Communications - Did You Know

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Communications did you know?

If you tell 100 people something without repetition:

After 24 hours, 25 percent have forgotten it

After 48 hours, 50 percent have forgotten it

After 72 hours, 75 percent have forgotten it After one week, 96 percent have forgotten it

Communications Did you know?

People remember:

10 percent of what they read 20 percent of what they hear 30 percent of what they see 50 percent of what they see and hear 80 percent of what they say 90 percent of what they say and do

Importance of precise and concise communication

The following humorously depicts how important it is to be precise and concise whilst communicating in the corporate world... From: Managing Director to: Vice President Tomorrow morning there will be a total eclipse of the sun at nine o'clock. This is something which we cannot see everyday. So let all employees line up outside, in their best clothes to watch it. To mark the occasion of this rare occurrence, I will personally explain the phenomenon to them. If it is raining we will not be able to see it very well and in that case the employees should assemble in the Canteen."

From : Vice President

To : General Manager By order of the Managing Director, there will be a total eclipse of the sun at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. If it is raining we will not be able to see it in our best clothes, on the site. In this case the disappearance of the sun will be followed through in the canteen. This is something we cannot see happening everyday." which we cannot see happen everyday

FROM : General managers To : Industry Managers By order of the Managing Director, we shall follow the disappearance of the sun in our best clothes, in the canteen at nine o' clock tomorrow morning. The Managing Director will tell us whether it is going to rain. This is something we cannot see happen everyday

From : Industry Managers To : Location heads

If it is raining in the canteen tomorrow morning, which is something that we cannot see happen everyday, the Managing Director in his best clothes, will disappear at nine o'clock."
From : Location heads To : Marketing Executives Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, the Managing Director will disappear. It's a pity that we can't see this happen everyday. So friends, the next time you are communicating, be careful. Your Communication can Make it or Break it.

Types of Communication

Verbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication

Written Communication

IMPORTANCE OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION Communication researcher Mehrabian found that only 7% of a messages effect are carried by words ; listeners receive the other 93% through non -verbal means. Birdwhistell suggested that spoken words account for not more than 30-35% of all our social interactions. Over 65 percent of the social meaning of the messages we send to others are communicated non-verbally. From our handshakes to our hairstyles, nonverbal details reveal who we are and impact how we relate to other people.

Types of Non verbal communication

Gestures Postures Eye contact Body language Facial expression

Written Communication

Letters Memos Email Reports/White Papers Other written documents

Written communication

Emphasise the positive

Mix sentence length up

Use short words instead of longer alternatives

Get rid of redundant expressions

Clarity in Writing

Rs 1000000000 Rs. 10,00,00,000/Rs. 10 Crore

Emphasise the positive

Please send your payment so that we can renew your membership.

Not the negative

If you don't send your payment, we won't be able to renew your membership.

Get rid of redundant expressions


because instead of in view of the fact that, now instead of at this point in time, many Instead of a large number of

Keep it short
Dont write..
If there are any points on which you require explanation or further particulars we shall be glad to furnish such additional details as may be required by telephone.

Instead say..

.If you have any questions, please ring.

Top tips for written communication

1. 2.

3. 4.


Prepare well Get the basics right - the what, who, when, how Be clear of your objectives Know your audience Be realistic

Top Tips
6 7

9. 10.

Dont use complicated words, keep it simple Be sure regarding what you want to Highlight Team up with other groups Dont lose sight of your purpose Whatever you do dont assume information

Communication Skills

While Writing

1. Plan what you want to say in your letter 2.Reread the letter when you have finished 3.Check spelling & punctuation, then send the letter 4.Use simple language avoid ambiguous words

Keep in mind while writing a letter

Visualize the reader when you are writing Dont write unbroken paragraphs Use numbered paragraphs to make crossreferencing easier Punctuation plays the role of body language in writing

Phone Etiquette

DO return calls in a timely manner DO say you will call back if you need to calm down, get an answer, then think over it DO keep your voice mail message current and professional DO smile when you answer the phone

Use headings and subheadings. Use ruled sheets instead of plain ones. Dont print without thoroughly checking your sources.

Phone etiquette

DO answer using your name, title and ask how you can help DO always leave your phone number, and speak politely DO leave a short, detailed message DO take the name and number of a caller you are transferring in case you are Disconnected. Dont Argue or shout at customers even if customers are abusing or saying unethical things. Do greet customers as you receive the call Be very enthusiastic and energetic in solving problems of customers

Phone etiquette

Address customers always with their last name as it shows respect towards them. Apologize if customer has faced hindrances due to the company Do talk softly and politely and avoid arrogance and rude Behaviour Dont get into personal issues of customers as this would not be tolerated by customers Assist customers in all the possible ways For long messages, follow a script Monitor your time

Email Etiquette

Subject line should be short and specific Avoid jargon and abbreviations - lollz, :) Use short paragraphs Read for content and grammar before sending Be consistent with format Read the mail twice and analyze to make sure that there are no mistakes before you hit send While sending a mail to everyone make sure the content of mail is for everyone to view and not offensive

Dress Code

What you wear says something about who you are as an employee Its OK to be relaxed but not OK to be unprofessional Accessories make the man, or woman but easy does it Remember the details Consider your activity

Important Points for effective communication

Say to yourself, I will get Response Come up with a topic for discussion everyday Start improving upon pronunciation Develop habit of reading start with the English newspaper / Comics Understand first, then communicate Dont be afraid of asking questions

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