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M SHANmughalingam

Grand dad did you breathe

before air cons were invented was it hard staying Alive without modern inventions? Grandma werent you flustered As you fluttered with paper fans? Could you communicate before Faxes and long distance calls Became basic necessities? Grandchild we lived Before your age. Because Of our ignorance, We did not know pollution, stress, traffic jams Destruction of forests, streams and hills We feared God and nature Now nature fears you and Money is your new God.

The grandchild is surprised at how his grandparents can live without the modern inventions such as the air conditioning and telephones which are now basic necessities in todays time.

The grandparent explains that even though his generation lacks of the technological conveniences, they live a life without pollution, stress, traffic jams and destruction of nature.


The poem is a dialogue between a grandchild and his grandparents. It show the differences between two generations especially in their lifestyles, values and beliefs. The title suggests the generation of today may inherit the latest inventions but they may not inherit the values of their forefathers.

Time Setting: The 20th Century

Place: In a house, in a city


Differences between two generations Life for the grandparents then was simpler and easier. The younger generation is more materialistic and more advanced in technology. Progress comes with a price Too much development has led to pollution, stress, traffic jams, destruction of forests, streams and hills. Challenges in life The younger generation has to preserve the environment. The older generation has to cope with progress.


Do not be too materialistic We must not be too dependent on material things as greed can lead to destruction. Learn from the older generation The older generation live a simple life. They do not take things for granted. They are happy with the basic necessities of life. Too much progress is not good for man and nature Man has to pay a price for rapid development. Man is emotionally stressed and physically distressed. Man becomes too dependent with machines.


First Speaker

Grandfather Grandmother

Second Speaker


Honest and inquiring

The child is curious how his grandparents can live without modern technology. The grandparents answer his questions honestly and admit to their ignorance.


person point of view (the grandchild asking the questions and the grandparents answer it)


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