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Labour laws

labour laws
This is a varied body of law applied to such matters as employment, remuneration, conditions of work, trade unions, and industrial relations. the term includes social security and disability insurance as well

Elements of labour law :

employment; individual employment relationships wages and remuneration; conditions of work health, safety, and welfare; social security; trade unions and industrial relations; the administration of labor law; and special provisions for particular occupational or other groups.

Labour Legislation in India :

It refers to all laws of the Government which have been enacted to provide social and economic security to the labour or workers. The evils of industrialization have led to the labour legislation. Now the state has a direct interest in the industrial peace and prosperity. These acts are aimed at reduction of production losses due to industrial disputes and to ensure timely payment of wages and other minimum amenties of the workers.

Need of labour Legislation :

The basic principle of industrial legislation is to ensure social justice to the workers . The object of legislation is the equitable distribution of profits and benefits accruing from industry between industrialists and workers and affording protection to the workers against harmful affects to their health safety and morality

1). Labour organizations are relatively weak and in most of the cases, they depend merely on the mercy of the employers. Individual worker is economically very weak and is unable to bargain his terms with the employers. Now the prior payment of wages lay off, dismissal, retrenchments etc , are all governed by legislation. The economic insecurity of the workers is removed to a great extent.

2). In many organizations, workers may feel occupational insecurity. The workers may not be given money in case of accidents, death, occupational Act, Employees State Insurance Ac, certain benefits have been statutorily given to workers which the employees otherwise may not get from their employers.

3.) In any factories, there important working conditions on account of which the employees health and safety is always in danger. The factories Act contains a number of provisions relating to health safety and welfare of workers. Special provisions have been made for the women.

4.) Labour legislation is also necessary from the view point of law and order situation and national security of the country. State plays a vital role in the continuing production.

. 5.) Labour Legislation is one of the most progressive and dynamic instruments for achieving socio-economic progress

Objectives of Labour Legislation :

To protect the workers from profit seeking exploiters. To promote cordial industrial relations between employers and employees. To preserve the health safety and welfare of workers. To product the interests of women and children working in the factories.

Principles of Labour Legislation : :

1. Social Justice 2. Economic Justice 3. National economy 4. International conventions

Social Justice
The concept of social justice refers to providing justice to everyone in the society so that the poor are not exploited by the rich. It is an in the interest of both employers and employees that they should consider themselves as two wheels of a cart and firmly believe that one cannot exist without the other.

National Economy : :
ensures industrial peace and helps in the industrialization of the country. The Directive principles of the constitution contain the idea of welfare state. Thus for the growth of economy and development of the country, labour legislation acts as guiding principle.

International Conventions:
International labour organizations aims at securing the minimum standard of living for the workers throughout the world. If any convention is passed by govt, it becomes binding

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