Fund Raising - How You Could Help

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A different approach lets make it work!

To build IT infrastructure like

Notebooks Projectors Screens Wireless routers Electrical paraphernalia like Extension boards, generators, etc.
Payments to the trainers At actual reimbursements to the volunteers Support staff Miscellaneous things like soap dispensers, sanitizers etc.

Cover ongoing expenses like

We are middle class people who want to give back to society some bit of

what we have got from it We are not rich but we have enough to share a small bit from it! There are many people like us who would not have a fortune to share but would want to feel good by contributing a little to society. Seeing what their money is doing to better lives is gratifying and many are seeking this gratification. If we share with people the worth their money is getting they would be encouraged to participate on a regular and sustained basis. Getting to know whats happening from an impersonal e-mail id might not be the solution to this gratification. People would like to have a feel of whats happening with their money. It is impossible for Team CLP to maintain a personal relationship with these people in a corporate manner.

So whats the point

We are looking at raising funds through a network of people committed to the cause ?

You will tap into your pool of

Person AA Person A Person AB Person BA Person B Person BB Person BCA

acquaintances who share similar dreams

From these some would want to


just contribute themselves and not get into becoming fund raisers themselves (Person C)
There would be some who would

Person C

Person BC

Person BCB
Person BCC

be very passionate about it and actually enrol an entire band of people and also encourage them to become like him / her and thus build a chain of contributors (Person B)

Most would be like Person A who would go and talk to a select band of people whom they are comfortable with and request them to contribute. Hopefully some out of these may turn out Person B types. And that is how the network will grow!

Each node shall be responsible for the organization under

him/her Communication to donors shall be the responsibility of the nodes Processes / material for communication shall be standardized Nodes who turn into serious fund raisers may become part of the organization. We will look at an annuity based donor scheme so that predictability of funds is there Corporate donations / big ticket donations will be dealt with separately.

All of us can become fund raiser in big and small ways

Such a network would also ensure a steady stream of

volunteers as we grow people who give money might want to actually come, see send others makes it more credible real for them and it works for us to. Our success will be a very inclusive exercise and more like a movement than as an NGO battling with odds to achieve. Distinct advantage in terms of approach can prove to be a differentiator in making a mark

High Volume driven Organization Too many systems to be devised Multiple checks to be kept in place Adds to the risk of having too many individuals involved with

money though this could be managed I think!

ALL THIS COULD WILL BE SOLVED When we have an online system for managing the donations i.e.
Who gave what and from where Which branch is the new donor from ? Etc.etc.

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