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Devid Fernando Helga Meizhura Mutiara Yulanda Pandu Satrio Putika Nuralida


The quality or state of being willing

Free choice or consent of the will

Freedom from reluctance

Readiness of the mind to do or forbear

Standard expression

I'm I'd be I'm I'd be I'm

keen to

willing to

happy to

I'd be
I don't mind will would

Sentences Example And Short Dialogue

The phones ringing. I will get it. Lola doesnt understand this problem. Her teacher will help her. If you find the exercises too difficult, I will help you. Theres a knock on the door. I will open it. It's loudly out there. I will go there.

I'd be happy to help you with your presentation. I would be willing to work in the branch office for a short time. I will work overtime during the week, but not at the weekend. I don't mind staying late to finish the report. I'm keen to learn new things to help further my career.

Conversation (1)
A : Hi, are you busy this afternoon? B : No, I am not. Whats up? A : I need to revise for tomorrows biology test. Would you mind learning it with me? B : Yeah sure, why not? When? A : Shall we start after school? B : Okay, see you!

Conversation (2)
Kate : Hi Alex! So what are you doing after school? Alex : I have football practice. Kate : Are you going to study with Alison's group tonight? Alex : Tonight? I'm busy. I'll join it next weekend. Mark: We're going to have a quiz tomorrow.

Conversation (2)
Alex : But I think the test will be on friday of next week. Do you know what the test will cover? Kate : I think it will cover chapter 5 in our book. Do you think it will include an essay? Mark : I hope not, but we're going to study for that just in case. Alex : Ok. We'll see you later. Mark : Wait! I'm going to get some things from my locker. I'll walk with you two.

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, D, or E

Question 1
Receptionist: Family Restaurant. Can I help you? Bunga : Yes, please. (___) for next Saturday evening. Receptionist: I'm afraid we can't. We're fully booked this month.
A. I need to reserve a room B. I want to book a ticket C. I'd like to reserve two tables D. I really need your help E. I would like to eat here


Question 2
Jack : Rita, (___) Rita : I am delighted to meet you. Doni : I am delighted to meet you, too. A. Doni is my friend B. Doni wants to meet you C. Don't you know Doni is my friend D. Please introduce yourself E. I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni.



Question 3
David : Hello, (___) arrange an appointment with the dentist. Nurse : Hello! Well, Ill check his schedule first.
A. How do you do B. How are you C. Id like to D. I want E. I suggest to


Question 4
Nurse : Good evening anything I can do for you, Madam? Mrs. Susan: (___) to have the doctor look at my eye.
A. Yes, Im sure B. Id love to CORRECT! WRONG! C. I beg your pardon D. Id like to make an appointment E. That would be great fun

Question 5
Ria: Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go swimming? Lita: (___) Ria: Why? It is summer, isnt?
A. Oh, no I am not going to swim B. Well, I think I can swim well C. I don't fell like swimming D. That's good idea to swim E. Well, I can't swim


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