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Project HR Management

Project HR Management
Project HR management includes the
processes that organize and manage the project team. While it is common to speak about roles and responsibility being assigned, team members should be involved in much of project planning and decision making

Project Human Resource Management

Human resource Planning

Develop project team

Manage project team

Acquire project team

Human resource planning

Identifying, documenting and assigning project roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships of stakeholders. Its done as part of the earliest project phases. Results of this process should be reviewed regularly throughout the project to ensure continued applicability.

It has a major effect on communication requirements.



Tools & Techniques


Enterprise Environmental Factors

Organizational Process Assets Project Management Plan

Roles and Responsibilities

Organization Charts and Position Descriptions


Project Organization Charts

Staffing Management Plan

Organizational Theory

A. Inputs to Human Resource Planning

Enterprise Environmental Factors
How the technical disciplines and people currently interact with one another. Organizational, Technical, Interpersonal , Logistical , Political

Organizational Process Assets

Project Management Plan

Templates Checklists

B. Organizational Theory

Project-based organizations
Functional organizations Matrix organizations

Tools and techniques of HR Planning

Organization Chart and position description
Hierarchy type chart Matrix Based Chart A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is used to communicate to project members who is responsible for what.

Person Phase Requirements Functional






Development Testing






Tools and techniques of HR Planning

Networking (informal interaction with other in the
Proactive correspondence Luncheon meeting Informal conversation

Organizational Theory (It provide information

regarding the way that people, team, organizational unit in the organization behave.

Output of HR Planning
Roles and responsibility Project Organization chart Staff management plan
Staff acquisition Time table Resource Histogram Release criteria Training needs Recognition and rewards Compliance Safety

Exercise Roles on the project

Briefly describe, in a few words, the role of each of
the project stakeholders listed below:
Stakeholder Project manager Customer Performing organization Team members Sponsor Role

Answer Roles on the project

Stakeholder Project manager Customer Role Individual responsible for managing the project. Use the projects product. Customer and project sponsor are responsible for formal acceptance of the projects product. Produce project results. The performing organization is the enterprise whose employees are most directly involved in doing the work of the project. Performs the project work. This includes helping the pm with project activities such as planning activities (generating the WBS), execution activities such as completing work packages, and controlling activities such as reviewing performance reports.

Performing organization

Team members


Provides financial resources for the project. Customer and project sponsor are responsible for formal acceptance of the projects product.

Staffing Management Plan

The staffing management plan describes when and how people will be brought onto and taken off of the project team. When planning for the release of project team members, procedures to consider are:

Reduce project costs by avoiding the tendency to make work to fill

time between project assignments

Improve project morale and focus by addressing the team members

concern regarding future employment opportunities members are allocated to activities. resources used each month.

A resource gantt chart can be used to illustrate when team

A resource histogram can be used to illustrate the number of

Example Resource Gantt Chart

Example Resource Histogram

Acquire Project Team

Acquire Project Team is the process of
obtaining the human resources needed to complete the project. The project management team may or may not have control over team members selected for the project.


Enterprise Environmental Factors Organizational Process Assets Roles and Responsibilities Project Organization Charts Pre-Assignment Negotiation Acquisition Virtual Teams Project Staff Assignments

Tools & Techniques


Resource Availability
Staffing Management Plan (Updates)

Staffing Management Plan

A. Inputs to acquire project team

The staffing management plan provides the staffing
requirements & includes considerations such as:

Previous experience: have contributed to the success of past projects of similar work
Personal interests: do the individuals interested have something to gain by working on the project? This could work in the favor of the project, depending upon the reasons for interest Personal characteristics: are the individuals or groups likely to work well together as a team? Availability: will the resources be available at the right time? Competencies and proficiency: what competencies are required and at what level?

Inputs to Acquire Project Team

Enterprise Environmental Factors
Organizational Process Assets Roles and Responsibilities Project Organization Charts Staffing Management Plan
Direct staff assignments assignment consideration such as Availability, Ability, competencyetc.

Tools and Techniques of Acquire Project Team

Pre-Assignment Negotiation
With functional managers and other project managers

Virtual Teams

When the performing organization lacks the in-house staff needed to complete the project, the required services can be acquired from outside sources
Groups of people with a shared goal, who fulfill their roles with little or no time spent meeting face to face.

Tools and Techniques of Acquire Project Team: Negotiation

To negotiate for resources from within the organization, the project manager should understand the following:

Know the needs of your project and its priority within the

organization. Be able to express what is in it for the resource manager to assist you. Understand that the resource manager has his own work to do and that he may not gain benefits from supporting your project. Do not ask for the best resources if you do not need them.

Tools and Techniques of Acquire Project Team: Negotiation

Be able to prove, by using the tools of project management

such as the network diagram and protect schedule, why you need better resources if you need them. Use the negotiation as an opportunity to discover from the resource manager what she/he will need from you in order to manage her own resources. Build a relationship so that you can call on the resource manager's expertise later in the project if necessary. Work with the resource manager to deal with the situation.

The "halo effect" refers to the tendency to:
A. promote from within. B. hire the best. C. move people into project management

because they are good in their technical fields. D. move people into project management because they have had project management training.

Halo Effect
Halo Effect: The tendency to rate high or low on
all factors due to the impression of a high or low rating on some specific factor. This can mean, "You are a great programmer. Therefore, we will make you a project manager and also expect you to be great." Such actions have a negative impact on the project and the performing organization, yet seem to be common. For the exam, understand that these types of actions should be avoided.

Answer C
Explanation Just because a person is

good in his technical field does not mean he will also be a good project manager.

C. Outputs of Acquire Project Team

Project Staff Assignments Resource Availability Staffing Management Plan (Updates)

Check your knowledge

If the resources available have all of the knowledge and skills needed, but not the attitude, for example they are not likely to work well together as a team, what can the project manager do to facilitate the work? Answer: Clearly and separately defined roles and activities for every individual will increase the comfort level and decrease opportunities for disagreement.

Develop Project Team

Develop Project Team improves the
competencies and interaction of team members to enhance project performance. Objectives include:
Improve skills of team members in order to increase their ability to complete project activities Improve feelings of trust and cohesiveness among team members in order to raise productivity through greater teamwork.

Develop Project Team

Hold team building activities from project

initiating through project closing Gain training for team members where needed Establish ground rules for team member behavior Create and give recognitions and rewards Place team members in the same location; colocation Assess team member performance

You have just been assigned as project manager for a
large telecommunications project. This one year project is about halfway done. The project team consists of five sellers and 2o of your company's employees. You want to understand who is responsible for doing what on the project. Where would you find such information? A. Responsibility assignment matrix B. Resource histogram C. Bar chart D. Project organization chart

Answer A
Explanation: The responsibility assignment matrix maps who will do the work. The resource histogram (choice B) shows the number of resources used in each time period. In its pure form, a bar chart (choice C) shows only activity and calendar date. An organizational chart (choice D) shows who reports to whom.


Project Staff Assignments Staffing Management Plan Resource Availability

Tools & Techniques

General Management Skills Training Team-Building Activities Ground Rules


Team Performance Assessment

Recognition and Rewards

Inputs to Develop Project Team

Project Staff Assignments Staffing Management Plan Resource Availability

Tools and Techniques of Develop Project Team

General Management Skills Training Team-Building Activities Ground Rules Co-Location Recognition and Rewards

Team-Building Activities
Team building activities include management and individual actions taken specifically and primarily to improve team performance.

Enhancing team performance can result from various

activities. A few examples are:
Involving team members in the planning process Establishing rules for dealing with conflict Improving the climate for team discussions Improving stakeholder interaction by holding an off-site, professionally facilitated event.

Team Building
Team building activities can include: Milestone parties Holiday and birthday celebrations Outside of work trips Creating the WBS Planning the project by getting everyone
involved in some way

An obstacle to team building in a matrix
organization is that the:

A. team organization is technically focused. B. team members are borrowed resources and

can be hard to motivate. C. teams are too centralized. D. teams are too large and therefore very hard to handle.

Answer B
Explanation Team members are harder

to motivate if their loyalty is to their functional organization rather than to the project team.

Which type of organization is BEST for
managing complex projects involving cross-disciplinary efforts?

A. Projectized B. Functional C. Line D. Matrix

Answer D
Explanation: The key words here are cross-disciplinary. Cross-disciplinary means that the project covers more than one department or technical area of expertise. In such a case, a matrix organization is needed with representatives from each department or discipline.

Ground Rules
Ground rules establish clear expectations

regarding acceptable behavior by project team members. Early commitment to clear guidelines decreases misunderstandings and increases productivity. The process of discussing ground rules allows team members to discover values that are important to one another. All project team members share responsibility for enforcing the rules once they are established.

Ground Rules
How should a team member resolve a conflict with another team
member? When should a team member notify the project manager that she is having difficulty with an activity?

Is it allowable for people to interrupt each other in a meeting? What is an acceptable way to interrupt someone talking at a meeting? How will you prevent people from taking over a meeting inappropriately
or talking too much? Is it allowable for people to join a meeting late? What are the consequences?

May people take other phone calls during the meeting? Who is allowed to talk to the vice president? Who is authorized to give direction to contractors?

General Management Skills

Interpersonal skills, sometimes known as Soft

skills, are particularly important to team development. The following aspects are part of the soft skills the project manager should practice:
Understanding the sentiments of project team members Anticipating their actions Acknowledging their concerns Following up on their issues

General Management Skills (cont.)

Key general management skills that are highly likely to apply to most projects are:

Leading Communicating

Problem Solving

Influencing the Organization

Co-location involves placing many or all of the most

active project team members in the same physical location. This is to enhance their ability to perform as a team. Co-location can be temporary, such as at strategically important times during the project, or for the entire project. Co-location strategy can include a meeting room, sometimes called a war room, with electronic communication devices, places to post schedules, and other conveniences that enhance communication and a sense of community.

C. Outputs of Develop Project Team

C.1 Team Performance Assessment
Improvements in skills that allow a person to perform assigned activities more effectively Improvements in competencies and sentiments that help the team perform better as a group Reduced staff turnover rate.

Manage Project Team

Manage Project Team involves tracking
team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and coordinating changes to enhance project performance.


Organizational Process Assets Project Staff Assignments Roles and Responsibilities Project Organization Charts Staffing Mngt. Plan Team Performance Assessment Work Performance Information Performance Reports

Tools & Techniques

Observation and Conversation Project Performance Appraisals Conflict Management Issue Log

Requested Changes Recommended Corrective Actions Recommended Preventive Actions Organizational Process Assets (Updates) Project Management Plan (Updates)

A. Inputs to Manage Project Team

Organizational Process Assets Project Staff Assignments Roles and Responsibilities Project Organization Charts Staffing Management Plan Team Performance Assessment Work Performance Information Performance Reports

Tools and Techniques of Manage Project Team

Observation and Conversation Project Performance Appraisals Conflict Management Issue Log

B.2 Project Performance Appraisals

The need for formal or informal project
performance appraisals depends on:
The length of the project Complexity of the project Organizational policy Labor contract requirements The amount and quality of regular communication.

Powers of a Project Manager

Expert: Power based on pms expertise

Reward: Power based on ability to provide


Formal (legitimate): Power based on authority or


Referent: Based on either pms personality (the Coercive (penalty): Based on ability to penalize
team members

high regard that others hold for the pm) or by pms referring to a person of higher authority

Leadership by Example
1. Maintain the self-confidence and self-esteem of
your staff

2. Focus on the problem (the situation, issue or

behavior) not the person when handling difficult situations

3. Maintain constructive relationships with your staff,

peers and senior managers

4. Take the initiative to improve things in the

workplace, the product or customer relationships

Leadership Styles (Contd)

Leadership styles can come in several forms. The most common names for these are:

Autocratic: Making decisions without taking time to

process input from others

Directing: Giving instructions; close supervision

Coaching: Giving instructions and explanations; solicits

input from others

Facilitating: Coordinating Supporting: Providing assistance

Check your knowledge

When would each of these leadership styles be useful?
When to use In an emergency Leadership style(s)

Beginning of the project

Project execution

Answer Check your knowledge

When to use Leadership style(s)

In an emergency


Beginning of the project


Project execution

Coaching, Facilitating, and Supporting

Recognition and Rewards

Part of the team development process involves
recognizing and rewarding desirable behavior.

Only desirable behavior should be rewarded. Willingness to work overtime to meet an

aggressive schedule objective should be rewarded

Needing to work overtime as the result of poor

planning should not be rewarded.

Recognition and Rewards

Win-lose (zero sum) rewards that only a limited
number of project team members can achieve , such as team member of the month, can hurt team cohesiveness.

Rewarding win-win behavior that everyone can

achieve, such as turning in progress reports on time, tends to increase support among team members.

Motivational Theory
When planning reward and recognition activities,
as well as when using a project managers reward power, motivational theory is an important consideration.

What motivates people to perform? Consider

the theories of Maslow, McGregor, and Herzberg.

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

According to Maslows theory:

Once a level of need is satisfied, it is no

longer a motivational factor levels below are fulfilled

One cannot ascend to the next level until the

People do not perform for security or money,

but rather to get a chance to contribute (selfactualization)

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

SelfActualizat ion
Self-fulfillment, growth, learning Accomplishment, respect

Esteem Social Safety Physiological

Love, affection, approval

Security, stability, free from harm Air, water, food, housing, clothing

McGregors Theory of X & Y

Theory X: Workers are lazy and

require close and constant supervision

Theory Y: Workers want to work and

do not require constant supervision

Herzbergs Theory
Motivating Agents: Motivators are

mostly intrinsic to the job and serve as motivators

Hygiene Factors (Demotivators): Are

mostly environmental, the absence of which demotivate, however when present do not necessarily serve to motivate

In groups of 3, divide the following list into two

Hygiene Factors and Motivating Agents

Working conditions Company policies Recognition Salary Responsibility Professional growth and advancement Time for personal Life Interpersonal Relations Job Security Status The work itself

Answer Hygiene Factors and Motivating Agents

Motivating Agents
Responsibility The work itself Professional growth and advancement

Hygiene Factors
Working conditions
Company policies Salary Time for personal Life Interpersonal Relations Job Security Status

Conflict Management
The term conflict often carries negative

Conflict is inevitable on most projects due to

many factors:
Competing needs of stakeholders
Competition for limited resources

Limited power of the project manager

Conflict Management
Sources of conflict include:
Personalities Cost Objectives Schedule Objectives Administrative procedures Project Priorities Limited Human Resources (Personnel) Technical Opinions

Check your knowledge

Which of the seven sources listed

above is the most common source of conflict?

Which three of the listed above

combine to represent 50% of all conflicts on most projects?

Schedule objectives is the most
common source of conflict.

50% of all conflict originates from

schedule objectives, project priorities, and competition for limited human resources.

Techniques commonly used to resolve

Listed in order from most effective to least effective, are:

Problem Solving (confronting): identify the real problem,

then solve it

Compromising: Give and take approach that brings some

degree of satisfaction to all parties

Smoothing: Emphasizes areas of agreement, not differences of Avoidance (withdrawal): Retreating from the area of

disagreement or postponing a decision that will likely cause conflict

Forcing: Imposing one viewpoint at the expense of another

Issue Log
A written log should document persons responsible for

resolving specific issues by a target date. The log helps the project team monitor issues until closure. Issue resolution addresses obstacles that can block the team from achieving its goals. These obstacles can include factors such as differences of opinion, situations to be investigated, and emerging or unanticipated responsibilities that need to be assigned to someone on the project team.

C. Outputs of Manage Project Team

Requested Changes Recommended Corrective Actions Recommended Preventive Actions Organizational Process Assets (Updates) Project Management Plan (Updates)

Q: What conflict Resolution technique is a project manager using when he says, I cannot deal with this issue now!

a. Problem Solving b. Forcing c. Withdrawal d. Compromising

Answer C

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