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Inference: The extension of the spring depands on the mass of the boys.

The extension of the spring increases when the mass is increase.


To investigate the relationship between mass and the extension of the spring.

Variable: Manipulated variable: mass of the load

Responding variable : extension of the spring

Constant variable: Original length of the spring// strength of spring // constants of spring

Apparatus and material

Retort stand, load, spring, needle and ruler


Spring needle

Load ruler

Retort stand

Procedure: 1.The apparatus was set up as shown in figure

2.A mass of 10 g is hung at the end of the spring. . 3.The extension of the spring, x is calculated using formula x = the length of stretched spring original length
4.Repeat the experiment for mass = 20g, 30g, 40g and 50g.

Observation / Tabulated data

Mass (g) 10 20 30 40 50 Extensin / cm

Extension / cm

Mass, g

Inference: The pressure depands on the temperature

The higher the temperature, the higher the pressure.


To investigate the relationship between pressure and temperature.

Variable: Manipulated variable: temperature, T

Responding variable : pressure, P

Constant variable: Volume of water, V

Apparatus and material

Pressure gauge, round-bottom flask, beaker, water, thermometer, bunsen burner, retort stand


Procedure: 1.The apparatus was set up as shown in figure

2.Heat the water at temperature, 50oC

3.Then measure the pressure using the pressure gauge. 4.Repeat the experiment for temperature = 60oC, 70oC, 80oC and 90oC

Observation / Tabulated data

Temperature /oC 50 60 70 80 90 Pressure / Pa

Pressure / Pa

Temperature /oC

Object distance bulb Meter rule lens

Image distance screen

Low voltage power supply

No 4
Inference: The image depands on object distance

The longer the image distance, the bigger magnification // the nearest object distance, the bigger size image


To investigate the relationship between object distance and image distance // magnification

Variable: Manipulated variable: object distance, u

Responding variable : image distance, v

// magnification

Constant variable: focal length, f

Apparatus and material

Convex lens, Filement bulb, ruler, screen, power supply, holder

Object distance Image distance bulb lens screen

Meter rule

Low voltage power supply

Procedure: 1.The apparatus was set up as shown in figure

2.Adjust the object distance = 40 cm

3.Adjust the screen until to get the sharp image and measure the image distance, v.

4.Repeat for the object distance = 35 cm, 30 cm, 25 cm and 20 cm

Observation / Tabulated data

Object Image distance, u distance, v / cm /cm 40 35 30 25 20

Image distance

Object distance

Object distance bulb Meter rule lens

Image distance screen

Low voltage power supply

No 5
Inference: Induced current depands on no of turns the solenoid

The more no of turns the solenoid the higher the induced current


To investigate the relationship between no of turns the solenoid and induced current

Variable: Manipulated variable: no of turn the solenoid

Responding variable :induced current

Constant variable: diameter of solenoid, diameter of coil, high the magnet bar, speed the magnet

Apparatus and material

Solenoid, magnet bar, galvanometer, ruler


Procedure: 1.The apparatus was set up as shown in figure

2.Use 35 turns of solenoid. The magnet will be drop inside the coil. 3.Take the reading of galvanometer.
4.Repeat for the no. of turn the solenoid = 45, 55, 65 and 75 turns

Observation / Tabulated data

No.of turns 35 45 55 65 75 Induced current /A

Induced current

No of turns the solenoid

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