Introduction To Evolution

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Introduction to Evolution

Science Standard 6: Describe evidence of species variation due to climate, changing landforms, interspecies interaction, and genetic mutation.

My Favorite Scientist: Charles Darwin

Who Was Charles Darwin? Why was Darwin considered to be a revolutionary?

Species-group of organisms with similar traits that can reproduce among themselves and produce fertile offspring Variation-inherited trait that makes an individual different from other members of the same species and results from a mutation in the organisms genes Adaptation-any variation that makes an organism better suited to its environment

Evolution-change in inherited traits that occurs over time Natural selection-process by which organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce

Principles of Natural Selection

1. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. 2. Variations occur among individuals of a species. 3. Some variations are passed to offspring . 4. Some variations are helpful. Individuals with helpful variations survive and reproduce better than those without these variations. 5. Over time, the offspring of individuals with helpful variations make up more of a population and eventually may become a separate species.

How Evolution Works

Hummingbird Species in the Transitional Zones

What is the relationship between the length of the hummingbirds' beaks and the flowers from which they feed?
If the size and shape of the flowers available to a group of hummingbirds were to change dramatically over a short period of time, would individual hummingbirds have the ability to change the size and shape of their beaks to adapt?

Although individual members of a species may look very much alike, there is often a great deal of variation among them. What role might this variation play in natural selection and evolution?

The Evolution of Camouflage

What is the praying mantiss strategy for self-defense?

The mantis is nearly invisible sitting on a leaf in the forest, but when the scientist places the insect on his shirt, it becomes very obvious. What does this suggest about how well this species of mantis would survive in a different environmenta desert or a short-grass prairie, for example?

Would an individual mantis be able to transform its appearance if it were placed in another type of environment? Why or why not? If the forest were to dry out and turn to grassland, or if this species of mantis began to expand its range to an area with fewer trees, what might happen to the species over time?

How Evolution Works: Competing Pressures Tale of the Peacock

From the research discussed in the video, what appears to be the most important factor in a male peacocks ability to attract mates and successfully reproduce?
What happened when the scientists altered the peacocks tails by cutting them short?

Aside from providing the egg, what role do peahens play in the reproductive success or failure of a would-be mate?
How might this trait have begun, and how might it have evolved over millions of years?

Explain the statement that predation and sexual selection pressures have competing outcomes. Give examples from the media youve seen.

Evidence For Evolution

Becoming a Fossil

Why do most living things not leave fossils behind?

How are fossils formed? How are fossils uncovered?

How do scientists determine the age of fossils?

Laetoli Footprints

What was the unusual series of circumstances that caused the Laetoli footprints to be preserved? Does this combination of events say anything about why such footprints are a rare find?
What do the footprints at Laetoli tell scientists about the way the creatures that made them moved?

Radiometric Dating

Evidence for the Evolutionary Process

Fish With Fingers

What did old theories say about the evolution of land-dwelling animals, and why was paleontologist Jenny Clack dissatisfied with these explanations?
What evidence did Clack find to disprove old theories? What explanation of the evolution of land animals can Clack give based on current fossil evidence?

Evolving Ideas: How Do We Know Evolution Happens?

What can we learn from fossil evidence? What specific fossil evidence points to the whale's evolution from land to water?

Check Your Understanding

Why is it difficult to find an evolutionary trail of fossil species leading from a common ancestor? What have the Laetoli footprints and the bone structure of the Lucy fossil taught paleontologists about the way Lucy moved? What can a creature's way of moving say about its evolution? How did fossil evidence change scientists' ideas about the transition from life in water to life on land? How did fossil evidence change scientists' ideas about the transition of mammals from land back to water? Explain why the absence of transitional fossils does not mean that evolution didn't take place.

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