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Organizations are made up of people and functions through people. Without people organizations cannot exist. The resources of men, money, materials and machinery are collected, coordinated and utilized through people. These resources by themselves cannot fulfill the objectives of an organization. They need to be united into a team.

It is through the combined efforts of people that material and monetary resources are effectively utilized for the attainment of common objectives.

INTRODUCTION Contd. Without united human efforts no organization can achieve its goals.

All the activities of an organization are initiated and completed by the persons who make up the organization. Therefore people are the most significant resource of any organization. This resource is called human resource and it is the most important factor of production

According to Flippo,
Personnel Management, or human resource management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of human resource to the end that individual, organizational and social objectives are accomplished.

The NIPM defines HRM as,
that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into an effective organization of the men and women who make up an enterprise and having regard for the well-being of the individuals and of working groups, to enable them to make their best contribution to its success.

According to Decenzo and Robbins,
HRM is concerned with the people dimension in management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organizational objectives.

Thus HRM can be defined as a process of procuring, developing and maintaining competent human resources in the organization so that the goals of an organization are achieved in an effective and efficient manner. In short HRM is a process of making the efficient and effective use of human resources so that the set goals are achieved.


The development of personnel management in UK and USA was largely voluntary. But in India, it emerged because of governmental interventions and compulsions. In the beginning of 20th century, various malpractices in the recruitment of workers and payment of wages were prevalent which caused a colossal loss in production due to industrial disputes.

The Royal Commission of labour in India (1931) under the chairmanship of J.H. Whitley recommended the abolition of the Jobber system and the appointment of labour officers in industrial enterprises to perform the recruitment function as well as to look after the welfare of the employees. After Independence, the labour welfare officer was identified with the personnel manager created by legislation under section 49 of the Factories Act 1948. The role of personnel manager was more of a custodian of personnel policy implementation and compliance to different Acts of the factories Law.

Evolving along the years, a new approach the human resource management has emerged, which focuses more on developmental aspects of human resource with a pragmatic, flexible approach.

The significance of human resource management can be discussed at four levels. Corporate, Professional, Social and National.

Corporate Significance
1. Attracting and retaining the required talent through effective HRP, recruitment, selection placement, orientation, and compensation and promotion policies. Developing the necessary skills and right attitude among the employees through training, development, performance appraisal, etc. Securing willing cooperation of employees through motivation, participation, grievance handling, etc. Utilizing effectively the available human resources. Ensuring that the enterprise will have in future a team of competent and dedicated employees.


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Professional Significance

1. Providing maximum opportunities for personal development of each employee 2. Maintaining healthy relationships between individuals, and different work group. 3. Allocating work properly.

Social Significance
1. Providing suitable employment that provides social and psychological satisfaction to people. 2. Maintaining a balance between the job available and the jobseekers in terms of numbers, qualifications, needs and aptitude. 3. Eliminating waste of human resources through conservation of physical and mental health.

National Significance
1. Human resource and their management play a vital role in the development of nation. 2. Countries are underdeveloped because their people are backward. The level of development in a country depends primarily on the skills, attitudes and values of its human resources. 3. Effective management of human resource helps to speed up the process of economic growth which in turn leads to higher standards of living and fuller employment.

Objectives of HRM: The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of right people for right jobs so as the organizational goals are achieved effectively. This primary objective can further be divided into the following sub-objectives. 1. To help the organization to attain its goal effectively and efficiently by providing competent and motivated employees. 2. To utilize the available human resources effectively.


To increase to the fullest the employees job satisfaction and self-actualization.

To develop and maintain the quality of work life (QWL) which makes employment in the organization a desirable personal and social situation.

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To help maintain ethical policies and behavior inside and outside the organization.
To establish and maintain cordial relations between employees and management. To reconcile individual / group goals with organizational goals.

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HRM Objectives Societal Objectives

Supporting Functions Legal Compliance Benefits Union-Management relations Human Resource Planning Employee relations Selection Training and Development Appraisal Placement Appraisal Placement Assessment Training and Development Appraisal Placement Compensation Assessment


Organizational Objectives


Functional Objectives


Personal Objectives

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