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Genomik - Proteomik

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Campbell, A. M. and Heyer, L. J. (2006) Discovering Genomics, Proteomics, and Bioinformatics. 2nd ed. Benjamin Cummings.. Xiong, J. (2006) Essential Bioinformatics, Cambridge University Press, Ch. 17, 18 & 19 Bahan dari jurnal dan internet

Bahan Kuliah

Pengertian genomik & proteomik Organisasi dan struktur genom Presentasi artikel ttg organisasi & struktur genom Metode pemetaan genom Konstruksi dan skrining pustaka cDNA Teknik dan strategi sequencing Program bioinformatik untuk analisis genom UTS

Perbandingan Genom Profil ekspresi genom

Transkriptom Proteom

Presentasi artikel Pustaka mutan Presentasi Interaksi protein omics Presentasi UAS

Apa yang dimaksud dengan genomik?

Campbell & Heyer 2006

A vague term that encompasses the study of reference genome sequences, variations within a species genome, DNA microarray, circuits, and systems biology. Some people include wider areas such as proteomics, metabolomics, etc., under the genomics umbrella.
Study of genomes characterized by simultaneous analysis of all the genes in a genome. The topics of genomics range from genome mapping, sequencing, and functional genomic analysis to comparative genomic analysis.

Xiong 2006

Apa yang dimaksud dengan proteomik?

Campbell & Heyer 2006

Xiong 2006

The study of proteomes that includes determining the 3D structure of proteins, their roles inside cells, the molecules with which they interact, and defining which proteins are present and how much of each is present at a given time.
Study of a proteome, which involves simultaneous analyses of all translated proteins in the entire proteome. Its topics include large scale identification and quantification of expressed proteins and determination of their localization, modifications, interactions, and functions.

Subject: BioWorld Genomics Technologies Report: Advances and Challenges in RNAi, Stem Cells and Synthetic Biology From: "BioWorld Today" <> Date: Sat, August 16, 2008 12:29 am

BioWorld Today has released a new market report that appraises the state and potential of the genomics technologies market allowing you to see where the trends are taking us for 2009. We created this report to help you: Get a competitive overview of the primary genomics markets! View trends and gainful opportunities in gene therapy, biofuels and investment ventures! Understand government agendas shaping the genomics space in 2008 and beyond! Find potential partners, licensing and marketing opportunities!

The integration of genomics is poised and projected to revolutionize drug development industrial biotechnology and alternative energy! These inimitable, next-generation technologies are currently offering groundfloor insight and opportunity in areas that have thwarted science and frustrated researchers for decades.

Highlights of this report:

Industry Overview Learn about the history of the technology, recent developments and the challenges ahead. Companies Current and extensive profiles of more than 50 companies, including key personnel, financial history, product development, agreements, licensing arrangements and partners. Sectors/Technologies siRNA, dsRNA, mRNA and eRNA technologies; predictive medicine; personalized medicine; research tools, kits and reagents, pharmacogenomics, stem cells, synthetic biology and DNA applications! Market Forecasts/Industry Data Charts and graphs with market forecasts from 2008 to 2014. Comparisons of key companies' clinical trials. Global R&D activity and more! Therapeutic Applications and Results Analysis of current applications and chronology of clinical trials and historical advancements.

How To Order:

Order our The BioWorld Genomics Technologies Report risk-free for 30 days for only $599 (plus $17.95 s&h) by choosing an option below. Or call us at 1-800-6882421 or 1-404-262-5476 and mention priority code S08439-EM6223. bqvrGlQe~yL~Jvkq~5b~&2=31172

Implications of exponential growth of global whole genome sequencing capacity

July 9, 2010 by Richard Resnick

Illuminas HiSeq 2000 running at capacity can sequence two whole human genomes per week at 30x coverage

2010: 1,000 publicly available human genomes basic research 2011: 50,000 human genomes

2012: 250,000 genomes

sequence-based diagnostics genotype-centric clinical trials

2013: 1 Million Genomes

Genomics-based diagnostics will be a real business Leading-edge hospitals will store whole genome data for patients as a part of their medical records Consumer Awareness, personalized care Medical schools provide advanced training for the Genomicist specialty

2014: 5 Million Genomes

2015-2020: 25 Million Genomes And Beyond

want to see whether you are genetically compatible with your new girlfriend?

A special report on the human genome Jun 17th 2010

National Centre for Human Genome Research vs Celera Post-genomic biologybiology 2.0

The chemicals in a cell are the hardware. The information encoded in the DNA is the preloaded software. Yet the whole is somehow greater than the sum of its parts. computing power DNA sequencing.

Hasil Biology 2.0

Neanderthal man genome Genetic analysis:

SNPs genome-wide association study (GWAS) Individualised genomics

How do species evolve: comparison of genomes Masalah:

RNA-only genes Epigenetics

The next advances in genomics may happen in China

Beijing Genomics Institute.

May 20th 2010: Craig Venter announced JCVI-syn1.0, the worlds first living organism with a completely synthetic genome Ethics


Cari sistem DNA sequencing yang ada sekarang

Alatnya Prinsip kerjanya Bisa yang sudah komersial atau masih eksperimental

Paper: Jelaskan secara singkat prinsip kerja masing-masing sistem DNA sequencing. Masing-masing mempresentasikan 1 sistem

Presentasi bab 1: Whats wrong with my child

1.1 First patients

A. Q. 1-4 B. Q. 5-8 C. Q. 9-12 D. Q 13-14

1.2 The next step in understanding the disease

A. Q. 15-19 B. Q. 20-27 C. Q. 28-34 D. Q 35-40

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