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Young Scientist @ Pengerang Program General Laboratory Safety Briefing through LFSD
M Firdaus B M Hashim 18th September 2013

Laboratory Facilities And Services Dept. General Laboratory Rules & Regulations Chemical Safety & Glassware Hazard Electrical Hazard Fire Prevention Emergency Procedure & Contact

Laboratory Facilities And Services Unit

You are Our Important Customer and we are here to serve YOU..

UTP Laboratory Rules And Regulation

A) SAFETY 1. A proper attire and dress code shall be worn at all times. This includes the wearing of Lab coat, Lab jacket, apron or whichever is applicable. NO wearing of slippers / sandals exposing the toes is allowed. 2. NO jewelleries or accessories are allowed to be worn during all Lab works. 3. Eating, and storing food are strictly prohibited in the lab working area at all times. 4. Gloves, safety goggles and other protective equipment MUST be worn as required. (Please consult the laboratory personnel for the requirements) 5. All related safety documents such as MSDS of all chemicals or materials MUST be read and understood before any works is initiated. 6. Handling of toxic, hazardous chemicals, solvent, and acids should only be done in the Fume hood. 7. Spilled chemicals and other substances should be cleaned up immediately and disposed properly. (Please consult the Lab personnel if you are not sure how to do so) 8. Waste chemicals should be disposed off into proper waste container at the designated location. NO chemicals should be discharged into the sink. 9. All broken glass should be disposed separately into proper sharp bins. 10. When igniting flame is required, please ensure that any flammable or explosive substances are not located near the source of ignition. (Please consult the Lab personnel for clarification) 11. Ensure that all equipment, gasses, and power utilities are properly off or shutdown upon completion of work. 12. Upon completion of work, fill in the laboratory log book 13. To adhere to Job Safety Analysis available in the laboratory 14. To prepare a Job Safety Analysis before performing any Job or activity whenever it is requested by the Lab Personnel.

UTP Laboratory Rules And Regulation

B) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) SECURITY NO one is allowed to enter the lab without notification from the lab personnel. Laboratory Project activities are not allowed to be conduct after office hours, unless the related documents or forms are filled, endorsed and approved. All activities have to be supervised by the lab personnel. NO Outsiders / Unauthorised personnel are allowed into the labs unless approved or on official matters. NO lab equipment or items should be transported out without notification and approval from the Lab personnel. Staff / students will be held responsible for any unwarranted event happening in the lab after office hours. Before leaving the lab, staff / students are to ensure that all lights are switch off and all doors are lock.

C) HOUSEKEEPING 1) Work areas MUST be clean up following the completion of any operation or activities or experiments or at the end of the day. 2) All equipment MUST be cleaned and restored to its original condition as before the works started. 3) All containers and chemicals or materials or samples in use MUST be clearly labelled and stored properly; any unidentified / unlabelled containers and samples will be disposed off. 4) Access to exit and emergency equipment and controls should never be blocked. 5) All personnel belongings should be placed at designated area.

Safety Awareness Individual Responsibility

likelihood of accidents

chemical exposure

What is Safety?

Safety is a young science Safety is something that has to be learned and PRACTICE

Safety Policy
Written statement for safety & health at workplace of the employees & other people

UTP is committed to providing a safe and healthy work and study environment for all employees, students, contractors and visitors

Safety Policy
To comply with any instruction on safety & health requested by the University

To wear or use at all times any protective equipment or clothing provided by the employer

Safety in the lab

Our motto is Teach, Learn and Practice science safely.

Teach, Learn and Practice science safely means that before you do an experiment, demonstration or activity..

Safety In the lab

You Know
the hazards. the worst things that could happen. what to do and how to do it if they should happen. and use the prudent practices, protective facilities and protective equipment needed to minimize the risk.


Wear long pants long-sleeved shirt or blouse, closed-toe shoe a lab coat eye protection and gloves.
When handling acids wear a rubberised apron for added protection.

Proper attire
Lab Coat No Sandal


Physical and chemical properties
Stability and reactivity information

Health hazard information

Acute and chronic effects of exposure

Permissible exposure limits

HAZARDS Identification
Electrical equipment. power is off before you start making connections. Beware of loose connections. Keep away from a sink or wet area.

And, if you feel a tingle when you touch the unit, stop using it immediately Microwave ovens.
Superheating of liquids can occur. Inappropriately selected plastic containers can melt.


Glassware is a marvellous accomplishment Designed efficiently Shaped "by science, for science

BUT glassware is FRAGILE and can break or shatter:

If bumped or dropped. If too much pressure is applied. If temperatures change too drastically

How do we protect ourselves from glassware accidents?
Learn our equipment Inspect it before use Follow proper procedures

Know how to store glassware properly

Keep well away from shelf edges Store on shelves no higher than a person of average height Place glassware well back in hoods or on benches

A co-worker in your lab has just spilled ethanol the spill has burst into flame and his clothing has caught fire.

ACTION Put out the fire: Drop and roll around on the floor to smother the flames Chill the burn with ice water.

Seek medical attention, and report incident to your lab technologist.

A colleague has just spilled acid to his cloth.

Flood exposed area with running water from faucet or safety shower for at least 5 minutes Remove contaminated clothing at once.

Make sure chemical has not accumulated in shoes. Obtain medical attention and report the incident.

Fire Prevention
Prevent Being Prepared
Prevent fires by:

Having a good housekeeping practices.

Using the smallest amount of flammable solvents possible. Keeping the flammable solvents away from ignition sources.

Storing flammables in a flammable storage cabinet.


A flammable liquid has just spilled out onto the bench top, and has caught fire.


What would the emergency response guidelines be?

Emergency Contacts
For emergencies requiring internal assistance call: 05-3688315 / 05-3688314 Security 05-3687200 - UTP Health Center

For emergencies requiring external assistance call: 05-3663333 Hospital Batu Gajah 05 2533333 Hospital Ipoh 05-3676222 Balai Polis Tronoh Or simply Dial 999 or 112 from your cell

Any burning issues? TQ ~ firdaus ~

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