NCDS - The Global Response

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Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): The Global Response

Katie Dain Director of Policy and Campaigns The NCD Alliance

NCD Who we are A A UNIQUE civil society alliance

Who We Are
Founded by four international NGO federations in 2009: World Heart Federation (WHF) International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)

We are a unique civil society network that unites

over 2,000 organisations in 170 countries

We have established strategic alliances WHO, UN, governments, political blocs (the Commonwealth, CARICOM), The Lancet, World Economic Forum

Our Vision
Putting NCDs at the heart of

national health and development planning, and in the mainstream of the post-2015 development framework
In 2012 we planned to deliver through to 2015 a four year plan.

Four Strategies:
Global Action National Action Building the Demand Building the Alliance

NCD What drives A us A GLOBAL epidemic out of


Defining NCDs: 4 x 4


Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Cancer Chronic Respiratory Disease

Risk Factors:

Tobacco Use Unhealthy diet Physical Inactivity Harmful Use of Alcohol

The NCD Epidemic

A public health emergency in slow motion Ban Ki-moon,

UN Secretary General

NCDs: The Scale and Human Impact

Biggest killer worldwide 36 million deaths every year (63% of all deaths) Biggest cause of disability - 50% of all disability

9 million preventable deaths before

the age of 60

80% of NCD deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMCs) Fastest rise in LMCs NCD deaths up
by over 50% by 2030

A crisis of our own creation

NCDs: The Economic Cost

Macro-Economic Impact:
In 2009 and 2010 WEF rate NCDs one of top global risks NCDs cost world economy $47 trillion over next 20 years

High healthcare expenditure IDF estimate that diabetes

caused USD378 billion in global healthcare in 2010

Catastrophic costs of NCD morbidity and mortality push
vulnerable families into destitution In India, 1 in 4 families where a family member has cardiovascular disease experience catastrophic expenditure

Non-Communicable Diseases: An Interconnected Epidemic

We Have Cost-Effective Solutions

Source: Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Horton R, et al for The Lancet NCD Action Group and the NCD Alliance.

The NCD Paradox

Despite the scale and impact of the epidemic
Was not a global health priority Not recognised as a

development issue
Lack of global resources No sense of urgency or outrage

Donor Funding: Where are NCDs?


HIV/AIDS & STDs* Health Policy & Admin. Management* $1.65 Infectious Disease Control $1.33 Reproductive Health $1.16 Basic Health Care $1.14 Malaria Control $0.80 Family Planning $0.53 Tuberculosis Control $0.45 Basic Nutrition $0.33 Medical Services $0.24 Basic Health Infrastructure $0.23 Medical Research $0.22 Medical Education/Training* $0.21 Health Education $0.06 Water Supply/Sanitation - Large Systems Water resources policy/admin. mgmt $0.93 Basic Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation $0.92 Waste Management/Disposal $0.42 River Development $0.10 Water Resources Protection $0.06 Water Education/Training $0.01

Total Health ODA: $22.1 billion Health ODA for NCDs: $3.90 2.3%

Official Development Assistance for Health (2006, in US$ Billions, total is US$21 billion) Source: WHO

Distorted Health Systems in LMICs

I wish I had AIDS and not diabetes.

- Man with diabetes in Cambodia

NCD What we do A
Raising the PRIORITY of NCDs

NCD Alliance Strategic Priorities

Global Action
Global advocacy strategy to maintain political commitment and accelerate global action on NCDs

National Action
National advocacy strategy to build national capacity and support implementation

Building the Demand

Communications strategy to raise political and public awareness of NCDs, and build demand for action

Building the Alliance

Organisational strategy to build the NCD Alliance to be a robust and inclusive organisation

Global Action

Secure political

commitment and leadership for NCDs

Establish the foundations of the global NCD

Integrate NCDs into the

international development agenda

1 The UN Summit High-Level Summit on NCDs, 2011

34 Heads of Government/State 133 Member State statements 43 Member State commitments Over 50 side events watershed event with a clear before and after, with A Record civil society ignorance, complacency and inertia replaced by participation awareness, shock and the right actions straight away
(WHO Director General, Margaret Chan)

1 UN Political Declaration on NCD Prevention + Control UN Political Declaration on NCDs 2011

Secured Political Commitment
22 action orientated commitments on prevention, treatment and care Governments to ensure NCDs at the centre of national health and development New era of political leadership, multisectoral action and international cooperation on NCDs

Keeping the Pressure on Global Campaigns

Global NCD Framework Campaign
Maintaining political momentum on NCDs

Global Development Campaign

Elevating NCDs onto the global developmen t agenda

Global NCD Framework Campaign Priorities

Maintaining political momentum and ensuring NCD commitments are fulfilled

Global Accountabi lity

Global Action Plan

Global NCD Partnershi p

Foundations of the global NCD architecture

Global Accountability WHO Monitoring Framework

9 global targets and 25 indicators

What gets measured, gets done

WHO DG, Margaret Chan

Global Action Plan - 2013-2020

Previous WHO NCD Global NCD Action Plan 2008-2013 expired GAP 2013-2020 a roadmap for implementing UN Political Declaration and achieving 9 global targets Developed over 12+ months, in consultation with relevant stakeholders 6 global objectives for Member States, WHO and

Global NCD Partnership

This is not a problem that health ministers can solve on their own. We need all partners.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

A light touch global coordinating mechanism (GCM) that convenes and mobilises relevant sectors (UN, govt, NGOs and private sector) to catalyse collective and coordinated global

Global Development Campaign Priorities

Integrating NCDs into the successor goals to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

MDGs (2000) increased resources and action on poverty issues maternal mortality, HIV and child education NCDs excluded = barrier to resources and political priority Post-2015 Process led by UN: historic opportunity for NCDs

Global Development Campaign Process

UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)

June 2012

UNSG HighLevel Panel of Eminent Persons


Global thematic consultation s (including health)


Open Working Group on Sustainable Development


Keeping NCDs at the heart of post-2015 discussions

NCD Alliance Vision for Post-2015

Vision for Post-2015

Global Development Campaign Progress Global thematic consultation on

health: NCDs recognised as a priority for health in post-2015 Healthy life expectancy framed as overarching health goal Universal health coverage (UHC) as instrumental to achieving health UN High-Level Panel Report on Post-2015: 3 dimensions of sustainable development 5 transformative shifts 12 goals and 54 targets Health goal, with NCDs included

Maximising Political Events

UN High-Level Review MDGs GCM MS Consultation s The Union Congress IDF Congre ss


UN SG Progress Report on NCDs

Intergovernmen tal negotiation on post-2015

UN Review on NCDs

134th WHO Executiv e Board

Negotiations on modalities for UN review on NCDs WHF Congre ss

67th World Health Assembly

UICC Congre ss

UN High-Level Summit on Post2015 136th WHO Executive Board

68th World Health Assembly

Se pt

No v

De c


Jan May May

Delivering on commitments in the 2011 UN Political Declaration on NCDs Dec Jan


Ma y

Sep t

National Action

Priorities: Support capacity building of national and regional advocacy; Identify and disseminate good practice in national NCD policies and practices; Promote civil society monitoring on NCDs at the The need for a strong NCD national/regional level.
civil society movement in all countries has never been more pressing

Capacity Building for National Action2

Facilitate and strengthen the network of

national/region al NCD alliances

Building the Demand


Communications-led activities, including international PR activity and social networking; Raise the voice and rights of people living with NCDs, across all NCD Alliance campaigns and communications; Broker knowledge among our network.

The breakthrough will come when

demand change

Global Communications Strategy3

Develop and deliver a global media strategy to focus public attention on NCDs; Highlight success stories and results to inspire action; Leverage key moments in the global NCD advocacy calendar; Produce videos to highlight the human face
Turning up

the volume
on NCDs

Building the Alliance


Broaden the alliance, at both the governance and network level; Build strategic alliances and partnerships within global development community and across UN, governments, NGOs, private sector.

we are


Strategic Partnerships for Impact at Scale

NCD Alliance

Gov e

rnm e nt s

te a v i Pr or t c Se

Ci v

il S

oc ie ty

d te s ni n U tio a N

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