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INTRODUCTION Science Method Research Research Design Statistic Analysis Principle of Experimental Design

As basic of scientific research Research as direction learn process by science method. Process of learn : problem solving to the curiosity , answer the question (what, why, how), rationale and empirical

Research objective :
Un known problem To confirm of theory at special condition To develop of the theory

Research goal : dependent to researcher interest

As sample : to solution of nutrition problem with
economic, sociology or biology aspect To solution of animal production problem with nutrition, biology social economic aspect

Steep of research as cycle science method :

Formulation problem : as sample, the problem of low animal productivity emphasis by nutrition, biology, social economic aspect . Formulation of rationale frame, to image of main variable, relation intra variable, assumption basic To make simple model and to arrange hypothesis Hypothesis test : Data Collecting by observation and experimental To make of result : receive or reject of hypothesis

Probleem Formulation Science Rationale Deductive Coherence Hypothesis arrange

Rational Frame arrange

Correspond Empirical Inducitive


Hypothesis test


The principle are sampling technique for generation Need parameter estimation and hypothesis statistic test Kind of research design : Experimental and Observational

Same principle :
Populasi Awal Start Population Keadaan Awal Start Condition Condition Kondisi Aof A Perlakuan Treatment Change Perubahan Development Perkembangan Manuver Manuver Exposure Exposure Populasi Akkhir Final Population Keadaaan Akhir Final Condition Kondisi B of B Condition

Statistic Analysis is hypotetic statictic test The kind of Statictic Analysis Parametric
Analisis of Variance / Covariace Mean Comparison Regression Analysis
Pair : Multiple : Group, Trend

Non Parametric

The X2 Test Signed Rank Test The Sign Test

Terminology : Experiment : Planned inquiry to obtain new fact Experiment Design Procedure of data collecting in experiment Procedure of treatment allocation at unit experiment Treatment : Procedure whose effect is to be measured and compared with other treatment

Experimental Unit = Experimental plot The unit of material to which one application of treatment is applied Sampling Unit : Fraction of the experimental unit Eksperimen Error (=Galat Percobaan)

Measure of the variation which exist among observation on experimental units treated alike. Variation comes from : 1) The inherent variability that exists in the experiment material to which treatment are applied, 2) The variation which result from any lack in uniformity in the physical conduct of the experiment.

Replication : When a treatment appears more than once in an experiment Function :

Factor affecting the number Replication :

To provide an estimate of experiment error To improve the precision of experiment by reducing the standard deviation of treatment mean To increase the scope of inference of the experiment by selection and appropriate use of more variable experiment unit To effect control of error variance Homogeneity of experiment unit Treatment characteristic Level of precise Experiment characteristic (critical or explorative) Constrain of labor, cost, and time

Randomization :
To give same option of each experiment unit to obtain the some treatment. To ensure that we have a valid or unbiased estimate of experimental error and treatment means and different among them Generally involves the use of some chance device or the use of random number tables

Error Control : Purify of experiment error Exclude of the experiment error from environment

Experiment error, come from :

Natural Environment (experiment conduct and variability of experiment unit)

Control Error :
Experiment design (Blocking) The use of concomitant observation Size and shape of experiment unit

Planing and conducting of experiment Research technique procedure Variable Statistic Analysis - Analysis of Variance/Covariance - Mean comparison - Regression analysis, etc
Choice of experiment unit and treatment Choice of experiment design Conduct of experiment

Environment Design
The Completely Random Design The Randomized Complete Block Design The Latin Square Design Factorial Experiment Split Plot Experiment

Treatment Design

Example : experiment with 6 level protein treatment (A, B, C, D, E, F), 4 replication, have 24 homogen experiment unit :
A1, A2, A3, A4 B1, B2, B3, B4 C1, C2, C3, C4 D1, D2, D3, D4 E1, E2, E3, E4 F1, F2, F3, F4

1. 2.



Give of the number at experiment unit : 1 s/d 24 Take of the random number table , example: 421658 027639 516240 743165 926304 895421 195237 674328 Grouping of Random number as 2 digit : 42 16 58 02 76 39 51 62 40 74 31 65 92 63 04 89 54 21 19 52 37 67 43 28 Rank the random number (no 3) : 11 3 16 1 22 9 13 17 10 21 7 19 24 18 2 23 15 5 4 14 8 20 12 6

5. Allocation Treatment 11 3 16 1 22 9 13 17 10 21 7 19 A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 24 18 2 23 15 5 4 14 8 20 12 6 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 E3 E4 F1 F2 F3 F4

A4 1

D3 2

A2 3

E3 4

E2 5

F4 6

C3 7

F1 8

B2 9 B4 17

C1 10 D2 18

A1 11 C4 19

F3 12 F2 20

B3 13 C2 21

E4 14 B1 22

E1 15 D4 23

A3 16 D1 24

Experiment unit heterogeous enviroment so that one element can be controlled by grouping Replication became group or group as repilicates Radomization using random numbers as an example in CRD. The treatments were randomized to experiment unit in each group

Satuan percobaan heterogen terdiri dari dua unsur lingkungan sehingga dapat dikontrol dengan pengelompokan baris dan kolom Pengacakan perlakuan hanya dilakukan pada baris pertama dan kolom pertama Selanjutnya penempatan perlakuan dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga pada tiap baris dan tiap kolom tiap perlakuan hanya muncul satu kali.

Percobaan faktorial adalah percobaan yang perlakuan terdiri dari dua atau lebih faktor dengan levelnya masing-masing Kombinasi perlakuan disusun lebih dahulu, Misal faktor A dan B bila masing-masing ada 2 level, maka terdapat kombinasi perlakuan, yaitu a1b1, a1b2, a2b1, a2b2 Selanjutnya pengacakan kombinasi perlakuan tergantung rancangan lingkungan yang digunakan RAL, RAK atau RBSL

Percobaan split plot juga percobaan yang perlakuan terdiri dari dua atau lebih faktor dengan levelnya masing-masing Perbedaannya kombinasi perlakuan tidak dapat disusun lebih dahulu, tetapi terpisah salah satu faktor sebagai petak utama (main plot) dan faktor lainnya sebagai anak petak (sub plot) Misal faktor A sebagai petak utama dan faktor B sebagai anak petak bila masing-masing ada 2 level, Selanjutnya pengacakan dilakuan bertahap. Petak utama diacak lebih dahulu tergantung rancangan lingkungan yang digunakan RAL, RAK atau RBSL Selanjutnya anak petak diacak pada tiap petak utama

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