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Qt for s60

(Part I)
-Mrudul V. Pendharkar
• Qt (pronounced cute) is a cross platform application
framework. Using Qt one can write application once and
deploy on various platforms.
• Back in 2008 Nokia bought the Norwegian company
called Trolltech and with it brought Qt to s60 ( Nokia’s
platform on top of symbian for smartphone)
• According to recent roadmap published by Symbian
Foundation, Qt would eventually replace Avkon widget
set of Symbian Os in the Symbian v4 release.(
Release Plan review).
• Integration of Qt on s60 is still in a nascent stage. In
January 2009, we the first pre-release called Temple. In
June 2009, we saw release called Tower.
• Installation of Qt on s60 is a 3 stage process.
• Choosing an Sdk
– It is recommended that one installs 3.2 and above sdk so that the Qt release can
be directly used.
– If 3.1 sdk is selected, you need to also install open C/C++ sdk plugin on top of
3.1 sdk. Similarly Open C/C++ sdk plugin binaries need to be installed on the
phone. For detailed installation steps refer Forum Nokia-3.1sdk.
• Choosing Qt release.
– It is recommended one selects the latest pre-release, which is the Tower release.
– One can either choose to install only the binaries or download source code and
then build into on top of the sdk, so that various binaries are installed on top of
the sdk. For more info refer QtSoftware-Prerelease
• Setting up Carbide for Qt
– Install Carbide 2.0 and get an update to update Carbide to 2.02 version.
– Configure Carbide to point to the Qt installation. Refer Forum Nokia-Carbide for
more information
Learning Qt - Basic
• Hello World
• Build System
• Qt Object Model
• Signals & Slots
• QtEvent & EventLoop
• Qt Widgets and Main Window
• Menus
– Cascaded Menus
– Menu Shortcuts
• ToolBar
• StatusBar
Hello World
• Code:
//FileName: HelloWorld.cpp
//Location: c:\Qt\Helloworld

#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

//Create QApp and pass arguments to it.
QApplication a(argc, argv);
//Create QLabel to display Text
QLabel* label = new QLabel("Hello World");
//Show Label
return a.exec();

• Building:
c:\Qt\Helloworld> qmake –pro
c:\Qt\Helloworld> qmake
c:\Qt\Helloworld> make
Understanding the Build Commands
• qmake –project ?
– Qmake creates a platform independent project file.
• Note source files should be present before running this command, other
wise you need to manually edit this file(.pro), if new source files are added
after this command is given.
– Generally this command is given only once, when one is sure all source
files are ready.
• Note: If you give this command after manually editing this file(.pro), your
changes would be lost.

• Qmake?
– This creates platform specific makefile. If the folder/directory contains
multiple .pro files, then you can tell qmake which file to pick/use. For Eg:

• Make?
– This command does a two step process. They are :-
• Bldmake bldfiles
• Abld build <platform>( <platform> == winscw udeb on Emulator; == armv5
urel )
Under the Build System Hood
• Qt is nothing but a simple C++ program. Where
it differs is the way it handles all the extra stuff
like resources, Ui & Signal/Slots.
• How it does it by generating C++ code for the
extra stuff mentioned above and then adding
extra compilers to the C++ build system.
• Lets look at the C++ build system at a higher
level. Fig 1(ref:
Under the Build System Hood

• As can be seen above:

• Sources(*.cpp) are compiled into Objects(*.o) which are further
linked to create executable.
• Sources include headers which could be of type *.h, *.hrh, *.hpp
Under the Build System Hood

• Qt adds moc compiler, resource compiler and Ui compiler to the regular C++ build system. Lets
look at each one in the following sections:
• Moc_Compiler(moc) – The moc compiler takes all the files containing Q_Object macro and
generates a moc_*.cpp file. This contains information about the class being moced like class
Name, Inheritance Tree and implementation of signal/Slot.
• Resource Compiler(Rcc) – The rcc tool is used to embed resources into a Qt application during
the build process. It works by generating a C++ source file containing data specified in a Qt
resource (.qrc) file.
• Ui Compiler(uic) - The uic reads an XML format user interface definition (.ui) file as
generated by Qt Designer and creates a corresponding C++ header file.

• NOTE: In s60 we donot see the moc_* files being generated.

Qt Object Model
• Qt is based around the Qt object model.
• It is all based around the QObject class and the moc
• By deriving from Q_Object a number of benefits are
inherited :
– Easy Memory Management.
• When you create a QObject with another object as parent,
the object will automatically add itself to the parent's
children() list.
• The parent takes ownership of the object i.e. it will
automatically delete its children in its destructor.
– Seamless object communication
• You can connect a signal to a slot with connect() and destroy
the connection with disconnect().
• Any object which uses Signals & slots must declare
Q_Object macro in his class.
Signals & Slots
• In GUI programming, when we change one widget, we often want another
widget to be notified.
• Older Toolkits achieve this communication by using callback mechanism. A
callback is a pointer to a function. But callbacks have two fundamental
problems –
– They are Not Type Safe – We cannot be certain that the processing functions will
call the callback function with correct parameters
– They are strongly coupled to the processing function, since the processing
function must know which callback to call.
• Signals & Slots –
– This provides Seamless object communication.
Signals & Slots
• Signals are emitted by widgets when something happens.

• Slots are used to handle the signals.

• The signals are delivered to the slots by the event loops started by
QCoreApplication::exec() or QThread::exec().

• Signals and slots neither know or care which slots or signals are

• Thus Signal/Slot mechanism are loosely coupled reigning in flexibility to

declare signals and slots for objects.

• Similarly Signal/Slot mechanism is type safe. The signature of the Signal

must match with the signature of the receiving slot. The compiler helps in
detecting these type mismatches.

• It is possible to connect as many signals to a slot and vice versa. Also it is

possible to connect one signal to another signal.

• QObject::connect is used to connect signals and slots.

QtEvent & EventLoop
• Qt class QEvent encapsulates the notion of an event.

• It is the base class for all event classes.

• Qt application enters event loop when QApplication::exec() is called.

• The event loop receives events from window system and dispatches this to the application

• The event loop keeps on running until terminating event occurs.(for eg: user clicks Quit).

• Eg:
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
QApplication myapp(argc, argv); - 1
QWidget rootWidget;
setGui(&rootWidget);; - 2
return myapp.exec(); - 3

2. Every GUI, multithreaded, or event-driven Qt Application must have a QApplication object

defined at the top of main().
3. Show the widget on the screen.
4. Enter an event loop.
Widgets & Main Window
• UI controls in Qt are called widgets.

• All widgets derive from QWiget class and thus share the properties
and functionality defined by QWidget.

• A Widget that isn’t embedded is called a window. In Qt,

QMainWindow and QDialog are most common types of window

• The properties and functionality defined in QWidget class include.

– Size and Layout information.
– Event Handling for mouse, key & paint events.
– Information on possible parent & Children.

• For a list of widgets available in Qt visit Qt documentation and under

it Qt Widget Gallery.
Widgets and Main Window
• Now lets look at the example for widget.
#include <QApplication>
#include “mywidget.h”

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

QApplication app(argc, argv);
QWidget* widget = new MyWidget;
return app.exec();

#include <QtGui>
class MyWidget: public QWidget{
public slots:
void slt_textChanged();
QTextEdit* iText;
QLabel* iLlbl;

#include “MyWidget.h”
iText = new QTextEdit;
iLbl = new QLabel;
QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout;
connect(iText, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(slt_textChanged));

delete iText;
delete iLbl;

Widgets and Main Window

• Main windows are most often used to provide menus, toolbars and a status
bar around a large central widget.
• A general approach to Main Windows would be to create a custom widget
with desired layout etc. and then add the widget to the Main Window.
• The code from previous example would now look as follows:

#include <QApplication>
#include “mywidget.h”
#include <QMainWindow>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

QApplication app(argc, argv);
QMainWindow mw;
QWidget* widget = new MyWidget;
return app.exec();
• Independent Qt tutorials

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