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Energy Drinks


Some things to think about

In 2008, more than 270 new energy drinks were launched worldwide.* The energy drink market is a 4.8 billion per year industry.* As soda consumption decreases, energy drinks are filling in the gap. 35% of U.S. teenagers report that they consume energy drinks (as compared to 19% in 2003)* Energy drinks are marketed to kids, teenagers and college students.
*Mintel Global New Products Database

Dangers in energy drinks

Caffeine intoxication resulting in increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure is possible from ENERGY DRINKS that can contain as much caffeine as 5 cans of Coca-cola.
Caffeine intoxication requires medical attention. Nausea, increased heart rate, anxiety, insomnia and increased blood pressure are some symptoms of intoxication. Potentially unsafe ingredients

The Story on Caffeine

Caffeine is a drug and should be consumed in moderation, if desired
Moderation is defined as 300 mg. caffeine daily or the equivalent of approximately 2 cups of coffee Individuals differ in their sensitivity to caffeine, so listen to your body

Pros & Cons of Caffeine

In small doses it may..
Help prevent type 2 diabetes & liver disease including liver cancer. Possibly improve treatment outcomes in patients with Parkinson disease Improve short concentration and performance

In large doses it may cause serious health effects.

Powering Up or Dragging Down?

Drinking these products during exercise may cause unwanted symptoms:
Increase blood pressure

Rockstar Size-16 oz. Caffeine 160 mg*

Increase heart rate

NOS Size-16 oz. Caffeine 260 mg*

False claims promise improved performance in class or on the field.



These drinks can have the following side effects:
Red Bull Size-8.3 oz. Caffeine 80 mg

Vault Size16 oz. Caffeine 115 mg

Severe Headache Upset Stomach Increased Heart Rate

Dont believe everything you read

Energy Drinks are NOT regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any governing agency. Manufacturers can mix a variety of ingredients in these products without any agency checking the safety.

Manufacturers add taurine and guarana to imply health benefits. There is NO scientific evidence that these are beneficial.

Know what youre drinking

Energy drinks are not natural


Energy drink manufacturers are not required to label ingredients including caffeine content. Manufacturers do not need to guarantee consistency or safety in their products.

Energy drinks and sports dont mix!

Caffeine amounts in drinks may exceed the allowed limits for NCAA athletes. Side effects may also include anxiety and stomach upset.

Energy Drinks & Alcohol

Combining energy drinks and alcohol can be dangerous
The stimulant effect can make someone feel less intoxicated. So ..someone may use more alcohol to feel the effect and are at a higher risk for risky behavior. It doesnt matter how you feel.your blood alcohol concentration is the same.

Energy Drinks without the caffeine

TRY THESE: Orange Juice (100% fruit juices) Milk V8 Fusion These drinks have nutritional value, taste great, DO NOT contain caffeine and are much less expensive.

Average Cost
Energy Drinks: NOS Rockstar Full Throttle 16 oz 16 oz 16 oz $2.49 $2.49 $1.99

Red Bull
Milk Orange Juice (100% fruit juice) V8 Fusion

16 oz
16 oz 16 oz 16 oz

$ .62 $ .66 $ .87

Non caffeinated choices:

Resources at the University of New Hampshire

Health Services
Offers nutrition counseling for free to all students who have paid the Health Fee. (603) 862-3823 Facebook/Twitter: UNHHealth

UNH Health Services: Office of Health Education and Promotion Sleep 2007; Managing Stress 2007; Red Bull, Cocaine, Full Throttle, RockStar, Blak, Monster... Hype or Harm? 2007. <> Caffeine and Energy Boosting Drugs: Energy Drinks Oct. 2008. < n/atod/energydrinks.htm> Question of the month What are energy drinks all about? January 2003. < > MillerCoors Buckles to AG Pressure. September 2008. <> Center for Science in the Public Interest Caffeine Content of Food & Drugs. September 2007. <> How much caffeine is in your daily habit? October 2007. <> New caffeine counts put a number to your buzz. November 2008. <>

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