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Dating From A Biblical Perspective-Part 2

Adventures of Becoming One - Recap

What is it with this generation?

Joel 2: 1 11 vs John 10: 10 - a generation is arising that will tread on the enemy hence his fear and attacks to derail this generation
drug culture Music Entertainment (movies, TV, video games) Pornography Internet etc

Adventures of Becoming One

As in Noahs day, Moses day and Jesus day

One major way the enemy seeks to destroy young people and change the course of their lives is by promoting sexual promiscuity

Malachi 2:15

destroy potential, hinder ability to be a generation of spiritual warriors

Adventures of Becoming One

Sexual Promiscuity is linked to Western (Europe/America) view of dating and relationships hence the need to explore the subject matter Objectives 1. Let us know Heavens mind about the subject matter of dating 2. Formally communicate the standard of this House (Metamorphosis Church) as regards dating/courtship

Adventures of Becoming One

Dating Defined

Dating is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two mature adults with the aim of accessing each others suitability as partner in marriage Dating going out, seeing, she/he is with, relationship with benefits, Background of: Established friendship Honest Communication Mutual Desire

Things that complicate dating in our day


A. Dating is not specifically discussed in the Bible In Bible times, marriageable adults had very little to do with the choice of whom they married

E.g Gen 2:22,23; Gen 24:40 Adam, Isaac, Moses pattern adopted by the patriarchs


They learnt to love who they married, not marry who they love
Matthew 1: 18, 19


There was no experimental dating as we know it today my Grandpa

Things that complicate dating in our day

B. Children when growing up see a totally wrong

view of sex and male/female relationships on TV in movies, the Internet, Social media, and among schoolmates

- Dating is a status thing among young people - Healthy friendship between opposite gender lots of it - Dating almost always involves or leads to kissing, touching and eventually sexual intercourse

Things that complicate dating in our day

C. Parents themselves have had no teaching on biblical principles as regards dating

- they probably did it wrong - they do not know what the Bible says

D. Some parents think that matchmaking and early dating

Is cute and so they encourage it

Things that complicate dating in our day

E. Parents find it difficult to resist the persuasions of their young adults about dating

- who wants to be tagged old fashioned? - only few parents have strong standards - Even pastors and youth groups do not have clear standards

Poor foundations, set up for failure To have success in this area, submit this to the principles of Gods Word Numbers 9: 1 11

Biblical Concepts That Apply to Dating

A. 1 Thess 4: 3 8 God wants us to be free from any premarital sexual encounters and promiscuity Includes:

I. II.

Idolatry Licentiousness
stirring up sensual desires e.g kissing (long, extended, french kiss), hugs are good but all in all you must be careful about how much physical permission you give to each other, can easily turn sinful) inappropriate touching, indescent bodily movements etc SOS 2:7, Eph 4:17-19. 2 Pet 2:7

Biblical Concepts That Apply to Dating

I. II. III. IV. V.

Passion of lust Evil deires Fornication All these are clearly forbidden in the bible Whatever dating guideline we have must not include these

Ques: Can you have a romantic relationship without all these? Yes Can Absence of all these lead to marriage? Know anyone ?

Biblical Concepts That Apply to Dating

B. God wants us to get married but without sinning in the process. Mary & Joseph engaged, be purposeful, focus on ur destination, dont stop to snack/ eat 1. Dont take advantage nor defraud Jacob defrauded Esau acquired the blessing intended for him the wrong way 2. Defrauding injuring somebody for your gratification,taking what does not belong to you yet, 3. Not before covenant commitments & vows are said

You never, ever have to yield to sin to get Gods best for your life

Biblical Concepts That Apply to Dating

C. The romantic desires in us are from God not sin!




God created the tongue, for us to enjoy the food we eat, likewise, He created the romatic desire we all experience, but for a reason and within certain boundaries He desires we bring them under the control of the Holy Spirit 1 Tim 5: 1,2 - treat them as sisters, takes sex out of it These desires can only be righteously fulfilled in marriage Pro 5: 15 20 seems unfair that we have romantic desires that cant be fulfilled till later


Dating From A Biblical Perspective-Part 2

Developing Relationships: Gods Pattern vs Satans Pattern

Exactly opposite

Mans Nature A triune being 1 Thess 5:23. God-conscious, self-conscious & sense or world conscious parts of man
Satans Pattern Body, Soul and Spirit Gen 3: 6

Gods pattern Spirit, Soul and Body (getting born again)

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating

A. Satans Dating Plan which leads to death John 10: 10 1. Relationship starts in the physical realm (physical attraction, physical activities, surface communication) 2. Hopefully, it moves to the soul realm ( why dont we ever talk?) 3.Relationship based on physical Physical beauty and its retention is very important Sexual experimentation is necessary to keep love

o o

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating

B. Gods Dating Plan which leads to Life 1. Relationship starts by being one in the Spirit Cant marry a non Christian (no unity in the spirit), Young converts excluded Cant date a non Christian All are brothers and sisters in Christ (love, honor, seek best interest, be considerate) Activities that promote unity of the spirit i.e church services, bible studies, prayer meeting etc

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating
2. Second level of relationship is being one in the soul realm Involves becoming one in mind, will and emotions Could be described as cultivating deepening levels of friendship: Acquaintances Casual friends Close friends Develop a wide range of wholesome relationships with the opposite gender have a fuller and richer life

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating

It is at the close friend level that you can explore the idea of marriage Activities limited to non-romantic type involving others

3. The third level involves the coming together in the physical realm (reserved for marriage) Have Your Personal Dating Standards commitment to purity and wellbeing of the other party.

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating
Gods Dating Plan

Satans Dating Plan

Basis: God Centered relationships based on wholesome attraction, common commitment to God and Christian friendship Foundation: Principles found in the Bible

Self Centered relationships based on natural attraction, feelings and sensual desires

No particular principles Feelings

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating
Gods Dating Plan

Satans Dating Plan

Goals: Mutual edification Giving Focus: Becoming one in the spirit and soul Pacing: Relationship takes time to grow through the stages, getting to know one another, willing to pace the relationship

Mutual gratification Receiving Physical activity and experimentation Relationship moves quickly bypassing levels to take advantage of the other defrauding each other

Gods Pattern for Relationships Should serve as our pattern for Dating
Gods Dating Plan

Satans Dating Plan

Relationship to others: relationship inclusive of the Body of Christ Results: Stronger relationship to the Lord & others, Healthy self image, Xter development for the better, Good example to others, Peace, Joy, Strong foundation,

Relationship exclusive of the body of Christ Weakened relationship to God & Others, Unhealthy self image,Xter change for the worse, influence others to sin, Confusion, Strife, Pain, Sorrow, Regret,Bad foundation for marriage, Death

Why Some Singles Choose Satans Dating Plan Immoral Relationships

They think getting involved sexually proves they are in love 1 Cor 13: 4 - 8 Everyone is doing it For young women, it is the expected price of a date To get popular Sex is seen as a sport or a game Sex is the next easy step from the lesser forms of physical activities already engaged in

Steps Down The Road to Impurity

James 1: 14, 15 Impurity begins in the mind when you dont do battle in the mind, a nest gets built in your hair Matthew 15:19 Impurity is fed passively through the eyes gate scantly dressed ladies 2 Pet 2:14, Matthew5: 27 -29 deal with your eyes drastically Impurity progresses by actively feeding that sexual appetite e.g magazines, filthy talks, jestings, video, pornograhic materials, internet Romans 6:11-14 not slaves of sin but of righteousness

Steps Down The Road to Impurity

Impurity matures further through sexual experimentation Gal 6: 1 Suddenly? Not really, been building up, failed nos 1- 3. Matthew 16:18,19 whatever you allow is allowed ends up in a liefstyle of adultery 1 Cor 6:9-10


Let us pray

Lifting up holy hands in worship

Metamorphosis Church Confession over our Tithes

Metamorphosis Church Confession over our Tithes

I bring all my tithes into the Lord's storehouse, so that there is provision in His house. As a result, He opens up the windows of heaven and pours out a blessing for me so that there is not room enough to contain it. I declare that the devourer is restrained from destroying the fruits of my efforts. I declare I have the ability to see and seize opportunities around me. All the nations shall call me blessed, for I shall have a delightful life. The favour of God is upon me and my endeavors, therefore I will never want. AMEN

Metamorphosis Church
Confession over our Offerings and Gifts

Metamorphosis Church Confession over our Offerings and Gifts

I seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the things that I need are added unto me. I acknowledge that all my needs are met according to God's riches in glory by Christ Jesus. The Lord supplies seed for me to sow and bread for my food. He also supplies and multiplies my seed for sowing and increases the fruits of my righteousness. I am furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation. I declare that I walk in Gods covenant of financial increase. All my financial obligations of rent, bills, fees, levies, etc are fully paid for without stress, struggle, delay or borrowing. AMEN

This Week
July 31,2011

Bi Weekly Prayer Meeting

Every 1st & 3rd Saturday of the month @ Pastors residence 7am-9am

Lev 6:13 A perpetual fire [of prayer] shall be kept burning on the altar; it shall not go out

The Prophetic Healing and Dream Interpretation Team

Event: Equipping meeting with Pastor Richard Date: 20th of September, 2013 Time: 11pm Venue: The pastors residence


We are meeting immediately after the service. Thank you.

Birthday and Anniversaries

Meeting Ends

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