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What is VRML ?

VRMLstands for Virtual Reality

Modeling Language.

VRMLis commonly referred to as


VRML is a simple text language

for describing 3-D shapes and

interactive environments.
 VRML is a text file where 3D can be
specified along with surface color,
textures, transparency, and so on.
 VRML also allows you to add
animations, sounds, lighting, and
other aspects of the virtual world.
 VRML files are commonly called
worlds with .wrl files.
 VRML uses four basic shapes Cone,
Sphere, Box, and Cylinder.
 When saving VRML files you must
save as .wrl (ex. Box.wrl).
 When using color is must be typed in
diffuseColor 0,0,0.
 When using translations you must
type them in 0,0,0. The first zero is
the x axis, second zero is the y axis,
and the third zero is the z axis.
Tools Needed
 Editor to create and edit the .wrl
 Any text editor can be used, but

Textpad has useful features.

 A Viewer for viewing the 3D world
described by the .wrl file.
 Textpad VRML Viewer or Web

Where to get Tools
 Download Tools package and
Installation Document from Citera
 http://
 Follow installation document to install
VRML Cortona Viewer, Textpad, along
with WVHTCF’s custom VRML help
Creating a Box
 #VRML V2.0 utf8

 # Author: Jared Fitzwater

 # WVHTF - CITERA - June 2007

 Transform
 {
 translation 0 0 0
 children [
 Shape
 {
 appearance Appearance
 {
 material Material
 {
 diffuseColor 0 1 0
 }
 }
 geometry Box{
 }
 }
 [
 }
Creating a Sphere
 #VRML V2.0 utf8

 # Author: Jared Fitzwater

 # WVHTF - CITERA - June 2007

 Transform
 {
 translation 0 0 0
 children [
 Shape
 {
 appearance Appearance
 {
 material Material
 {
 diffuseColor 0 1 0
 }
 }
 geometry Sphere{
 }
 }
 ]
 }
Creating a Cone
 #VRML V2.0 utf8

 # Author: Jared Fitzwater

 # WVHTF - CITERA - June 2007

 Transform
 {
 translation 0 0 0
 children [
 Shape
 {
 appearance Appearance
 {
 material Material
 {
 diffuseColor 0 1 0
 }
 }
 geometry Cone{
 }
 }
 ]
 }
Creating a Cylinder
 #VRML V2.0 utf8

 # Author: Jared Fitzwater

 # WVHTF - CITERA - June 2007

 Transform
 {
 translation 0 0 0
 children [
 Shape
 {
 appearance Appearance
 {
 material Material
 {
 diffuseColor 0 1 0
 }
 }
 geometry Cylinder{
 }
 }
 ]
 }
 WVHTC Foundation Powerpoint


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