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Formal programes that organizations implement to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the human resources available. Every person joining an organization has a desire to make career as per his potentiality, ability, skills and so on.

Career planning is the process by which a person selects career goals and the path to these goals.


Formulation of personal and professional goals Analysis of strength and weaknesses Developing alternatives Developing contingency plans Monitoring career plans To motivate the employees and boost their moral Effective utilisation of human resources


Benefits to the individual

To discover his on talent The individual has greater awareness of his work environment Developing positive attitude and approach Analysis strength and weakness Clear goal setting capacity Meeting contingency It is helpful to understand employees needs


Increase efficiency and productivity Reduce staff absenteeism Helps to avoid obstacles Supply qualified persons Reducing pressure on job classification It promote optimum utilisation of resources Reduce costs

Career stages
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Exploration Establishment Mid-career stage Late career Decline stage

Almost all candidates who start working after college education start around mid-twenties. Many a time they are not sure about future prospects but take up a job in anticipation of rising higher up in the career graph later. From the point of view of organization, this stage is of no relevance because it happens prior to the employment

This career stage begins with the candidate getting the first job getting hold of the right job is not an easy task. Candidates are likely to commit mistakes and learn from their mistakes. Slowly and gradually they become responsible towards the job. Ambitious candidates will keep looking for more lucrative and challenging jobs elsewhere.

There is continuous improvement in performance. Employees who are unhappy and frustrated with the job, there is marked deterioration in their performance. Employees must remain productive at this stage. Climbers must go on improving their own performance. Authority, responsibility, rewards and incentives are highest at this stage. Employees tend to settle down in their jobs and job hopping is not common.

This career stage is pleasant for the senior employees who like to survive on the past glory. There is no desire to improve performance and improve past records. Such employees enjoy playing the role of elder statesperson. They are expected to train younger employees and earn respect from them.

Decline stage
This career stage represents the completion of ones career . After decades of hard work, such employees have to retire. Employees who were climbers and achievers will find it hard to compromise with the reality. Others may think of life after retirement.

Factors influencing career choices

1. 2. 3. 4. Interests Self-image Personality Social backgrounds

Career planning process

1. 2. 3. 4. Identifying individual needs and aspirations Analyzing career opportunities Aligning needs and opportunities Action plans and periodic review.

Career development consist of personal actions one undertake to achieve a career plan. it may be initiated by the individual himself or by the organisation.

Individual career development

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Performance Exposure Networking Leveraging Loyalty to career Mentors and sponsors Key subordinates Expand ability

Organisational career development

a) Self-assessment tools (career planning workshop and career work book) b) Individual counselling c) Information services :- job posting system, skills inventory, career ladders and career paths, career recourse centers.

d) Employee assessment programmes :assessment centers, psychological tests, promotability forecasts, succession planning e) Employee development programmes f) Career programmes for special groups.

Career anchors
Career anchors A career anchor is that one element in a persons self-concept that he or she will not give up, even in the face of difficult choices. In Career anchors: discovering your real values, motivation and values affect career choices and preferences

What is a Career Anchor? Your Career Anchor represents your unique combination of perceived career competence, motives, and values.

Why are Career Anchors Important?

Even when they claim to have your best interests in mind, unfortunately most of today's organizations "manage" their workers' careers according to what's best for the organization, and not the individual. That's why it's so important to be self-reliant when it comes to managing your career, on your own terms. Career Anchors can help you identify your Career Anchor, which encompass your primary areas of competence, motives, and career values

Your 'career anchor' is what really drives you at work. It is a mixture of your motives, values and how you see your own personal competence.

Differences in Career Anchors help to explain why some people with similar background, education and professional training make such different career choices. For example, some engineers are intrinsically interested in their profession, enjoying the challenge of resolving complex technical problems; others see their profession as a step towards senior management, happy to leave the technical problems to others. Others quickly set up their own business, anxious to create their own enterprise and to make their distinctive mark on the world. The difference is due to their career anchor: The underlying drive or combination of drives that motivates each person to make one choice rather than another.

Important career anchors are

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Managerial competence Technical competence Security Creativity Autonomy Dedication to a cause Pure challenge Life style.

Reference -Human resource management by VSP Ravoo

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