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travel for recreational, leisure, or business purposes The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people "traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".[1]

Most-visited countries by international tourist arrivals


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5 6 7 8 9 10


Increase in disposable income Leisure time Changing lifesyle Amenities Accessibility Affordability Political stability Marketing

Increase in disposable income

Refers to the amount of money left for an individual to spend, or to be set aside as savings, after taxes. As economic conditions improve in many countries around the world, there is more money to spend on leisure activities, hence the means to travel as well.

Leisure time

Refers to time available outside of the demands of work or duty. People with more leisure time are more inclined to travel.


Refers to the range of attractions and facilities in a tourist location The presence of attractions in a tourist location will encourage tourism. For example, China has been able to continue attracting tourists due to the variety of attractions such as the Great Wall of China and the ancient city of Dali in Yunnan. The presence and quality of facilities such as hotels, shops and accommodation will influence tourist arrivals.


Refers to the ease with which people can reach places. Improvements in transportation such as better road, rail systems and air travel have reduced both time and cost of travelling, hence encouraging more tourism.


Refers to the cost of travel. The cost of travel have greatly been reduced due to to improvements in transportation. More, the cost of amenities such as accommodation are also becoming cheaper with more competitive tour packages, the rise of budget hotels and online hotel booking providers that offer discounted rates.

Political Stability

Countries with greater political stability are able to provide tourists with greater sense of stability and peace of mind


Refers to the advertising or promotion of a good or service The prevalent use of mass media to create awareness among people globally has created a greater desire for people to travel to different parts of the world

Changing lifestyle

Refers to the way a person or a group chooses to live which includes patterns of social relations, consumption and entertainment. As people become more educated and well-informed, travel has become an avenue of relaxation.

Tourism brings in large amounts of income in payment for goods and services available Economic benefits - Tourism can provide direct jobs to the community Social benefits - Tourism can bring about a real sense of pride and identity to communities. Environmental benefits - Tourism provides financial support for the conservation of ecosystems and natural resource management, making the destination more authentic and desirable to visitors.

People of Malaysia Same price as local for product that tourists buy. Cleanliness should be maintain Advertise through radios,television, magazines, posters, cleanliness newspappers, brochures and many others Encourage internal tourism Improve on transport facilities by purchasing modern tour vehicles and modernise roads to tourist attraction

Environmental Impact
Negative: Excessive and wasteful consumption Tourism has commonly increased the demand for resources such as water and energy. For example, tourists from DCs are used to using large amounts of water and energy freely. The high tourist season can put enormous stress on the local population in less developed tourist destination such as the the Gili islands of Bali, Indonesia.

Environmental Impact
Negative: Pollution As tourism intensifies, the emission of greenhouse gases increases as well as due to the use of more motor vehicles and air planes. For example, the increased demand for air-conditioned coaches and hotel rooms will inevitably contribute to global warming due to the use of large amounts of fossil fuels.

Environmental Impact
Negative: Pollution As tourism intensifies, solid waste and littering will also increase especially in places concentrated with tourist activities. For example, land pollution is increasingly becoming serous in Nepal as mountain hikers leave behind rubbish such as empty oxygen cylinders and plastic bottles.

Sustainable Tourism
Refers to a form of responsible tourism that meets the needs of present tourists and the host country while protecting and enhancing opportunities for future generations.
Makes optimal use of environmental resources Respects the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities Provides economic benefits to all stakeholders fairly and contribute to poverty alleviation.

Stakeholders of Tourism
Explain how the following stakeholders can contribute to sustainable tourism? 1. Tourists 2. Planning authorities 3. Businesses 4. Non-governmental organisations

Tourists should first gather information on the area and its local population first before they depart. Learning about the culture, traditions and backgrounds of a destination would enable tourists to better appreciate the locals way of life hence minimizing negative impact to the society and culture. For example, trekkers aware of the problems of deforestation in Nepal would be able to help manage the environmental impact of tourism by using less wood for hot water baths.

Planning Authorities
Planning authorities such as local governments and national government agencies may implement policies that restrict or control tourism development and visitor number. This will help to optimize the use of resources yet allowing the environment to recover. For example, the Bhutan government adopted a policy of "Low Volume and High Value" tourism by regulating the volume of tourist so as to prevent adverse impact on Bhutans unique culture, traditions and its environment.

Businesses such as hotels, tour operators and transport service providers can implement environmentally-friendly initiatives to conserve environmental resources. For example, more hotels are practicing environmentallyfriendly measures such as central air-conditioning, solarheating and water-recycling to reduce use of environmental resources.

Non-governmental Organizations
Non-governmental organizations are independent pressure groups that are formed to defend or promote a specific cause. These groups are generally the first to realize the effects of tourism and may conduct campaigns or protests to exert pressure on planning authorities. For example, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) conducts frequent activities to raise awareness and resources for conservation projects.

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