Psychosocial Treatment - Cognitive-Behavioral Theory

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Psychosocial treatment Cognitive-behavioral theory

Rely on the assumption that thought precede mood and that negative thoughts and beliefs are at the core of negative mood states . identifying and targeting the negative cognitions that drive the core features of PTSD Identifying maladaptive cognitions common to trauma victims ,like feeling of guilt, anger, shame. Goal: To identify the negative and distorted belief that patients have and replace them with positive thoughts that are believed to be more balanced and healthy.

1.Exposure-based interventions
Exposure Therapy General underlying principle: Repeatedly exposing an individual to feared traumatic memories and associated feeling within a safe, therapeutic environment in the absence of negative outcome Result: Patients Have a decrease in the avoidance behaviors Benefits: Helps patients realize that thoughts and feeling about their traumatic memory are different from the trauma itself , which are not inherently dangerous ,and can be tolerated .

2.Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

Rapid back-and forth eye movements had a desensitizing effect on patients own unpleasant or distressing thoughts. Goal: Help patients replace negative beliefs with positive ones through recalling the memory, thoughts, sets of eye movement

3.Anxiety management skills training

Stress Inoculation Training help inoculate patients from management skills training prior to exposure Emphasize on anxiety management techniques ,like systemic desensitization (progressive muscle relaxation) and breathing retraining(teaching patients to breathe deeply from their diaphragms) Also include cognitive techniques(i.e., positive thinking/reframing techniques/thought stopping) and exposure.

Psychopharmacological treatmentMedication
Medication :Act primarily on the neurotransmitters associated with fear and anxiety Include serotonin, norepinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA), and dopamine Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors( SSRIs) Examples: Seratraline(Zoloft) Paroxetine(Paxil) affect the neurotransmitters serotonin, which is implicated in regulating mood, anxiety, and sleep
Reference: Assessment and Treatment Planning for PTSD(Ebook library.Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons c2012)

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