Re Positioning of Extension Department (Power Point)

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Repositioning of

the Extension and

Advisory Services
Commodity System 1999
Review of Appraisals 2006 (new challenges
and realities)
Proposed restructuring – 2008 – 2009 (human
resource constraints)
Mission Statement
To work with the farming communities by
providing information through education
activities which will empower farm families to
adopt appropriate/suitable methods to
improve their socio economic well being and
contribute to national development.
Extension Defined
A system of trained human resource input
which serves to support, facilitate and
encourage agricultural growth in a qualitative
and quantitative manner within an organized
National Regional and International framework
,provision of Technical Support and advice
which enhance management techniques,
agricultural production marketing and relates
to the reality of the farmers.
Generalist Approach
Transfer of technology from outside to farm.
Use of a number of teaching methods
Involves primarily the human side factor
Use of and combination of lessons from
commodity approach – eg agriculture business
and enterprise development
Use of joint focus programming and task force
to sole problems
More structured approach
Objectives of the Extension
Extension promotes the development of the
rural population through Education.
Orientates Education to “Help the people
Takes useful information from Research to
Farmers and Farm problems back to research.
Works with sound and proven information.
Programmes start from the bottom and go to
the top.
Objectives Con’t
Works with all the people.
Promotes the organization of groups, schools etc.
for action within the communities.
It involves the people in activities that are
designed to promote their well being.
Evaluation of programmer, methods and
procedure is a continuous process.
The vetinate goal of Extension is to improve the
quality of life by increasing the productivity of a
Farm as well as increase the quality of countries
food, fibre and forestry production.
Extension Process
Survey determination
of needs Iden
clarifi tification a
cation n
of obj d


Plan of work


Implementation Calendar of
The Extension Worker’s
Communications Network
Identification of
Commodities / Enterprises
Commodities/Enterprises are selected for the
generalist approach based on the following
Markets are clearly defined in terms of values,
Post Harvest Treatment, Price, and seasonality.
Technology for producing the commodity at a
price acceptable to farmers is known.
Farmers knowledge of production technology
for the commodity is adequate.
Identification of
Commodities / Enterprises
Institutional support production and
marketing assured.
Choosing commodities with the highest
potential for generating Foreign Exchange and
reducing imports.
Choosing commodities with development
potential – New Development Initiatives.
Level of employment generation.
The Senior Management Team is responsible
for the final selection of the commodities –
Director of Agricultural Services, Deputy
Director of Agricultural Services to provide
Identification of Eco-
For each commodity Eco system are to be
selected for its production. The area where
production of the selected commodity is to be
carried out should be identified using the
following criteria:
Areas which are best suited for the production
of the commodity.
Concentration of farmers/farmers groups etc.
The lead persons are subject matter
specialist. This task must be done in
association with the regional supervisions and
the Extension Officers within the specific
Identification of farmers
Extension officers or area regional agricultural
development officers are responsible for the selection of
farmers using the following criteria.
Cooperates and responds to extension and Ministry of
Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries Programme.
Should be farming within the agro ecological zone
established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands,
Forestry and Fisheries.
Good relationship with other farmers and the public.
Ability to keep records and adopt good agricultural
practices (GAPS) – GAP record sheets and Ministry of
Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries record Keeping
Books will be used to record data.
Identification of farmers
 Willing to provide basic information on crops/commodity
 Is selling to a recognized market.
 Should be farming or is willing to farm a minimum acreage
for the economics establishment of commodity/enterprise,
which should be determined by the Ministry of Agriculture,
Lands, Forestry and Fisheries.
 Should be practicing environmentally safe environmental
 Willing to invest in commodity – Inputs and capital.
 Has a reliable labour force to produce the commodity to
meet the market demand.
 Once the farmers are identified extension officers must
develop a profile for each farmer. A profile forum is provided
in Annex I. The profile will be used as an instrument for
measuring impact.
Identification of farmers
Extension officer should have readily available
and updated informed in each farmer within
his sub area.
Extension should provide monitoring
information on each individual farmer and the
commodities growing on the farm.
Submit on a meekly basis information
collected from the farmers and submit to his
regional supervisor for onward transfer to
Chief Extension Officer etc.
Needs Assessment
Needs assessment using both rapid
reconnaissance methodology and
participatory rural appraisals methodology
will be used to collect data from a sample of
selected farmers.
Teams of at least five (5) persons should
conduct the assessment
Needs Assessment Con’t
Needs Assessment Con’t
The needs assessment should take a
maximum of three weeks. This should include
field work and report writing. The needs
assessment should yield information on
farmers perspective of constraints to effective
production and productivity of the enterprises.
Reports are submitted to the Regional
Supervisors and for onward transmition to the
head of Extension within two (2) weeks of
receipt. Needs assessment should be
conducted every two years if funding is
Development of Enterprise
/Commodity Profiles
Commodity/Enterprise profiles are to be
developed for each of the selected/targeted
commodities. Profiles are to be developed
within two weeks following the submission of
the needs assessment report to the Chief
Extension Officer.
The subject matter specialist is responsible
for putting together the profiles. The process
used in commodity/enterprise identification
and the needs assessment should inform the
development of the profiles. These should be
The following is a suggested format for the profiles:-

Development of Enterprise
/Commodity Profiles
Development of Impact Criteria
The Senior Management Team should meet at
the beginning of each programme to develop
and or review criteria for the measurement of
impact. The Director of agricultural service,
his nominee or the Chief Agricultural Planning
Officer should chair the meeting.
There will be two categories of criteria,
quantitative and qualitative:
Development of Impact
Training schedules
Each subject matter specialist together with
the regional supervisor is to develop a training
schedule for farmers and Extension Officers.
Training Schedules should include:-
 Topic
 Problem area to be addressed – knowledge, skills,
 Location
 List of tools and equipment

 Cost
Implementation schedules
Regional supervisors would be responsible for
implementation of the work programmeand
the general management and supervision of
the frontline Extension officers within the
region. A work plan for each sub area is
prepared by the frontline extension officer
along with targeted farmers within their
respective sub areas.
On finalization of programme, a meeting of
the general staff of the Extension Services is
convened so as to inform they or the
programmeand their other final comments.
Extension Methodology

Method and result demonstration

Group activities
Field Trip and tours
To ensure efficiency, effectiveness and
accountability. Reporting will be done at the
different period of implementation.

Itineraries will be developed by all officers in

the division. These itineraries will be done,
weekly or fortnightly, these itineraries has to
be approved vetted and signed by the
supervisor before these activities are
implemented at regional weekly/fortnightly
Roles and Responsibilities
See document
Role of Front line Extension
Develop work plans for his clientele.
Assist clientele in the development of their
farm plans
or to be a member of team of resource
persons in the development of farm plans for
the clientele.
Develop and update farmers profile on a
regular basis so as to arrive at farm typology.
Provide information
All Extension offices are to be open to the
general public from 8:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m daily
from Mondays to Fridays.
Office Attendant are responsible for daily
Management of the office from 8:30 a.m. –
4:30 p.m with 1hr for lunch preferable during
the period 12:30 p.m – 1:30 p.m or if
otherwise requested any changes would have
to be communicated to the Regional
Supervisor in advance or communicated to
the Chief Extension Officer.
See document
Temporary recruitment of staff 2-3 days/weeks.
Development of crash training programme. In
service training programme for all staff.
Succession planning programme – specialized
training for selected identified personnel.
Boundary realignment process –(1 & 2) (7 & 8)
extension of region 6 to Canaries Bridge and
region 7 to continue from there
Contracting out Extension Services – similar to the
RADA experience in Jamaica – Managed by a
Statutory Board is Suggested. Upgrading of office
attendants i.e. Regional secretary and Regional

Professional intensive Training Programme for
all staff e.g. phyco social skills training etc.
ICT/MIS and other appropriate technology
strategies to be encouraged.
Establishment of resource centers at least for
using quadrant development concepts –
promoting of regional offices to resource
centers – option B
Development of a Junior Extension / Rural
Recruitment of private contractor to do
specific projects /programmer of extension
Ministry of Agriculture to clearly articulate current
and future role of the Agriculture Sector.
• Determine policy , frame work and strategy and develop

Development of MIS System catering to all

Provision of s Monitoring and Evaluation officer for
Extension and Advisory .
Suggestions for change of name RADO, ADO,
AADO etc.
Formulate plans for a national policy on extension.
Contracting of Agricultural officers – option to
Consideration should be given to obtaining at
least one fourteen seater to be used for field
visits and tours.
Purchasing of an extension kit for all officers
of the Extension and Advisory Services .
Equipping officers with all demonstration tools
and equipment
Appendix 3 Supervisors Weekly Work Plan
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries
Extension and Advisory Services
Officer ………………………….. Region ………………………………….. Week ………………………………
Ministry of Agriculture, lands Forestry and Fisheries – Department of Agriculture
Crop Development
Thank you for your kind

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