Worldwar 2

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World War Two, 1941-1945

Main Points
Causes of War
U.S. Entry into Conflict

Impact on Society, Economy,

Politics Main Events End of the War

An Unstable World
Global Depression
New Countries in Europe (Inter)National Debt U.S., Japan, German Expansion No International Organizations

Germany and the U.S.

Hitler elected leader of Germany
Expansion into Rhine River, FR-G

Border U.S. Neutrality Italy into Ethiopia 1935 1937: Italy, Germany & Japan signed Anti-Comintern Act, against Russia

German Expansion
1938 Nazis entered Austria
Sacrificed Czechoslovakia for

Peace with Hitler 1939 total invasion of Czech 1939 G-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 1939 G-invaded Poland BR & FR declare war

U.S. Response
Slow and contradictory
1941 Lend-Lease to allies Military modernization Awareness of German expansion American embargo and quarantine

of Japan in Pacific December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor

Burning Ships in Pearl Harbor

A Global War
European Theater
Pacific Theater War in Mediterranean, North Africa All of British possessions in India

and Australia Total War for U.S. Fear of invasion

Yellow = Allies Pink = Axis Orange = Axis controlled Cream = Neutral

A Total War
War Mobilization
Federal Control of the Economy Westward Shift of people and

industry Sacrifice and Patriotism Millions of men to war

Building Support for War

Office of War Information War as fight for American

Way of Life, freedom Censorship Only positive images watch?v=A4o0kVX7iNc&f eature=related

War Propaganda

Masculinity and War

Women in Industries
Industries vacated by soldiers Single & Married 45% of workers in shipbuilding

Womens duty to work on the

home front while men were away fighting High wages, freedom, enjoyment, personal pride

Rosie the Riveter

Women in the War

140,000 in WACS
100,000 in Navy

WAVES Challenge to gender roles and norms Womens freedom and independence

Gendered Propaganda

Women = Home = Homefront

African Americans
Segregated Units
125,000 into San

Francisco & Oakland Housing & school shortages Segregation in schools increased

German Expansionism
Two fronts

Western Europe & France Russia Blitzkrieg and massive industrial output Air Raid on England Control of Northern Africa through Italy

Allied Successes
Battle of Coral Sea, May 1942

Pacific Success

Battle of Midway, June 1942

Overturned J- Supremacy
Northern Africa Eisenhowers invasion

Battle of El Alamien, Fall 1942

Operation Torch, May 1943

Hitler Weakens
Turned east and tried to invade

Russia Stalled for months, winter hit, millions died August 1942-February 1943 Hitler pulled out of Russia and lost momentum in war

The End is Near

Operation Overlord, Summer 1944
Second Western front Landed in France Beaches of Normandy D-Day, June 6, 1944

2 million participated
Liberated Paris

D-Day June 6, 1944

End of the War

Germany Surrounded
Island Hopping in

Pacific February 1945: Yalta Conference (UKR)

Britain: Churchill Russia: Stalin US: Roosevelt

Race and the War

Home front
Segregated Units A. Philip Randolph Fair Employment

Practices Commission

Zoot-Suit Riots
1940s LA
Death of a Mex. Am

youth Police arrested, convicted several for murder Anti-Mexican riots Stripped zoot-suiters

Japanese/American Internment
Executive Order 9066 on

February 19, 1942 110,000 relocated to War Relocation Camps 150,000 in Hawaii 1944 US Supreme Court supported it Over half were US citizens $1.6 billion in reparations

Bracero Program
1942-1964 1 yr contracts paid Over 4 million Some $ kept by govt Racism and economic




six Million killed in gas chambers & concentration camps Final Solution U.S. State Department had information Anti-Semitism in U.S

End of the War

Roosevelt Died
Poland Sacrificed to

Stalin Atomic Testing Manhattan Project $2 billion = $20 billion today Trinity Test Site, NM

Post-War Situation
Japan Truman agreed to dropping two Atomic Bombs Hiroshima & Nagasaki, 1945 Nearly 120,000 died immediately USSR Roughly 25-35 million dead Fear of Germany Suspicion of the U.S. Control over eastern Europe

World Economy International Monetary Fund Investment, loans, economic growth World Politics

United Nations Security Council Member nations Debate, conflict resolution

Ended the Great Depression
Migration to the American West New economic opportunities for Women

and People of Color Brief unity and ongoing racism Defeat of Nazis and crippled Germany Destroyed Europe U.S. and Soviet Union became superpowers

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