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Teen Dating Violence

What is Love?
Love is...
Responsibility Hard Work Honesty Sharing Openness Friendship Compromising Trust Respect

Love isnt...
Possessiveness Violence Obsession Cruelty Manipulation Dependency Proving Yourself Fear

What is dating violence?

It is what happens in a teen dating relationship when one person uses physical , emotional or sexual abuse to gain power and keep control over the other person.

Dating Violence is NEVER ok

Stop Relationship Violence


Things that are PHYSICALLY abusive...

Scratched Choked Hair pulled Slapped Beat up Punched in arm, face Hit with object

Things that are SEXUALLY abusive...

Called sexual names Wanted sex after hitting Made walk home nude Forced sex (RAPE) Forced to do disgusting sex acts Forced to have sex without protection

Things that are EMOTIONALLY abusive...

Yelled at Money stolen Constantly blamed for partners faults Verbally abusive Called names Publicly humiliated Constantly accused of flirting or having sex with others

Top Ten Signs of Potential Dating Violence

1. Jealousness and possessiveness towards you. 2. Attempts at control by being bossy to you. 3. Frightens or intimidates you into fearing how he/she will react to things you say or do. 4. Is violent and loses temper quickly. 5. Pressures you sexually. 6. Abuses alcohol or drugs. 7. Blames you when he/she mistreats you. 8. Has a history of bad relationships 9. Believes men should be in control and powerful while women should remain submissive and passive. 10. Your family and friends have warned you about this person or told you they are worried about your safety.

Common clues a teen is being abused

Physical signs of injury Truancy, dropping out of school Failing grades Use of drugs/alcohol Pregnancy Emotional Outbursts Indecision Isolation Changes in mood or personality

What do you do if YOU are being ABUSED?

Take it seriously Tell your abuser the violence must stop Plan for your safety Tell your parents or a trusted adult Call the police or other authorities Call a hotline Find a counselor or a support group Do things for yourself that make you feel stronger

What to do if your FRIEND is being abused?

Promote self esteem Be non-judgmental Make a safety plan Be there. LISTEN After the breakup keep up the support Get the parents and police involved if necessary Dont worry about what others think

What to do if you are the ABUSER?

Say I have a problem. I am abusive. Call a hotline Find a counselor or support group Talk to parents, friends, or other adults Learn as much as you can about abusive relationships Respect women Respect yourself: You CAN choose to abuse

Dating Safely
Double date a few times before you go out with a new person Know the plan for the date before leaving Be aware of your decreased ability to react under the influence If you leave a party with someone you do not know very well, make sure you tell someone who you are leaving with. Assert yourself when necessary. Be firm and straightforward. Trust your instincts. If a situation makes you uncomfortable, try to remain calm and think of a plan to get yourself out of it.

Relationships are about equality not control

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