Crash Cart - Cardioversion & Defebrilation - Hatem Alsrour

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A crash cart or code cart (crash
trolley in UK medical jargon) is a
set of trays on a wheeled cart that is used
in hospital wards and emergency room. It
contains all the basic equipment necessary
to follow ACLS protocols and potentially
save someone's life.

It provides an easier access to the

. All units will set up their carts to include adult,
pediatric, or newborn equipments.
Top of the trolley
 Defibrillator & cardiac monitor
 Adult paddles
 Pedi-paddles
 Conducting Gel
 ECG cable
 ECG paper
 ECG electrode
 Sphygmomanometer
 Clock
 Pediatric & adult stethoscope
 Resuscitation bag with O2 tubing & reservoir
 Infant
 Pediatric
 Adult
 Resuscitation mask (sizes: 0,1,2,3,4 & 5)
 Drip stand
 Sharps container
 Tape of securing EET
 Razor
2. Top of the trolley (beneath sliding cover)
 Incubation tray
 Laryngoscope handle
 Laryngoscope blades
 Stylet (sizes:1,2,3,4 & 5mm)
 Spare batteries for laryngoscope blade
 Spare bulbs for laryngoscope
 Disposable gloves
 Sterile lubricant
 Endotracheal tubes
 Pen torch
 Calorimeter/ETCO2
 Intubating Bougie
 Laryngeal mask airway
3. Side shelves
 Portable suction machine
 Suction machine
 Pediatric & adult yankauer sucker
4. Back of cart
 Oxygen cylinder with:
 Pressure reducing valve
 Pressure gauge
 Nipple adaptor
 Cylinder key
 Flow meter
 Oxygen tubing connected to the flow meter
 Adult & pediatric algorhythms
 Crash cart checklist
 Resuscitation form
 Code blue performance quality sheet
 Code blue attendance sheet
 Cardiac board
5. Front of the cart

1st Drawer
The drugs: 2. Pre-mixed

 Adenosine medication
 Amiodarone  Atropine
 Epinephrine
 Flumazenil  Calcium chloride 10%
 Magnesium sulfate  Dextrose
 Naloxone
 Adrenaline
 Norepinephrine
 Vasopression  Lidocaine
 Verapamil  Sodium bicarbonate
 Ketamine
 Normal saline  Dopamine
2nd Drawer
 Oxygen non-breather mask (infant, pediatric & adult )
 Pediatric & adult oxygen nasal canella
 Oral airway (sizes:0,1,2,3,4&5)
 Minitrach
 Pediatric & adult Magill's forceps
 Artery forceps
 Scissors
 Tongue depressors
 Suction catheter
 Nasogastric tube
3rd Drawer
 Angiocaths
 3 ways stop-cocks
 Blood tube (red, blue & pink)
 ABG syringes
 Needle (sizes: 18G, 21G & 25G)
 Alcohol swabs
 Tourniquet
 Transparent tape
 Butterflies (sizes: 21G, 23G & 25G)
 Syringes (sizes : 1,3,5,10,20 & 50ml)
 Intraosseous needle 18G
 Scalpel with blade
 Cardiac needle 20G
 Sterile gauze (size: 10×10)
 Dressing (size: 10×10)
 Skin disinfectant spray
 Sutures (2.0 & 4.0 silk & cutting needle)
 3 lumen central catheters
 Chest tubes (sizes : 12, 14, 28 & 32fr)
 Betadine solution
Bottom of trolley
 IV tubing (for infusion pump)
 IV tubing (for no infusion pump)
 Blood infusion set
 Extension tubing
 Arm board

Side drawer
1. upper drawer
 Sterile gowns
 Goggles ∕ eyewear

2. Middle drawer
 Dressing pack
 Sterile towel

3. Lower drawer
 Face mask
 Hair covers
What is a resuscitation (crash) cart?
The resuscitation cart contains all of the equipment
and medications needed for advanced life support and
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

When is this cart needed?

This emergency equipment is used only if the
patient's heart or lungs stop working. The cart is
brought to the patient's bedside when the patient's
heart or lungs are failing or have failed.
To have the crash cart and
Defibrillator constantly ready for
use in case of life threatening
condition such as
cardiopulmonary arrest.


To insure availability of all drugs,

equipment, and supplies
necessary to initiate advanced
The crash cart shall only be accessed by (1)
the Responsible/Participating Physician, (2) a
Registered Nurse, (3) Responsible Pharmacist
or (4) appropriately designated Responsible
Technical Staff members.

Each entry or inspection of the crash cart

shall be entered into a logbook maintained
with each cart.
?. The CPR committee is responsible for monitoring

correct use and checking of contents.

?. The staff nurse should be knowledgeable of the crash

cart contents and location to prevent any delay

during cardiac arrest.

?. The head nurse or designee will be responsible for all

nursing staff within their area to become familiar with

the location, contents and function of all equipment

in the crash cart.

?. The staff nurse should be responsible for cleaning

the carts, inspecting and replacing emergency

drugs as well as checking the defibrillator,

cardiac monitor, autoclaved items, and oxygen

. They responsible for overseeing traffic control on unit.

. They responsible for ensuring the emergency equipments are

brought to the bedside.

. They responsible for delegating duties to the appropriate

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