPAI reported about sexual violence in 14 until 23 June 2010, that are 33 cases spread in Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Maluku, and Papua, with the victim aged from 4 to 12 years old. Its just because they watch ariel porn videos and stimulated to do sexual violence.

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