Lesson 1 Worship

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To define the meaning of worship and rituals. To determine the relationship of the Biblical events to our daily relationship with God. To participate in the group activity and discussion

WH activity

Why did God create all that exist? Why did God set the Israelites free from Egypt? What ritual did Jesus has to undergo after His birth? What is the meaning of Jesus crucifixion? Why did Jesus establish the Church?

Definition of Worship Worship in the Sacred Scriptures Rituals Levels of Adoration

Lord God, heavenly King, Almighty God and Father: We worship you, we give you thanks We praise for your glory. (Gloria)

This expresses our Christian loving worship of the one living God. It is natural to us, Filipinos. (may loob sa Diyos) It flows from our inborn gratitude for the gift of life


Worship is interior reverence and homage offered to Divine Majesty through words and actions in public ritual It includes:


Inner attitude of reverence and homage before the divine Majesty Outward expression in signs of words, actions, songs, dances usually enacted in public ritual

Worship in the Scripture

Old Testament: Yahweh called the Israelites to acceptable worship ( fidelity to the covenantal relationship )

by his covenant commandment: You shall not have other gods besides me you shall not bow down before them or worship them (Dt. 5:6-9)

Worship in the Scripture


Through His prophets, by stressing that true worship consists not in words on the lips but in deeds from the heart - authentic worship means doing good and rendering justice to the poor, widow and orphan (cf. Is. 1:11-17; 58: 1-10; Amos 5:21-24

Worship in the Scripture

New Testament Jesus purified worship by linking it directly with daily moral living He denounced empty ritualism

Worship According to PCP II

Worship can be expressed on different levels 1. Personal prayer and devotion 2. Group prayer 3. Liturgical worship- it has communal and ceremonial/ritual qualities


A social, programmed symbolic activity that has the power for creating, communicating, criticizing and even transforming the basic meaning of community. Religious rituals is common to Filipinos, yet mixed with numerous superstitious practices Authentic religious rituals develop personal relationship with God through actions.

Characteristics: 1. Symbolic- using natural signs to make present the divine 2. Consecratory- enables the participants to share in the divine power or love 3. Repetitive- designed to be repeated linking with the past and the religious event that ritual is celebrated 4. Remembrance- original religious event that the ritual is celebrating.

Levels of Adoration
1. Absolute Latria : 2. Relative Latria : 3. Absolute Hyperdulia:
4. Relative Hyperdulia:

5. Dulia

due to God alone any symbol of God due to the Blessed Virgin Mary images of Mary due to created supernatural excellence for angels and saints

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