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Data Flow Diagrams

SSADM What is a Data Flow Diagram? Why do we use DFDs? Levelling Conventions Decomposition and Abstraction The Elements Process and Data Stores Outside Entity Data Flow The Levels Rules The Procedure for Constructing DFDs The Document Flow Diagram The Context Diagram Draw the external entities and data stores Level 1 Physical DFD - Complete

S.S.A.D.M. - Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method Uses different techniques to model a system Data Flow Diagrams Entity Relational Model (Logical Data Stores) Normalisation

What is a Data Flow Diagram?

Known as DFDs A way to model a real world situation They are the interface between the real world activities and an understanding of how this can be converted into a computer system.

Why do we use DFDs?

It is a way of taking the physical view and converting it into a logical view. The physical view - all documents involved The logical view - the data they contain Their main purpose is to communicate with the user, the analysts understanding of the scope of the required system

DFDs are expanded or decomposed into levels. Separating each process into sub processes Uncovers more and more detail

Balancing Process at lower level should have identical data flows if they flow out of a process Modelling Data Stores Only use DATA STORES used within this process on the diagram Numbering 1 - 1.1 - 1.1.1 1.2 - 1.2.1 Labels Should carry as much meaning as possible

Decomposition and Abstraction

Decomposition - Divide and subdivide into manageable size problems Abstraction Concentrate on the important issues and ignore the irrelevant

The Elements
The four main elements of DFDs notation Data Flows, with a label to indicate what data is flowing Processes, that handle the data Data stores, within the system (diary, filing cabinet or computer file) Outside entities, outside sources of data

Process and Data Stores

A process is made up of
Destination (Place or Name) Process Number

Data Stores
Can be M for manual or D for computer base data stores. M1

Process description Should be descriptive, starting with a verb.

Name of Store

Outside Entity
Is anything outside the system that is of interest to the system. Can be a person, a company or another system.
Customer a

Outside entity shows the Name and a lowercase alpha character is used to uniquely identify it.

Customer a

If an outside entity is repeated for the purpose of neat layout a line is added across the top.

Data Flow
Is shown by a line with an arrowhead, indicating the direction of the flow of data. Each data flow should be named to indicate what data is being passed. Nouns or adjectives only no verbs are permitted.

The Levels
Context - Overview contains only one process Level 1 - Utilises all four elements Level 2 - A breakdown of a level 1 process Level 3 - A breakdown of a level 2 process There is no rule as to how many levels of DFD that can be used.

Sequence not important - getting the Process correct is

Context or Level 0 - Identifies the system/ boundary/External Links Level 1 - Overview of function Level 2 - Breakdown to Understand Hard to know where to stop Rule of Thumb If there are more than 8 data flows break it Process of Identifying major Processes

The Procedure for Constructing DFDs

Draw a document flow diagram of the current situation Draw a systems boundary around the agencies that are part of the system Draw a Context Diagram Identify processes in the system Complete the level 1 Current Physical DFD

The Document Flow Diagram

The task of modelling a business situation can be daunting at first. It is best to start with something simple such as a document flow diagram.
Production Planning
Production Plan Delivery Note Purchase Order Supplier Details Update Form Delivery Note Material Requirements List


Stock Control


Stock Withdrawal Note

Bill of Materials



The Context Diagram

You decide which agencies are to be part of the system that you are examining. These agencies fall inside the system boundary and are reduced to one box in the centre. This is a Context Diagram

a Production Planning
Production Plan

b Supplier
Delivery Note

e Design
Bill of Materials

Stock Control Maintain Stock System

Stock Withdrawal Note

Supplier Details Update Form Delivery Note Material Requirements List

c Purchasing

d Factory

(Lejk & Deeks)

All data flows going into the system must be received by a process. All data flows going out of the system must be generated by process. The first task is therefore to identify these processes:
Stock cler k M aintain planned call- off

Stock cler k M aintain stock car ds

Stock cler k Pr epar e mater ial r eq mnts list

Draw the external entities and data stores.

a Production Planning

Stock clerk

M1 Bill of materials
Maintain planned call-off

b Supplier


Stock cards

c Factory

2 Stock clerk
Maintain stock cards

d Purchasing

Stock clerk Prepare material reqmnts list

Level 1 Physical DFD - Complete

Finally draw in the data flows to give a completed diagram. Note that a data flow must have a process at the end .
a Production Planning Production Plan

Stock clerk Maintain planned call-off

B O M details

M1 Bill of materials

Planned call-off details b Supplier Delivery note c Factory Stock withdrawal note Updated supply details Delivery note Material requirements list
(Lejk & Deeks)


Stock cards

Stock details

2 Stock clerk
Maintain stock cards Stock details

Stock clerk

d Purchasing

Prepare material reqmnts list

Hairdressing Salon Level 1 Physical DFD

Receptionist Register Appointment Appointment details New client details Existing client details Confirmation Request Confirmation Details

M1 Client card index

Appointment details

M2 Appointment diary
Confirmation of arrival

a Client Appointment details

Receptionist Confirm arrival Appointment details Change of hairstyle etc.

Change of hairstyle etc.

(Lejk & Deeks)

Hairdres s er/Rc ptns t

Conduct appointment

(Lejk & Deeks)

Process 3 Level 2

3 Client a Clie a



Hairdresser Appointment Details

Conduct Appointment Hair Details M2 Diary



Inform Reception Change of Hair Details


Receptionist M3 Client Card

Complete Appointment

Naming of DFD processes

Level 0 Level 1
2 1 Process Man 2.1 Sub Process Overall Process 2 Process Process 2.1.1 Sub - Sub Process

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
2.1.1 Elementary process descriptions. Decision trees Decision table Structured English

2.2 Sub Process 2.1.2 Sub - Sub Process

3 Process Man

2.3 Sub Process

There must be consistency between levels, with all the data appearing on the higher level DFD. If a data store is used only for one process it is placed with that process. Outside entities are always shown outside the boundary of a lower level DFD process, even if they only communicate with that one process.

Summary SSADM What a DFD is & Why we use them The different conventions What the elements are Example Next Week:- Entity Relational Model

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