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Stress and Health

Stress Facts

The American Academy of Family Physicians estimates that 60% of the problems brought to physicians in the U.S. are stress related. Many are the result of stress; others are made worse or last longer because of it.

Health Problems with Excessive Stress

CHD and stroke Gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers Impaired immune system Insomnia, headache Backache Drug & alcohol use

How Stress Promotes Illness

Direct effect Raises blood pressure Impairs immune system Indirect effect Less positive behaviors (exercise, healthy diet, lack of sleep) More negative behaviors (drinking, smoking, unhealthy diet)

The Stress Target Zone



(The optimal amount of stress)

Stress Continuum

Rust Out (Boredom)

Fatigue, frustration, dissatisfaction

Creativity, problem solving, change, satisfaction

Burn Out (Distress)

Over-stimulation, ineffective problem solving, exhaustion, illness, low self-esteem

Types of Stressors

Heat, noise, crowding

Drugs, caffeine, tobacco

Emotional (psycho-social)
Pressures, life

Characteristics of Stressful Events

Harder to accept than

Take control of what you

Accompanies poorly defined

Contemporary Views of the Nature of Stress

The Process of Stress
Stressor Stress


Appraisal of Stressors
High Stress See stressor as a threat Stressor Appraisal See stressor as a challenge Low Stress Stress

Commitment Control Challenge

Are you a Hardy Person?

Responses to Stress

Increased HR Tense muscles

Worry, lack of concentration forgetfulness

Anger, sense of dread

Less patient, hurrying

Coping with Stress

Stressor within your control

Active Coping Strategies



Stressor out of your control

Passive Coping Strategies

Types of Coping Strategies

Active Coping Strategies

Accepting Re-Appraising Praying Problem Solving Controlling Seeking Social Support

Passive Coping Strategies

Ignoring Escaping Confronting Relaxing Exercising Seeking Social Support

Types of Social Support

Informational Material Emotional

These may be either active or passive

Summary of Stress
You may not be able to smooth out the surf, but you can learn to ride the waves!

Steps for Stress Management:

Identify causes and symptoms of stress Use measures to reduce stress Seek solutions for avoiding stressors

Accept what can't be changed Act on what can be changed

Maintain fitness and health

Better able to cope with stress when rested and in good shape

Common Stress Reduction Techniques

Quick "time out" Jacobson's progressive relaxation Autogenic training Biofeedback Each technique will be discussed Meditation / imagery separately in Exercise subsequent slides.

Quick "Time Out"

Deep breathing Take mind off of problems

Jacobson's Progressive Relaxation Technique

Involves alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles Teaches person to identify stressrelated tension in the body

Autogenic Relaxation Training

Combines deep rhythmic breathing with soothing imagery Feelings of heaviness and warmth facilitate process

Meditation / Imagery
Relies on deep breathing Facilitated by images of peace and relaxation

Provides a break from reality Improves mood and self-esteem


Stress is a natural part of life but with appropriate stress management techniques you can learn to manage it more effectively.

Time Management
Maximizing your available time Focusing your time on your priorities

Steps for Time Management

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Establish priorities Monitor current time use Analyze time use Make a schedule

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