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Localization Strategies Adopted by Nike

Concept Definition
Glocalization Glocalization refers to The adjustment of products or services after transnational corporations has considered the existence of cultural difference in the world, so as to adapt to local culture and social demand to increase profit. Roland Robertson1992

Slogan of Glocalization
Think Globally Act Locally

Areas of Localization Strategies

Characteristics of products and services Ways to promote the brand Sales strategy

Characteristics of Products or Services

Tailor-made products or services that fits in local market

Ways to promote the brand (1)

Advertisement with the use of local athletes/celebrities /

Ways to promote the brand (2)

Advertisement with the use of local culture

Ways to promote the brand (3)

Use athletes/celebrities as advertising endorsers /

Sales Strategy
Cooperate with other TNCs Slogan with local culture characteristics Hold different sports-related activities

Sales Strategy (1)

Cooperate with other TNCs
More new and creative products are produced due to exchange and integration of technical knowledge

Sales Strategy (2)

Slogan with local culture characteristics
Leave a deeper impression in the mind of the customers Products are easier to get acceptance from the local customers

Sales Strategy (3)

Hold different sports-related activities
Promotion can be done by the interactions between different people People may think Nike is a nice TNC, especially the brand image and recognition of brand increase rapidly Nike

Understand local culture Respect to cultural difference Adjust their corporate management culture

Why do Nike Adopt the Above Localization Strategies? ?

Conduct research on consumer culture in different and thus Increase profit Learn from others strength to offset own weaknesses and thus enhance own competitiveness

Why do Nike Adopt the Above Localization Strategies? ?

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