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Welding is a process of joining two or more pieces of the same or dissimilar materials to achieve complete coalescence.

DEFINITION AS PER AWS / ASME A localised coalescence of metals or non-metals produced either by heating the materials to the welding temperature with or without the application of pressure alone, and with or without the application of filler material.

WELDING PROCESSES 1. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 2. Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) 3. Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW ) 1. - MIG , MAG 4. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW / TIG)


Thickness & Size of part to be welded Location and position of weld joints

Joint design
Welding equipment availability Process and operation requirement Production cost


SMAW process defined as an arc welding process which produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a covered metal electrode and the work-piece.

Shielding is obtained from decomposition of the electrode covering.

Pressure is not used and filler metal is obtained from the electrode.


Arc melts parent plate and electrode to form a weld pool which is protected by flux cover.
Operator adjusts electrode feed rate, I.e. hand movement to keep arc length constant. Slag must be removed after depositing each bead. Normally a small degree of penetration, requiring plate edge preparation. Butt welds in thick plate or large fillets are deposited in a number of passes. The process can also be used to deposit metal to form a surface with alternative properties.

Metal rods 1.5 - 8mm diameter with flux covering (1-5mm radial thickness). Widely used: 2.5x 250, 3.15 x350/450, 4 mm x 450 mm The characteristics of manual metal arc electrodes, i.e., arc stability, depth of penetration, rate of deposition, position of welding, depends on the chemical composition of the electrode coating classified by AWS specifications.


Current range
Open Circuit Voltage Deposition rate

: 75-300 A
: 65 - 80 V

Range of Thickness: 2mm upwards

: 2-11 lb/Hr

Types of joint : All

Welding position Access Portability : all (depending on flux coating) : Good : Good

Mostly confined to ferrous alloys, but can be used for some others. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Structural steel work. Ship Building Repair and Hard facing of plant. construction


Usage possible with restricted access.


Skilled operator is required for good quality welds.

Slow, mainly because flux must be chipped away. SAFETY Arc emits visible and ultraviolet radiation. High open circuit voltage present while electrode is fitted to holder.


SAW is defined as an arc welding process in which an arc is maintained between an end of a bare wire electrode and work piece. The arc is fully submerged in a layer of dry granular flux. Pressure is not used and filler metal is obtained from the electrode.


High weld metal Quality Smooth and uniform weld bead with no spatters. Extremely high deposition rate and welding speed. Current Range: 450 - 3000 A High Arc time can be achieved through automation.

Minimum operator fatigue.

High initial cost

Limited welding positions.

Requirement of special jigs and fixtures. Difficulty in welding low thickness metals.

GAS METAL ARC WELDING GMAW is defined as an arc welding process which produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a continuous filler metal (consumable) electrode and the work piece. Shielding is obtained entirely from an externally supplied gas or gas mixture.



TYPE OF OPERATION : Semi-automatic / Fully automatic.


: Power Source Wire feed Unit Welding gun or torch

Gas supply system travelling unit, if fully mechanised.


An arc is maintained between the end of the bare wire electrode and the work. The wire is fed at a constant speed, selected to give the required current, and the arc length is controlled by the power source. The operator is not therefore concerned with controlling the arc length and can concentrate on depositing the weld metal in the correct manner. Hence the name semi-automatic for manual operation, in which wire, gas and power are fed to a hand held gun via a flexible conduit.



The process can be operated at high currents (250-500A) when metal transfer is in the form of spray but except for aluminium, this technique is confined to welding in the flat and horizontal positions. For welding in the vertical and overhead positions. Special low-current techniques must be used, I.e. dip transfer or pulsed arc shielded by a stream of Gas.

GMAW - OPERATING PARAMETERS Current range : 65-500 A Metal Transfer modes: Globular - in CO2 welding ( Non-axial metal transfer) for Structures Spray Transfer - Thk > =6mm; in MIG ( Axial Transfer) for piping ( with Argo-CO2 shield) high thickness range. Dip Transfer ( Short Circuit ) - suitable for thin sheet metal works ( thk @ 3 mm or less)

: Dip transfer, pulsed arc Above 0.5mm Spray transfer 6mm upwards
Deposition rate :12-10 Kg/Hr (2-20 Lb/Hr)

Types of joint

: All including spot welds

Electrodes, bare wire (m.s. is normally copper coated) 0.6-1.6mm dia. Layer wound on spools 0.5-12 Kg (125lb) weight. Composition of wire selected to suit parent material; wire specifications covered by BS 2901. Electrodes, flux cored are available for high deposition rate welding. Shielding gas in cylinders containing compressed gas which will expand to 7Cu.M (250 Cu.Ft) at atmospheric pressure. Composition to suit parent material usually carbon dioxide (CO2) for mild steel, argon for nonferrous materials and argon with 1.5% oxygen or 520% CO2 for high strength and corrosion resisting ferrous alloys.Other mixtures are used in special circumstances.

CO2 Welding ( MAG )- For structures

MIG Welding with Argon / Helium/ Mixed Gases - for Low Alloy, Mild Steel, Aluminium alloy,
Copper and Copper allloys

Spray Transfer method - for heavy wall thickness pipes, structures

Dip Transfer ( Short Circuit) - for Thin sheet metal working. Vehicle manufacturing.

OVERALL ADVANTAGES Continuous process Reduced finishing operations

Thin sheets can be welded in all positions by dip transfer mode.

OVERALL LIMITATIONS No independent control of filler addition. Range of action limited by wire feed. SAFETY Arc emits visible and ultraviolet radiation.

GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING GTAW is defined as an arc welding process which produces coalescence of metals by heating them with an arc between a tungsten (non- consumable) electrode and the work piece. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) uses a non consumable tungsten electrode which must be shielded with an inert gas. The arc is initiated between the tip of the electrode and work to melt the metal being welded, as well as the filler metal, when used. A gas shield protects the electrode and molten weld pool, and provides the required arc characteristics.




Superior quality welds Welds can be made with or without filler metal Precise control of welding variables (heat) Free of spatter Slag free

Low distortion

Requires greater welder dexterity than MIG or stick welding Lower deposition rates More costly for welding thick sections

RECOMMENDED ELECTRODES / FILLER WIRES BASE MATERIAL CARBON STEEL CARBON MOLY 11/4 Cr - 1/2 Mo P11 21/4 Cr - 1 Mo 5 Cr - 1/2 Mo 9Cr - 1 Mo 18 Cr 8 Ni 16 Cr 13 Ni Mo 18 C 10 Ni cb 18 Cr 10 Ni Tl 23 Cr 12 Ni 25 Cr 20 Ni Miscelleneous P22 P5 P9 COATED ELECTRODES ASME AWS SFA 5.1 E 7018 SFA 5.5 E 7018 A1 SFA 5.5 E 8018 B2 SFA 5.5 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.4 SFA 5.11 E 9018 B3 E 502 E 505 E 308 E 316 E 347 E 347 E 309 E 310 E Ni Cr Fe2 FILLER WIRES ASME AWS SFA 5.18 ER 70 S2 SFA 5.28 ER 80 SB2 SFA 5.28 ER 80 SB2 SFA 5.28 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.9 SFA 5.14 ER 90 SB3 ER 502 ER 505 ER 308 ER 316 ER 347 ER 347 ER 309 ER 310 ER Ni Cr3

STANDARD REBAKING PROCEDURE FOR LOW HYDROGEN ELECTRODES 1. Rebake the electrodes at 250-300 Deg. C for one hour. 2. Cool them in the same oven to 100 Deg. C 3. Transfer them to a holding oven maintained at 60-70 Deg. C 4. Draw from this oven for use.

5. Do not keep the rutile type electrodes in the same oven.


WPS shall be written as per ASME Section IX or IS 7307
( For Cross Country Pipelines: API 1104)

WPS is a written qualified welding procedure prepared to provide direction for making production welds to code requirements. The WPS or other documents may be used to provide direction to the welder or welding operator to assure compliance with the code requirements. WPS shall describes all of essential, non-essential and supplementary variables for each welding process.


PQR shall be written as per ASME Section IX or IS 7307.

PQR is a record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon.

The PQR is a record of variables recorded during the welding of the test coupons.
It is a record of what happened during a particular welding test.


WPQ shall be written as per ASME Section IX or IS 7310.

WPQ test shall be welded in accordance with qualified WPS.

Each manufacturer or contractor shall qualify each welder or welding operator for each welding process to be used in production welding.

QW -482 W ELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS (W PS) (See QW -200.1,Section IX ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Company Name W elding Procedure Specification no Supporting PQR No.(s) W elding Process(es) JOINTS (QW -402) Joint Design Backing Backing Material (Type) (Refer to both packing and retainers) Metal Non mettalic Non Fusing Metal Other 2.5+0.5mm mm Double 'V' Groove 60 Yes / No Nil t 1.5 .5mm

Larsen & Toubro Limited - ECC Construction Group


Rev . Rev .

0 -

Date Date Type(s)

29.12.2K Manual

BASE METALS(QW -403) P.No. 01 Group No 02 to P.No. 01 Group No. or Specification Type & Grade ASTM SA 516 GR 70 to Specification Type & Grade ASTM SA 516 GR 70 or Chem.Analysis and Mech. Prop. to Chem.Analysis and Mech. Prop. Thickness Range Base Metal Pipe Dia Range Other FILLER METALS(QW -404) Process Spec. No (SFA) Aws. No(Class) F.No. A.No Size of Filler metals Electrode Flux(class) Flux Trade Name Consumable Insert Other SMAW 5.1 E7018 04 01 2.5, 3.15 & 4.0mm NA NA NA Groov e 4.76 - 50 mm Groov e All -


Fillet Fillet

All All

QW -482 (Ba ck) W PS No. L&T/CPCL/ POSITIONS (QW -405) Position(s) of Groov e W elding Progression : Up Positions of Fillet PREHEAT(QW -406) Preheat Temp. Min Interpass temp.Max Preheat Maintanence 150 Deg. C for T > 19mm Shielding Trailing Backing 250 Deg.C Any Yes All Down X POST W ELD HEAT TREATMENT(QW -407) Temparature Range Heating & Cooling Rate GAS (QW -408) Percent Composition Gas(es) Mixture NA NA NA Flow Rate 595 to 650 Deg. C 160 Deg. C / Hr Re v. 0

(Contininous or special heating w here applicable should be recorded)

ELECTRICAL CHARECTRASTICS (QW -409) Current AC or DC Amps (Range) DC 60-180 Polority Volts Range SMAW - RP 18 - 24 V

(Amps and v olts range should be recorded for each electrode size,position, and thick etc. Tungsten electrode Size and Type Mode of metal Transfer for GMAW Eletrode W ire feed speed range TECHNIQUE (QW -410) String or W eav e Bead Orifice or Gas Cup Size Both NA W ire Brushing, Grinding Grinding NA -Multipass Single See Table NA NA NA (Pure Tungsten,2% Thoriated etc) NA Spray arc,short circuiting etc. NA

Intial and Interpass Cleaning (Brushing,Grinding etc.) Method of Back Gouging Ocillation Contact tube to W ork distance Multiple or Single pass (per side) Multiple or Single Electrodes Trav el Speed ( Range) Peening Other


___________________________________________________________________________________________ Amp Ra nge Volt Ra nge Tra ve l spe e d Ra nge mm/min 60-120 60-120 60-120 60-120

W e ld La ye rs

Proce ss

Fille r Me ta ls Cla ss Dia 2.5 2.5 3.15 4.0

Curre nt Type DC DC DC DC Polority RP RP RP RP

Othe rs

01 02 03 04


E 7018 E 7018 E 7018 E 7018

60-90 60-90 90-130 130-180

18-20 18-20 18-22 18-24


Pre pa re d by for LTCG

Re vie w e d a nd Approve d by for LTCG

Re vie w e d a nd Acce pte d by for CLIENT / CONSULTANT

QW -482 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORDS (PQR) (See QW -200.1,Section IX ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Re cord of Actua l conditions use d to W e ld Te st Coupon Company Name Procedure Qualification Record No. W PS No. W elding Process(es) JOINTS (QW -402) 25mm Larsen & Toubro Limited - ECC Construction Div ision
L&T/CP CL/ 01 L&T/CP CL/ 01

Rev . Rev .

0 0

Date Date Type(s)

15.02.2001 Manual


60 1.5 .5mm

Groove mm design of Test Coupon

BASE METALS(QW -403) Material Spec. : Type or Grade : ASTM SA 516 Gr. 70 01 25mm NA

POSTW ELD HEAT TREATMENT(QW -407) Temperature : Time : 620 Deg. C One Hour

P.No. 01 to P.No. Thickness of Test Coupon : Diameter of Test Coupon : Other : NA

Other : Rate of Heating : 160 Deg. C/ Hr Rate of Cooling: 130 Deg. C/ Hr GAS (QW 408) Percent Composition Gas(es) (Mixture) Flow Rate Shielding NA Trailing NA NA DC SMAW - RP 130 Av e Volts NA 18-21 V . NA . . . Backing Current Polarity Amps Other

FILLER METALS(QW -404) SFA Specification Aws. Classification Filler Metal F.No. W eld metal Analysis A.No Size of Filler metals Other : 5.1 E7018 04 01 2.5, 3.15 & 4.0mm NA


Tungsten . Electrode Size

W eld Metal Thickness POSITION(QW -405) Position of Groov e : Other PREHEAT (QW -406 ) Preheat Temp : Inter pass temp : Other 150 Deg. C NA NA . 6G Uphill NA . . W eld Progression (Uphill, Downhill) TECHNIQUE(QW -410) Trav el Speed : 60 - 120 mm / Min String or W eav e Bead: Root - String,Fillup-W eav e Oscillation . _________2.5 D Multipass or Single pass (per side) Multiple or Single Electrode Other NA Single Multipass

QW-483 (Back) PQR No. L&T/CPCL/01 Tensile Test (QW -150) Specimen No. T1 T2 Width 12.6 12.6 Thickness Area 25.1 25.1 316 316 Ultimate Total Load KN 1.570669702 1.568835768 Ultimate Type of unit Stress Mpa failure & Loc. 496.74 Fractured away 496.16 from the welded area

Guided - Bend Tests (QW -160) Type and Figure No 1. Face Bend FB1 2. Face Bend FB2 3. Face Bend FB3 4. Face Bend FB4 No No No No Toughness Tests (QW-170) Specimen No. Impact Values Notch Specimen Test Location Siz e Temp Ft. LBS % Shear Mils Drop Weight Break (Y / N) Result Significant Significant Significant Significant defect defect defect defect









Fillet - Weld (QW-180) Result - Satisfactory : yes Macro--Results Other Results Type of test Deposit analysis other NA NA NA No NA NA penetration into parent metal metal:yes : yes ______No _________

Welder's Name A.ARUL SELVAM Clock no _____________ Stamp no ______________ Tests conducted by : M/s __________________________Laboratory sargam metals Laboratory Test No test SM/MT/256A/2000-2001 No ______________________________ dated 14.02.2001 We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of section IX of the ASME Code.

Date :


Manufacturer : Larsen & Toubro Limited - ECC Division, Chennai By : P Sampathkumar

for L&T-ECCD

for M/s SGS India Limited


Insert Weld Symbol

Thermal Cutting Methods

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