Manasara and Arthasasthra New

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Kautilyas Arthashastra (350 BC ) Kautilya (also known as Chanakya and Vishnugupta) Known as a strategist, and expert in political science, Law and order, crime detection, town planning as well as good governance.
The main theme of this book is:

Prajasukhe Sukham Raja, Prajacha Hite Hitam..

In the happiness of the subjects lies the benefit of the king and in what is beneficial to the subjects is his own benefit Principles and strategies were used by: -Chandragupta Maurya, -Emperor Ashoka, -Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Framework of Arthashastra
ARTHA (wealth, earth, polity)


SHASTHRA (Science)

This treatise -sixteen books Deals with the running of a state - taxation, law, diplomacy, military strategy, economics, bureaucracy etc. Advocates rational ethic


Philosophy (lamp of all sciences)

Three vedas (Sama, rig, yajur)

Economics (agriculture, cattle breeding, trade)

Science of government & politics)

CONCEPT OF THE STATE To enable the individual to practise dharma and move towards the liberation from the cycle of death-rebirth. Wields the instruments of compulsion (danda), Thus the state enables two things - practice dharma - bhog (enjoyment) of private property rights. The main two principles were -military imperative (strength in unity) and -principle of dharma. Had specified rules of governance and a code of conduct.


Arthasastra conceptualizes the state to have seven elements
Swami (Monarch) Amatya (Officials) Janapada (Population and Territory) Durga (Fort) Kosa (Treasury) Bala (Military) Surhit (Ally)


Expansion of the state provisions to settle and financial help with easy payments options.

He (the king/ruler) should favour them with grains, cattle and money. These they should pay back afterwards at their convenience
Application in todays scenario Rapid population growth leads to over crowding of cities. Policies and strategies encouraging reverse migration to villages or new land Provide basic raw materials for new industries at low interest rates, tax benefits and easy repayment schemes.

Water is life. All living creatures depend on water. Settlement of people availability of water. Storage reservoirs were to be built using natural springs or water brought from elsewhere Application in todays scenario: Wastage of water should be totally prevented. Implement - Rain water harvesting, building of public water reservoirs etc. Rainy season plans to store water for the whole year to be done. Awareness about need of controlling water wastage.

Roads are the lifeline of any nation. Building of roads, connecting to the remotest corner and maintaining its beauty. The king was also to help people volunteering to build reservoirs by giving them land, building roads, or by giving them grants timber and other implements (2..1.21) The king to help people to get better connectivity. Application in todays scenario Building and maintaining good roads - Government. Quality of work of the contractor to be inspected regularly.

Mainly during natural calamities. Distribution of food at concessional rate to public, seeking the help of friendly kings, shifting the people to neighborhood, migration and additional cultivation of coping with the emergency (4.3.17-20) Application in todays scenario When natural calamity occurs - everyone has to get into action immediately. Support from neighboring places should be asked. Public awareness in prone areas.


A lot of emphasis has been laid down to provide and protect pubic amenities in Kautilyas Arthashastra. Shades, courtyards, latrines, fire places, places for pounding grain and open spaces were to be used as common properties Application in todays scenario Provided public amenities and facilities like shades, natural surroundings, latrines, warm places and open areas (playground and gardens)


No rule can be fully beneficial if regular inspections are not conducted and reports are not been monitored. He (leader) should constantly hold an inspection of their works, men being inconstant in their minds Application in todays scenario It is quite natural for a person to slip into complacency if the boss does not take regular inspection. Over a period of time the work is taken for granted. Hence strict daily and hourly productivity records have to be maintained. A good MIS (Management information system) has to be produced. Only then can we have an efficient system.

Another name of Kautilyas Arthashastra is Dandaniti, meaning the book on the - Art of Punishment. If the rod is not used at all the stronger swallows the weak in the absence of the wielder of the Rod (1.4.13-14) The king severe with rod (punishment) becomes a terror. A king with mild rod is despised. The king just with the rod is honored (1.4.8-10) Application in todays scenario If strict action is not taken the law of the jungle will prevail in any place. However the leader should not become a terror with his punishment. At the same time he should not become too soft. The punishment should be just and balanced. Such a punishment and punisher is always respected. Only if punishment is carried out will there be seriousness in the work. If not slowly corruption will set into the whole system.

Kautilyas Arthashastra is one book that is applicable even in todays world. The principles in the book are eternal. . It will help each individual to feel safe, secure and also contribute to the nation building process. The government of Kautilya's conception is engaged in a series of social welfare activities. In fact, during the period of Kautilya social welfare was the primary concern of the religious corporations, village and municipal communities, craft guilds and caste assemblies. Thus the concept of today's welfare state was evident in the Mauryan administration. To the modern governance of India, the most important instructive part of Arthashastra is the machinery of government. About bureaucracy - Government servants are to be enthused to actively help the administration in carrying out orders by granting them promotion in salary, pension, financial help, and agricultural lands and also by giving them permanent employment.

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