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Piotr Krystkowiak, E5109

The way to improve inventing and make it more efficient

TRIZ ( ) Theory of inventive problem solving.

Complex tool helping with inventing in technic. Based on research and observation made on 1 200 000 patents . Clue how to solve problem by analyzing, splitting, changing, modifying

Inventor of TRIZ,

science-fiction literature writer Sacrified 50 years of live for researches concerned with inventive theory
CEO of TRIZ society

from 1989 to 1998

1926 birth 1946 work in Soviet

Army patent office. 1948 wrote a letter to Stalin complaining about lack of development in inventive. 1950 arrested for investors sabotage sent to the Gulag.

When technical systems develop according to some specified rules, then it is possible to discover this rules to create algorythm of solving technical tasks.

Trial and error method

Very expensive Takes long time Very inefficent

Modifying solutions already existed

Waste money for development inefficent ideas Strong influence of vector of intertia

Very random method Developed version of TAE method

Very specified task


Narrow way of thinking

Looking for solution in already existed inventions

Inefficient solution

Consuetudo est altera natura - Cicero

Should be formed with as few words as possible Non technical language Shows the desired function not sollution Should be as general as possible

Cannot narrow way of thinking Cannot impose the solution Cannot be specific

Matrix of failures

Substance-Field Analysis

Standard sollutions






list of about 85 step-by-step procedures solves complicated invention problems helpful in analisyng problem still developing





Consists of: Operating stage Syntezis stage

Disadvantage Lack of IDEAL FINAL RESULT





Consists of: Precising of task - IFR Analitycal stage Operating stage Syntezis stage

Still used for solving low complicated problems




Most complex form

of algorythm of inventing Still developed Consists of about 85 steps

Analitical stage

Check possibility of using alternative idea. Check which method gives better effects Precise details .

Define IFR Define obstacles against IFR Define why obstacles apear? Define conditions when IFR would be realised.

Operational stage

Task precising

Define final aim.

Check possibility of using standards Check possibility of changes in environemt

Adapt solution from other technical branch

Check solution reversed to solution above.

Precise requirements and conditions.

Look for solution in natural environment.


Applying new idea

Synthesis stadium

What else should I change in object? What should I change in cooperating objects? Additional usage of changed object. Use new idea for other technical tasks

Problem was solved!!! Parabens!!!

Designing solution

By analysing patents Altschuler realised that all of them are invented using only few techniques. After few years of studying it turned out to be about 40 techniques used to invent in technics. Now these techniques are classified in table. They were also helpful with creating of matrix of improvement/failure.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Segmentation Extraction Local quality Asymmetry Combining Universality Nesting Counterweight Prior counter-action Prior action

11. Cushion in advance 12. Equipotentiality 13. Inversion 14. Spheroidality 15. Dynamicity 16. Partial or overdone 17.

19. 20.

action Move to new dimension Mechanical vibration Periodic action Continue useful action

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Rushing through Convert harm to benefit Feedback Mediator Self-service Copying Substitute throwaway Replace mechanical system Use pneumatic-hydraulic system Flexible film or thin membranes

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Use porous material Change color Make homogeneous Rejecting or regenerating parts Transform physicalchemical states Phase transition Thermal expansion Use oxidizers Inert environment Composite material

Su-Field (VePole in Russian) a minimal technical system consisting of two material objects (substances) and a "field". "Field" is the source of energy whereas one of the substances is "transmission" and the other one is the "tool." Su-Fields are generally shown symbolically, where the specific field and substances for a given problem would be shown as relations and actions beetwen substances and field.

Example of use


S1 painted part, S2 paint Pmech mechanical influence on part

Efficience increase.

Faster designing and

inventing. Eliminates usage of trial and error method. Can be used simultanesly with other inventing methods.

Avoid connotation Do not think in

regular categories Precise technical problem as a need to obtain predefined features and facilities

Engineering problem solving

Product/process development
Cost reductions Failure analysis and prevention Hidden source of failures Predict failures before they occur Non-technical problem solving
Education Managment

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