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MIS in Power Distribution System

Submitted by: Ankita Kothari (12PGP06) Laveena Gunjyal (12PGP077) Saumya Ch. (12PGP097) Vikita Pawar (12PGP0106)

Overview of Power System in India

Power Distribution
It is the final and most crucial link in the electricity supply chain and the weakest one in the country. It has a direct impact on the sector's commercial viability, and ultimately on the consumers who pay for power services. The Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses still remain substantially higher than the global benchmarks at 33%. Privatization of power distribution has been initiated either through the outright privatization or the franchisee route.


Indian Institute of Management Raipur

Loop Holes in current system

Manual Metering. Manual and random theft detection. Voltage variations and frequency of power supply beyond the tolerance time. Rigorous collection process and manual updation of defaulted consumers. Load estimation task force is totally a dedicated team for undertaking this task. Every day report updation.


Indian Institute of Management Raipur

Traditional Distribution System


Customer Service


Distribution Utility



Network Operation

Existing Distribution Layout

Bulk Power Substation Submission system 34.4-138kV

Industrial Substation 12.5-13.8kV

Distribution Substation 12.47-34.5kV

Distribution Substation Primary system 4.16-34.5kV

Distribution Transformer Distribution Transformer

Load Substation

Large industrial load

480V-4.16kV Secondary
Industrial or large commercial load Commercial load Residential or rural load

GIS in power distribution

GIS in power distribution

GIS System
Location Attributes Spatial Relationships

Digital representation of consumers, network elements & important landmarks on a georeferenced area map.

Consumer and Network database indexing

Unique CIN (Consumer Index No.) Consumer database is linked to the network database for the purpose of defining electrical connectivity All network elements are identified and their technical attributes are recorded in a GIS database. The GIS software uses GUI tool where all network components are graphically depicted. For network reconfiguration, the child components can be dragged and dropped to the new parent component to show new electrical connectivity .

Consumer Database

Network Database

System Architecture of GIS System


At each Circle

Application Server

At each sub-station 1 GIS Client PC At each sub-station 2 GIS Client PC

How can GIS help in power distribution ?

Tool for consumer management . Effective decision making. Improves the utilitys productivity on proper integration. Enhancing operational efficiency and transparency .

MIS in Metering

MIS in Metering
Smart Metering Infrastructure
Asset Management Meter Data Management System Smart Meters Consumers are more aware of their energy usage.
Enables service provider to modulate electric demand as per consumer preferences. Data of smart meters is useful on consumer portals.

SMI Infrastructure
Billing Information System

MIS in Billing

MIS in Billing
Planned at substation level- Billing System Software
Centralized Billing Server GIS Database of the subdivision Billing database Prepaid Database Postpaid Database Report Generation System

Billing Infrastructure
SMI System GIS System
Centralized Billing Server Billing System Software

GIS Database

Billing Database

Report Generation System Database

Prepaid Database

Postpaid Database

Billing Process
Computer center does the pre billing activities ending with overall finalization

Bills and bill registers are printed and sent to field offices.

Bill Generation
Enormous bill detected by the field office or reported by the consumer Erroneous bills are regenerated in computer center

Bills are dispatched

Revised bills are sent to the field office

Sub Division Office

Computer Center

System Built so far

Collection System

MIS in Collection

MIS in Collection
SMI System GIS System Billing System

Collection System

MIS in Collection
Planned at collection centers- Collection System Software Centralized Collection Server GIS Database of the subdivision Collection database Prepaid Database Postpaid Database Report Generation System

Collection System Infrastructure

SMI System GIS System Billing System

Centralized Collection Server

Collection System Software

WAN AI enabled Distribution System

Online payment Gateway

GIS Database

Collection center Databases

Report Generation System Database

Prepaid Database

Postpaid Database

AI enabled Distribution System

MIS in Distribution
SMI System GIS System Billing System

Collection System

AI enabled Distribution System

Distribution Centre

AI enabled Distribution System

Incorporated at every substation
AMI system- Load Flow Study
GIS Database of the subdivision- User specific system details Collection System- Reliability Index

Prepaid Database Postpaid Database System Planner Energy Audit Software System
Enables Tailor made designs

AI enabled Distribution System

SMI System GIS System Billing System

Collection System

AI Application Software

Energy Audit and Accounting Practices

The energy audit software interacts with billing and collection module, consumer database & AI for DT-wise energy auditing & load balancing Software is intelligent enough to understand network reconfiguration and accordingly compute ATC losses Software has built-in algorithm to calculate estimated technical loss based on network parameters and power flow through feeders and DTs.

MIS system suggested

AMI System GIS System Billing System

Collection System

AI enabled Distribution System

Distribution Centre

Advantages of the implemented System

Reduction in Loses and Theft. A robust MIS software allows distribution data access based on the level, role and responsibility Standardization Transparency in Billing. Reduced Outages. Quick reporting and easy versioning. Helps in intelligent decision making.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Cost of 50 to 60 crore. 50% by the Ministry and remaining by the utilities. IBM has collaborated with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in India to create the countrys first smart grid project. Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) is implementing two pilot projects in the Northern and Western India grids. The benefit analysis is still in a very nascent stage.


Thank You !

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