Trinidad Medical Aid Presentation 8 & 9

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Trinidad Medical Aid Delivering to your doorstep

Presented by: Arundranath Mahase Kerry Wilson Nigel Garcia Cleve Chadee

Business Model Canvas

Key activities Key partners Ministry of Health Ministry of the People and Social Development (NIPDEC)
Processing requests Locating of medications Procurement Packaging/Delivery of medications Marketing

Value proposition Convenience Reliability Saves time and money Omits hassles in Sourcing Medications.

Costumer relationships
Get- Loyalty, Personal interaction, Word of mouth, Social Media Keep- loyalty bonus, customer service, Competitions Grow referral customers , misc. items,

Costumer segments

Patients of Public Health Institutions

CDAP users outside of Public Health institutions. Public users interested in the service

Ministry of Planning and Customer service Sustainable Development Key resources Pharmacies Staff/Labor Pharmaceutical Location Companies Transportation/Vehicle Bag / Box Suppliers Stationery
Logistics system Cost structure Rent Wages Transport maintenance Fuel Packaging Phone bills

Channels Delivery Facebook Email Fax telephone Revenue streams

Exclusive Government Contractual Agreement Special Requests (Disaster Relief etc.) Daily customers (prescription and over the counter drugs) Subscription fee (yearly) Advertising on Website

The main activity of this business will be the delivery of medications to customers after procurement from various suppliers, therefore our partner type will be key suppliers.

As the business develops, a strategic alliance will be established with the various government agencies to complete the TOTAL potential market.

Partner Relationships
Pharmaceutical Companies Pharmacies

Package Suppliers

Contractual Arrangement

Pharmacies would be willing to give discounts on meds purchased through Trinidad Medical Aid. Pharmacies will be willing to work with Trinidad Medical Aid as a mutual relationship would be formed; We bring customers to them by providing a valuable delivery service while giving special discounts to us. C4 Central Stores would be most reliable source in obtaining hard to find medication. There would be a joint venture with Trinidad Medical Aid and relevant Ministries e.g. Ministry of health, NIPDEC and Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development to determine those in need of service (mainly elderly or disabled persons).

Key activities resources and costs

Key activities, resources and costs as shown on original business model canvas
Key activities
Processing of customer requests Locating of medications Procurement Delivery of medications

Key resources
Staff/Labor Location Transportation means Stationery

Cost structure
Rent Wages Transport maintenance Fuel

Most Pharmacies responded that they can provide discounts once a substantial amount of customers were obtained. Pharmacists were willing to facilitate us by giving priority to our orders. Database of persons most in need of the service would be longer to access than usual; changing of government may also affect process. Apart from the persons making deliveries, greater human resource is needed such as logistics personnel. A logistic system needs to put in place to coordinate deliveries, especially for subscription orders for maximum efficiency. Some sort of safe storage space would have to be acquired for medication in stock. E.g. subscription deliveries waiting to go out For privacy and security reasons, customers preferred their goods to be in sealed packaging (small but additional cost absorbed by TMA)

Key Activities Diagram

As time progressed and deliveries were made more activities were found to be present (reflected below) Special Requests (Disaster Relief etc.) Processing of customer requests



Customer Service

Packaging and Delivery of medications

Sourcing medications

Key Resources
Key resources Staff/Labor Location Transportation/Vehicle Stationery Logistics system
Description Scooter Car Misc. office supplies (e.g. printer, laptop, telephone etc.) Status Quantity Total Buy Lease Buy 3 3 28,500 18,000 6,000



OPERATING COSTS (avg. per month)
Description Office Rental Type Fixed Fixed Variable Total 3500 3500 900

Cost structure Staff/Labor Rent Wages Location Transport Transportation/Vehicle maintenance Stationery Fuel Logistics system Packaging Fuel Phone bills Phone bills

Wages Transportation maintenance

Fuel Phone bills Advertising/ Marketing Misc.

Variable Variable Fixed

600 1000 1000



Registering Business One-time



Startup Costing
Fixed Assets cost Operating costs Subtotal Contingency (10%)

52,500 13,175 65,675 6,580



Startup Costing
Our startup costs for the MVP utilizing current resources by business members:
Fixed asset costs Operating costs (fuel,phone bills, packaging) Contingency (10%) Total


178 1,953

Heres what we thought

Bringing government on board would be a task, but manageable.

Links with key partners would eliminate the notion of a suitcase business.
Majority of meds would be easy to get through the larger suppliers Key activities, costs and resources were as listed on original business model canvas

Experiments: So heres what we did

Started engaging pharmaceutical companies via phone calls, emails e.g. Smith Robertson.

Waiting on prices from packaging suppliers.

Already had distance / time tests conducted in MVP area as it will affect costs.

Requested lists of frequently sourced medications and their availability.

Results: So heres what we found

Main suppliers, public or private, dependant on manufacturers. Thus a database has to be established.
Many regularly ordered OTC items may be sourced from Pennywise etc.
Pharmacies / Pharmaceutical Companies Location?
Kappa Drugs Ross Budget Drugs Bhagan's Drugs Bonanza Drugs Superpharm Smith Robertson Agostini Pharmaceutical Ltd. Bryden Pi Ltd Eryn Pharmaceuticals Ltd Genetics Pharmaceuticals Ltd Hand Arnold Pharmaceuticals Ltd Glaxosmithkline Caribbean Ltd Excellent Good Good Good Good Excellent

Discounts Offered?

MagnaCard / Medicard Rewards?


and how we now feel

Iterate: So heres what we are going to do next

Discuss with Pennywise etc for OTC, misc items Widen our network. Eventually, when established, source a contractual agreement through Government agencies. Deliver, deliver, deliver and link more partners

Trinidad Medical Aid Delivering to your doorstep

Contact Info :
Email Telephone West 732-9968 , East 491-5348, Central 781-2401, South Coming soon Facebook Trinidad Medical Aid Blog - Website Under-construction

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