Chapter 5 - Oum KDP

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5.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION Definition communication process of creating meaning between two or more people - Tubbs & Moss, 2000. involved sharing of ideas, feelings and experience

75% of daily lives spent in communicating with others Significance (importance) of communication - to interact and communicate with people - is related to our sense of identity and wellbeing - important in education (top priority) in seeking new information and knowledge - in private companies comm skills essential and crucial in job related situations - necessary requirement for some job promotions

Communication today is easier and faster due to modern technologies (cellular phones, fax machines, e-mail, SMS etc.) However technologies can also cause problems (refer activity 5.1)

5.2 A model of Human Communication

Tubbs Communication Model - basic comm involves two people (communicator 1 & communicator 2) - both are senders and receivers of message - comm is transactional involves arguing or convincing (as in persuasive presentation) creating a meaningful relationship (in terms of situation or context of event)

What are the factors involved for each communicator?

Communicator 1
- personal characteristics / non-verbal messages (facial expression, posture, tone of voice, hand movements, manner of dress) - nature of the message ( intentional /unintentional verbal /non-verbal ) - channels or medium of comm (sensory organs for face to-face comm , memos, bulletin boards, newapapers, email, radio, tv ) - interference anything that distorts the information or distracts receiver eg. Noise ,packed classroom i. technical interference eg.loud speaker ii. Semantic interference misunderstanding meaning

Communicator 2
- Visual perception, ability to listen (interdependent roles with commtr 2) - Interpretation or understanding of message depends on psychological make-up and prior knowledge - Feedback-the return to you the behaviour you have generated - Time interaction goes in circles, not static. Each time an interaction occurs a cycle begins

5.3 Communication Situations

7 situations : Interpersonal (5.3.1) Intercultural (5.3.2) Interviewing (5.3.3) Small group (5.3.4) Public (5.3.5) Organisational (5.3.6) Mass (5.3.7)

Why do we need to interact with others?

to fulfil our psychological needs To fulfil social obligations To build relationships To improve our sense of self To manage conflict To share information To influence others

5.4 Developing Communicative Competence

Involves using the right (what) form of language Knowing when and how to use the right language in the appropriate situation Includes use of verbal and non-verbal language Well-developed attitude, perception skills and expression skills

Why is it important to aim for effective communication?

Understanding Pleasure Attitude influence Improve relationships Action

Effective communication is related to our intentions, which result in understanding, pleasure, attitude influence, improved relationships and action.

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