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Marven of the Great North Woods

Compiled by Terry Sams PES

& Latonia Wolfe DES

Author: Kathryn Lasky Illustrated by: Kevin Hawkes

Study Skills
Genre: Biography Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion Comprehension Strategy: Monitor and Fi up Comprehension !evie" Skill: Main #dea $oca%ulary: &ictionary'Glossary

Genre: Biography

( %iography is a story of a real person)s life* "ritten %y another person+ #t is "ritten in the third,person+ -he author "rites* ./e "as free0 /e found a 1o% "ith a printer+2 ( %iography can cover a person)s "hole life or part of it+ (n auto%iography is also a story of a real person)s life* %ut it is "ritten %y the person+

Marven was only ten years old when his great-aunt died of influen a! "o prote#t hi$ fro$ the disease% his fa$ily sent hi$ far away fro$ the #ity% up to the Great &orth 'oods! "here he kept the books at a logging #a$p! Marven was s#ared of the big% grou#hy lu$ber(a#ks% espe#ially )ean Louis% a *(a#k+ whose feet were as big as skillets! But he was even $ore

Comprehension Skill Main #dea


idea is an i$portant point about the story,s topi# -upporting details give $ore infor$ation about a $ain idea!

Comprehension !evie" Skill Fact and Opinion

A statement of a fact can be proved true or false by looking in a reference book, asking an expert, or using your own knowledge and experience. A statement of opinion cannot be proved true or false. It is a belief or judgment. An opinion often contains words such as best, should, or beautiful. It may begin with words In my opinion or I believe.

!esearch'Study Skill 3 Graphs

( graph sho"s data* or information* in visual form+ -he title and la%els tell "hat information the graph sho"s and compares+ ( %ar graph uses vertical or hori4ontal %ars to compare data+ ( circle graph is a circle that sho"s ho" a "hole is divided

!esearch'Study Skill 3 Graphs

( line graph contains lines that connect a series of points+ 5ine graphs often sho" changes over time+ ( picture graph* or pictograph* uses pictures to represent amounts+ 5et)s use practice %ook pages 67'78 to %etter understand graphs+

Question of the Week

hat is the value of a job well done!

$oca%ulary Skill .
1 "ome words have more than one meaning. 1 "ometimes readers need to check a dictionary or glossary to find the meaning that makes sense for the sentence.

5et)s 9ractice &ictionary'Glossary Skills

#lease describe the steps you use to find the meaning of a word in a dictionary . $emember that some words have multiple meanings, and you must choose the meaning that makes sense for the context in which the word appears. %se a dictionary to determine the meaning for drifting as it is used on page &'(.

Day 2 - Question of the Day

hat were working conditions like for )arven at the logging camp!

Comprehension Strategy 9ractice Monitor and Fi up

If you don,t understand or re$e$ber what you have read% you $ay need to reread part of the sele#tion $ore #arefully or s#an it to lo#ate spe#ifi# infor$ation! 2ou $ay need to look for (udg$ent words to help better identify fa#ts and opinion! Let,s pra#ti#e by rereading p! 334 paragraph 5 and distinguish between

6o#abulary - -ay It

cord immense dismay payroll grizzly (bear)

More Words to =no" lu$ber(a#k silhouettes

Day 3 - Question of the Day


do )arven and the lumberjacks make sure their jobs are well done!

Day 4 - Question of the Day


can you use e+mail to get information for school projects!

, ?ou "ill need to match your

Weekly Fluency Check , $olume of $oice -> :;7a

voice volume to the si4e of the room or group you are reading to+ , Go to page :;< and let)s read paragraphs <,;+ Be sure to raise and lo"er your voice "hen you see clue "ords such as "hispered and

7eview 8ages 359 -33:

'. hich job do you think would be more difficult for a ten+year old- keeping a payroll or waking the lumberjacks! .xplain hat causes /ean 0ouis to open one eye! hat facts have you learned about lumberjacks and )arven1s work in the lumber camp!

&. (.

7eview 8ages 339-3;;

'. 2escribe the steps )arven took to organi3e the chits! hat are chits! &. If )arven gave you his word that he would do something, would you trust him! hy or hy not! (. *ow is this selection like other biographies you have read! *ow is it different!

More 7eview 8ages 339-3;;

4. )arvin has a problem about what to eat at breakfast. 5p. &&46 hat would you do to understand why he has this problem! 7. 8he author describes the lumberjacks as biggest and wildest 5p. &'96. hat else does she tell you about them to prove her point.

<un -tuff

More on Marven of the Great &orth 'oods 'eb =uest -pelling Hang$an -pelling 'ords in AB> ?rder ?n Line 7eading "est ?n Line -pelling

A unit of measurement for measuring wood.

5ist of persons to %e paid and the amount that each one is to receive+

Sudden helpless fear of "hat is a%out to happen or "hat has happened+

gri44ly @%earA
( large gray or %ro"nish %ear of "estern North (merica+

$ery largeB hugeB vast

5um%er1ac k

9erson "hose "ork is cutting do"n trees and sending the logs to the

silhouette s
&ark imagesB outlines against a lighter %ackground+

-he lum%er1ack cut a cord of "ood+

-he lum%er1ack cut a cord of "ood+

( good %oss "ill never forget the payroll for his'her employees+

( good %oss "ill never forget the payroll for his'her employees+

When # sa" the car accident # "as in great dismay +

When # sa" the car accident # "as in great dismay+

-he teacher "as in immense pain "hen he hit his foot+

-he teacher "as in immense pain "hen he hit his foot+

-he gri44ly %ear scared the campers in the "oods+

-he gri44ly %ear scared the campers in the "oods+

-he lum%er1ack "anted to cut do"n the trees+

-he lum%er1ack "anted to cut do"n the trees+

The silhouettes of the girls profiles looked beautiful against the dark background.

-he silhouettes of the girls) profiles looked %eautiful against the dark %ackground+

-> :;7g Dse "ith Writing -ransparency 7a

&escri%e a Co%

Let,s look at an e@a$ple of a (ob des#ription! 'hat writing traits do you seeA 'hat i$portant details do you seeA 'hat do you noti#e about ea#h separate taskA 'hat ti$e order words do you

Writing (ssignment

looking at the (ob des#ription for *"aking >are of <ifi+ transparen#y% lets write our own (ob des#ription! 7e$e$ber the writer of a (ob des#ription $ust $ake sure to tell fa#ts and not to e@press opinions!

This Weeks Word Wall Words

:lick and type your own words for this week-

Spelling Words &igraphs ng, nk, ph, wh among "heel think nephe" %lank %elong graph "hiskers young "hisper -hanksgiving

&igraphs ng, nk, ph, wh

strong elephant %link "hite chunk shrink skunk "harf trunk

strengthen bankrupt phanto$ whi$si#al whatever

0et1s review our "pelling words. atch carefully because they will flash on the screen for just a moment. e can clap as we spell the word, or we might just practice reading the words.





















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