Presentation On Kazakhstan Studium Generale: 28th April 2008, Hamburg

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Presentation on Kazakhstan Studium Generale

MLB Class of 2008

28th April 2008, Hamburg


1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Kazakh Outfits and Yurta


7. Musical Instruments and Music


Facts & Figures

Kazakhstan is the 9th country in the world by territory (2.7 million km) It is equivalent to the size of Western Europe

Continent: Eurasia Region: Central Asia Country: Kazakhstan Capital: Astana Population: 15.3 m (2008)


Workforce: 8.15 m GDP: $161.2 bn (2007) Inflation: 6.9 % (2004) Unemployment: 7.4 % (2006) Natural Resources: oil, gas, coal, minerals, fresh water Literacy Rate: 99.5%

Source: CIA World Factbook


1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Kazakh Outfits and Yurta


7. Musical Instruments and Music


Kazakhstan History

dates as far back as 1456 with the establishment of the Kazakh Kaganate on the banks of Zhetisu River. It existed until 1731 history from 1731 has seen Kalmyks (Djungars and Oirats) occupying Kazakh territory from east. Russians seized the territory in 1917, Alash Autonomy from Russia was formed and existed for over two years, then Bolsheviks came into power in 1920 has 3 major tribal divisions: Uli Zhuz Cattle Breeders (Cane); Orta Zhuz Writers (Pen); Kishi Zhuz Warriors (Spare) has borders with Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and China lost 22% of its population from 1926 to 1939 due to starvation (collectivization), violence and massive migration experienced the first nuclear weapons testing (1949) in Semipalatinsk region (Central Kazakhstan) during the Soviet time in 1986 has undergone the change of the government from Kunaev to Kolbin that brought a lot of tension among youth in 1991, on the 16 December, gained independence from Russia has a spacebase Baikonur located in Central Kazakhstan, nowadays Russia is renting the spacebase out


1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Kazakh Outfits and Yurta


7. Musical Instruments and Music


Political and Legal System

Unitary state with the presidential form of government President elected every 7 years by direct, universal suffrage Head of the Executive Power: Government Maslikhat (Senate) Majilis (Lower House) Head of the Government: Prime Minister Judicial Branch consists of Supreme Courts (44 members) and Constitutional Councils (7 members) 39 seats 77 seats Political Decisions are approved by President, Government and the Parliament

Bicameral Parliament President appoints 7 Senators

The main principles of independence and the political system were declared by the first Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted in January 1993 and approved by the referendum in August 1995 Foreign Policy Issues: Russian Federation oil and gas reserves claims, territorial claims as well as political/military support China - pipeline from the Caspian Sea, but also territory and fresh water. To defeat your enemy, do so from the inside The United States of America - the integration of democractic governance in Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Thank you for drying up the Aral Sea, drugs transport, politically unstable situation, high level of poverty


1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Culture and Traditions


7. Music


Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Pipelines I

Planned Kazakh-China Oil Pipeline, Length: 3 000 km, Investment: USD 700 m

1 barrel of oil = 158.98 liters

World Oil Demand Forecast (year) (mln b/d) 2000 77.5 2010 95.9 2020 116.1

KazakhstansTotal Oil Reserves: 36 65 billion barrels

Major Oil Reserves of Kazakhstan

Tengiz Oilfield 6 to 9 billion barrels Kashagan Oilfield 7 to 9 billion recoverable (estimated at 38 billion) barrels Kurmangazy Oilfield 7.33 billion barrels North Buzachi Oilfield 1.5 billion barrels

Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Pipelines II

Existing and Planned Oil Pipelines

Legend: _________ Existing _ _ _ _ _ _ Planned

Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Pipelines III

Existing and Planned Gas Pipelines

Legend: _________ Existing _ _ _ _ _ _ Planned

Cubic meter of gas means Heating a home for 1 hour Wash your hands 50 times Clean the dishes 6 times 3 showers 6 hot meals 1 bath

World Gas Demand Forecast (year) 2000 2010 2020 (mln b/d) 47 65 85 (trln cbm) 2.65 3.74 4.86

Reserves of natural gas Turkmenistan (2004): 20.4 trillion cubic meters Uzbekistan: 66.2 trillion cubic meters (top 5 gas reserves of the world)


1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Kazakh Outfits and Yurta


7. Musical Instruments and Music


Kazakh Cuisine
Manti in a steam cooker Kazi Lagman, Dungan Dish

Kumis (Goat Milk)




1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Kazakh Outfits and Yurta


7. Musical Instruments and Music


Traditional Kazakh Outfits

M A L A K A I Chapan

Religion Islam: (Sunni Muslim mainly) 47 % Russian Orthodox Christian: 44% Protestant Christian: 2 %

Traditional Kazakh Yurta


1. Facts & Figures

2. Kazakhstan History

3. Political and Legal System

4. Economics and Trade

5. Cuisine


6. Kazakh Outfits and Yurta


7. Musical Instruments and Music


Musical Instruments

Shyn Kobyz Narkobyz


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