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Sales Force Management

Activities involved in sales force management Simulation models Sales force staffing (Planning , Recruitment & Selection) Training

Fifth Lecture

Sales Executives(4 nos)

Recruitment , Selection & Training of 5 Stewards

Personal Qualities of Salespeople (Rating on 10 point scale)

Personality Communication Skills Confidence & determination Leadership Self discipline Commitment Work Ethics

Educational background Sales experience Business sense Product knowledge

Activities involved in Sales Force Management

Planning (Job analysis/ description) Recruitment Selection Training Compensation Motivation Evaluation/control

Sales Force staffing Process

Sales force staffing process includes three stages: planning, recruiting, and selection

Planning stage includes (1) establishing responsibilities, (2) deciding number of salespeople needed, (3) profiling the type of sales people needed
Recruitment stage consists of (a) finding sources of sales recruit, (b) evaluating and selecting recruitment sources, (c) contacting candidates Selection process consists of seven steps / tools: (1) screening resumes, (2) formal application , (3) initial interview, (4) intensive interview, (5) testing, (6) reference check, (7) physical examination

Planning , Recruitment and Selection

Planning Job analysis/description
Job profile of the sales force Tasks ,duties & responsibilities Qualifications & experience Skills required Reporting relationship

Recruiting process

Internal sources-employee references, internal transfers External sources-advertisement, campus placement ,recruiting agencies, on line, etc

Selection Process

Screening of applications ,tests, GD, interviews, medical, final selection, appointment letter & joining dates

Training Salespeople: Benefits

Help Salespeople Know & Identify With the Company

Learn About the Products

Learn About Competitors and Customers Characteristics Learn How to Make Effective Presentations

Understand Field Procedures and Responsibilities

Sales Training Programs: Five Major Decisions (A-C-M-E-E)

A: AIM (why) C: CONTENTS (what) M: METHODS( how) E: EXECUTION (who, when, wheretrainer, timing, place) E: EVALUATION (what is outcome/ results)

Sales Force Management

Motivation Sales force evaluation & control

Sixth Lecture

Compensating Salespeople


Components of Compensation



Building Blocks for a Sales Compensation Plan

Others Profit sharing Pension Profit Sharing Bonus

Moving Expenses

Lodging Company Car





Paid Vacation


The Nature of Motivation

A psychological process through which unsatisfied wants or needs lead to drives that are aimed at goals or incentives.

The Basic Motivation Process

Unsatisfied need

Drive toward goal to satisfy need

Attainment of goal (need satisfaction)

Maslows Need Hierarchy

Self-Actualization Needs

Desires to reach ones full potential, to become every thing one is capable of becoming as a human being.
Needs for power and status. Desires to interact and affiliate with others and to feel wanted by others. Desires for security, stability, and the absence of pain. Basic physical needs for water, food, clothing, and shelter.

Esteem Needs

Social Needs

Safety Needs

Physiological Needs

Dimensions of salesperson performance

Professional development




Performance Evaluation:360 Degree Feed Back System

On self

Sales manager

Team members

Sales person

External customers

Internal customers

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