Lockout Tagout

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Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)

Importance of Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) OSHAs Control of Hazardous Energy standard

Why is LOTO important?

The Lock Out/Tag Out procedure prevents the unexpected start up or release of stored energy that could cause injury to employees by placing a lock and/or warning tag on an energy isolation device.

LOTO Program Enforcement

A violation of an employee's responsibility must be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor for appropriate action. A violation of a contractors responsibility must be reported to the project manager (or the person who hired the contractor) for appropriate action.

Regulatory Agencies

Federal: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) State: Montana Occupational Safety & Health Bureau (MOSHB)

Hazardous Energy Sources

Electrical Mechanical (i.e. motors, drive belts) Chemical (i.e. natural gas, propane) Thermal Pneumatic Hydraulic

OSHAs LOTO Standard 29 CFR 1910.147

Requires a written energy control program that includes defined energy control procedures Requires documented employee training Requires periodic inspections at least annually Requires certain equipment specifics

LOTO Program - Responsibilities

Coordinate the LOTO program; Training & assistance with annual inspections; Maintain copies of equipment specific lock out procedures, annual inspections & training records; and Update & evaluate the LOTO program annually.

LOTO Program - Responsibilities

Notify contractors to bring their LOTO program to preconstruction meeting; and Include LOTO as an agenda item & allow contractors & Employees to discuss

LOTO Program Employers Responsibilities

Complete equipment specific LOTO procedures; Conduct annual & periodic inspections; Keep a list of authorized employees; Issue LOTO devices to employees; Ensure all affected employees are properly trained on LOTO procedures; Enforce compliance with LOTO program; and Provide employees with copies of the LOTO Program upon request.

LOTO Program
Authorized Employee Responsibilities
Attend required training; Follow all LOTO procedures; Assist supervisors in completing equipment specific LOTO procedures; Consult supervisors when questions or concerns arise; and Notify all affected employees of LOTO activities.

LOTO Program - Contractors

Contractor & on-site employer must exchange LOTO info On-site employees must understand & comply with the contractors rules. Employees must be alert & aware of any new types of LOTO devices.

LOTO Program - Equipment

Must be singularly identified; Must be the ONLY devices for controlling energy; and Must NOT be used for any other purposes.

LOTO Program - Equipment

Lock Out devices must be durable & withstand the environment to which they are exposed. Tag out devices must be constructed & printed so they do not deteriorate or become illegible; LO/TO devices must be standardized by color, shape or size; LO/TO devices must be substantial enough to prevent early or accidental removal and removal without excessive force.

LOTO Program - Equipment

Lock out will be accomplished using a lock and key. Chains, or other hardware, may be used in conjunction with the lock to isolate the energy source.

LOTO Program - Equipment

One key will be issued to the authorized employee applying the lock.

LOTO Program - Equipment

Tag Out devices must include a legend such as: DO NOT START, DO NOT OPEN, DO NOT CLOSE, DO NOT ENERGIZE, DO NOT OPERATE, etc. Tag Out devices must have standardized print and format.

LOTO Program
Required Tag Out Device Information
Name of authorized employee who locked out equipment; Authorized employees radio or phone number, including contractors; Date and time of lockout; and Brief description of work being performed.

LOTO Program - Equipment

An approved warning tag should accompany all lockouts. The warning tag should be attached directly to the lockout device by a nylon tie.

LOTO Program - Procedures

Preparation for shutdown Shutting down the equipment Equipment isolation Application of LOTO devices Release of stored energy Verifying equipment isolation

LOTO Program Prep For Shutdown

Know the types and amounts of energy that power specific equipment Know the hazards of that energy Know how the energy can be controlled review equipment specific procedures if necessary Direct any questions to immediate supervisor

LOTO Program Shutting Down Equipment

Notify ALL affected employees that a LOTO procedure is being used and why. Shut the equipment down using operating controls. Follow proper procedure for the equipment to avoid endangering anyone during the shutdown.

LOTO Program - Energy Isolation

Lock Out / Tag Out energy isolating sources with assigned locks and tags. Usually requires locking out electrical disconnect. Be sure to isolate ALL energy sources (secondary as well as primary).

LOTO Program Application of Devices

Use valve covers, plug locks, etc. if the lock cant be placed directly on the energy control. When Lock Out is used, every employee in the work crew must attach their own personal lock.

LOTO Program Application of Devices

A Tag Out system alone is not acceptable at any time unless the equipment is not capable of being locked out. The tag must be placed at the same location that the lockout device would have been attached, and additional measures must be taken to ensure the level of safety is equivalent to that obtained by using a lock.

This includes: blocking of a controlling switch, removal of an isolating circuit element, opening of an extra disconnect device, or removal of a valve handle ONLY.

LOTO Program Release of Stored Energy

Inspect the system to make sure all parts have stopped moving. Disperse stored energy (springs, hydraulic systems, air, gas, water pressure, or steam). If stored energy can build up again, monitor it to make certain it stays below hazardous levels.

LOTO Program Verifying Equipment Isolation

Make certain all dangerous areas are clear of personnel. Verify that the equipment cannot be turned to the on position. Press all start buttons and activating controls on the equipment. Return all controls to the off position after certain that Lock Out is effective.

LOTO Program
Safeguard all employees by making certain everyone is clear of the equipment. Also notify affected employees of impending reenergization. Verify that all tools have been removed and all guards reinstalled. Remove LOTO devices. Each device must be removed by the person who put it on. Energize equipment.

Removing LOTO Devices / Restoring Equipment

LOTO Program - Troubleshooting

Remove all tools & personnel from the area. Notify affected employees of impending reenergization. Authorized employees remove the Lock Out device but MUST leave tag in place. Energize equipment. When finished, de-energize & reapply Lock Out device.

LOTO Program - Shift Changes

If servicing lasts more than one shift, LOTO protection CANNOT be interrupted. The original authorized employee will remove their lock & the incoming employee will place theirs on the isolating device. The incoming authorized employee MUST VERIFY that ALL energy sources are locked out prior to beginning work.

LOTO Program Abandoned Lock Procedure

Verify authorized employee has left the worksite & notify them that their lock is being removed. LOTO devices may ONLY be removed if supervisor is present & authorizes removal. After all communication attempts are complete & the equipment has been inspected, lock can be removed and new lock installed. Notify employee their lock was removed prior to starting new shift.

LOTO Program - Exceptions

Work on cord & plug equipment IF it is unplugged, the plug remains within arms reach during servicing and authorized employee has exclusive control of the plug. If guards arent removed or bypassed & are effective in preventing worker exposure to hazards created by the unexpected energization or start up of machines or equipment, or the release of energy.

LOTO Program Equipment Specific LOTO

Equipment Specific LOTO forms must be completed by the supervisor and / or the authorized employee. All equipment specific procedures should be easily accessible or posted directly on the equipment.

LOTO Program Equipment Specific Procedures

Procedures must be updated when: New equipment is installed; or New energy sources are added to a facility or individual equipment; or Magnitude of an energy source changes; or Designated isolation points change.

LOTO Program - Training

Supervisors Authorized Employees All Employees

LOTO Program - Re-Training

Change in authorized employees job assignments or job area that contains sources of hazardous energy; Change in machines, equipment or process that presents a new hazard; Change in energy control procedures; Need for refresher training found during periodic inspections; and/or Employer believes there are deviations from, or inadequacies in, the employees knowledge or use of LOTO procedures.

LOTO Program Periodic Inspections

An inspection will be conducted at least annually by an authorized employee not involved in the procedure being inspected. The inspection will identify any deficiencies in or deviations from the program. The supervisor must certify that the inspections have been performed.

LOTO Program Periodic Inspections

Where Lock Out is used, the inspector must review each authorized employee's responsibilities under the procedure with that employee (group meetings are acceptable). Where Tag Out is used, the inspector must review BOTH the authorized and affected employee's responsibilities with those employees for the energy control procedure being inspected.

LOTO Program - Assistance

Our bureau will provide assistance with;
o o o o

Programs Facility inspections Specific procedures, Training.

Contact 406-444-6401 to schedule a free on-site consultation.

More Information
www.osha.gov Occupational Safety and Health Administration
www.montanasafety.com Montana Occupational Safety and Health Bureau

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