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Recommendations from deliberations of the workshop

1. For better demonstration and dissemination of biogas upgrading and bottling system in more areas of the country, It has to be vigorously promoted in mission mode like JNNSM with more support and incentives from the government. The R&D efforts should be strengthened by having close collaboration between the existing biogas upgradation and bottling plants and R&D centers for initiating additional activities like CO2 bottling, organic manure recovery etc. Single window clearance system should be created for the biogas upgradation and bottling plant. There should be a need to develop entrepreneurship model in the rural areas for promoting small scale enrichment and bottling of biogas. This will help to generate employment opportunities to rural people. While most of the states are promoting organic farming, the state govt. can tie up with the existing biogas upgradation and bottling plant unit for creating better market for the bio digested slurry.




6. The govt. incentives should be based on the size of the system, end user category and type of application and the incentives should be released after the minimum guarantee period of application. 7. Biogas upgradation and bottling system including the biogas digesters, reactors, purification units, gas composition, emission and list of equipments should be standardized for better comparison and evaluation. Separate standards for cooking, power generation and vehicular application etc. 8. The interest subsidy can be extended to biogas upgradation and bottling plant commercialization as available for the solar gadgets. 9. The REC benefits should be extended to biogas upgradation and bottling plants. 10. The number of Biogas technology and gadgets developed at IIT Delhi, ICAR centers, state agricultural universities and leading educational institute should be promoted with more govt. support and incentives. 11. To promote the cost effective and well proven biogas technologies from outside, import duty exemption and other exemptions should be provided.

12. Human Resource development with trained manpower and infrastructure support should be provided for creating awareness and promotion of biogas upgradation and bottling plant. 13. Process technologies should be developed to improve the biogas production from the various feedstock. 14. To save the environment health benefits without further deterioration, the govt. has to develop some norms for the disposal of the organic waste to change the mind set of the people. 15. Instead of dual fuel engine 100% biogas based power generating system should be included for further support and incentives of the government.

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