A Study of Ergonomics

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CIED 7601

Digital Health and Wellness

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CIED 7601 A study of Ergonomics by:

Kecia McGouirk
live in Macon, GA teach Art at Monroe County Middle School BA in Art, Mercer University teaching since 1997 pursuing Masters in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University online teaching endorsement

Kristy Slaughter
live in Forsyth, GA teach Spanish at Mary Persons High School BA in Spanish Language and Literature, Mercer University teaching since 1998 pursuing Masters in Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University online teaching endorsement

Character creations courtesy of Toondoo.com Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 Focus Questions

Why is Ergonomics an important

factor in Digital Health and Wellness?

What are the hazards of technology? What are solutions to maintaining a

proper workstation?

Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 Objectives

The Participants will be able to

analyze their personal and student


evaluate ways for improving workstations suggest ways to administration on how to

improve staff and student working conditions

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5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

b. Exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others
c. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources in support of student learning d. Contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community.

Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 What is Ergonomics?

The science of fitting jobs to people Designing workstations, tools and work tasks for safety, efficiency and comfort A contributing factor to Digital Health and Wellness which is one of nine elements of Digital Citizenship. http://www.digitalcitizenship.n et/Nine_Elements.html
Leonardo da Vinci Virtruvian Man Courtesy of Google Images

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CIED 7601 Facts about Ergonomics

As early as the 18th century doctors noted that workers who were required to maintain body positions for long periods of time developed musculoskeletal problems. Muscle overuse results in tiny tears in the muscles and scarring; these contribute to inflammation and muscle stiffness. The average person working at a keyboard can perform 50,000 to 200,000 keystrokes a day. Ergonomic injuries cost Corporate America about $10 billion a year.

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CIED 7601
What are the benefits of using Ergonomic design and principles?
Increases safety, comfort,

productivity, efficiency, and quality.

Reduces work-related

musculoskeletal disorders.
Reduces workers

compensation costs.
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CIED 7601 What are Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)?

MSDs include injuries to the
nerves, tendons, muscles and supporting structures of the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck and low back. Carpal tunnel syndrome Tendonitis Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)
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CIED 7601 Ergonomic Risk Factors

Awkward body

Excessive repetition Excessive force Contact stress Vibration

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CIED 7601 Symptoms of MSDs

Pain Numbness and

Stiffness and

Inability to hold
objects or loss of strength
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CIED 7601 MSDs Preventions

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CIED 7601 Watch Video

YouTube Ergonomic video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whhf55No15U&fe ature=related

Courtesy of office.microsoft.com

Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 Suggestions for Modifications

Educate/Train Provide ergonomic
furniture and tools

Promote healthy work

patterns and take frequent breaks

Listen to your body

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CIED 7601 Quiz

Lets Play!
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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

1. The top of your computer screen should be at or just slightly below eye level.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

2. The correct elbow position should be at approximately 90 when typing with a computer keyboard.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

3. When adjusting your chair, you should first adjust the chair height so that your feet are flat on the floor.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

4. Chairs without arms are more supportive and allow you to always sit correctly.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

5. Utilizing the computer keyboard is the primary cause for Carpal Tunnel Injuries.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

6. Simple exercises will decrease stress and musculoskeletal discomfort if performed periodically during the day.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

7. When typing your wrists should be bent at a 45 angle.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

8. To reduce glare, set up your workstation with your back to the window.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

9. Eye strain can be avoided by focusing every 20 minutes on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

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CIED 7601 Ergonomics Quiz

10. Ergonomic injuries cost Corporate America about $10 billion a year.

Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 Survey

What do you think
you could use from this presentation to improve yours and your students work station today?

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Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 Resources

Ribble, M., & Bailey, G. (2007). Digital citizenship in schools. (1st ed., p. 135). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whhf55No15U&feature=related http://www.nclabor.com/osha/etta/A_to_Z_Topics/ergo.pdf http://www.ergonomics.ucla.edu/what_and_why.html www.healthycomputing.com www.oehc.uchc.edu/ergo/index.htm www.healthycomputing.com www.oehc.uchc.edu/ergo/index.htm http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/ergonomics/ http://www.spine-health.com/wellness/ergonomics/ergonomics-office-and-workplaceoverview http://cap.mil/Documents/CAP_Ergo_Guide.pdf http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/tc/office-ergonomics-topic-overview http://www.ergonomics-info.com/ergonomics-in-the-workplace.html

Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

CIED 7601 Thank you for joining our presentation!

Kecia McGouirk

Kristy Slaughter

Thank you for joining. Please feel free to ask Kecia or Kristy a question anytime during the presentation.

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