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My Country Pakistan 1947-2013

Presenter Muhammad Mujtaba Asad FPTV Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Founded by a great man


(eogra)*i+a, %o+ation
Pakistan located in the mountainous region adjoining Central Asia and the Middle East. Has a 1 !"#$kilometer %#&!$mile' coastline along the Arabian (ea and )ul* o* +man in the south and is bordered by A*ghanistan and ,ran in the -est the .epublic o* ,ndia in the east and the People/s .epublic o* China in the *ar northeast. Pakistan has been called part o* the 0e- Middle East.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

C,imate o- Pakistan
Pakistan has *our seasons: 1 A cool dry -inter *rom 2ecember through 3ebruary4 1 A hot dry spring *rom March through May 1 5he summer rainy season or south-est monsoon period *rom 6une through (eptember4 1 the retreating monsoon period o* +ctober and 0o7ember. .ain*all can 7ary radically *rom year to year and successi7e patterns o* *looding and drought are also not uncommon.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

5he *ollo-ing are major languages spoken in Pakistan:
Punjabi %Panjabi' #1 million Pashto %three major 7arieties' 18 million (indhi 18 million (eraiki %(araiki' 1" million 9rdu 11 million :alochi %three major 7arieties' # million English is o**icial ;anguage

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Ma1or Cities o- Pakistan

5here are <=1 big and small cities in Pakistan but the most *amous and major cities are listed belo-: s,amabad. /ara+*i. %a*ore. Pes*a0ar. Quetta.
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

/ara+*i$is the largest city o* Pakistan. 5he city has an estimated population o* <1 million people as o* April <!1<. ,t is Pakistan/s center o* banking industry economic acti7ity and trade and is home to Pakistan/s largest corporations including those in7ol7ed in te>tiles shipping. ?arachi is the$most populous city$in the country is the -orld/s largest city in terms o* population and also the 11th largest$urban agglomeration$in the -orld.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

s,amabad$is the capital o*$Pakistan$and the$ninth largest$city in the country.

,slamabad is a -ell1organised international city di7ided into se7eral di**erent sectors and @ones. ,t is regarded as the most de7eloped city in Pakistan and is ranked as a$)amma1 -orld city.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Pesha-ar is the major educational political and business center o* ?hyber Pakhtunkh-a. Pesha-ar is the center o* culture o* ?hyber Pakhtunkh-a. ,ts culture has e7ol7ed o7er the years and has been principally in*luenced by )handhara culture Pakhtun culture and Hindko culture.
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

0ational game A 3ield Hockey Bon 18C< -orld cup. )old 18C" +lympics. Most popular game A Cricket Bon the Cricket Borld Cup in 188< and 51<! Borld Cup in <!!8

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

second1most populous Muslim1 majority country also has the second1largest (hi/a population in the -orld. About 8&D o* the Pakistanis are Muslim. Almost C&D o* Pakistani Muslims are (unni Muslims and 1&D are (hi/a Muslims

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

5he .eligious breakup o* the country is as *ollo-s: ,slam 1=E !!! !!! %8&D' %nearly C&D are (unni Muslims and 1&D are (hi/a Muslims'. Hinduism E <!! !!! %1.C&D'. Christianity < C!! !!! %1.#D'. (ikhs Around <! !!! %!.!"D' .

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Pakistan politics has taken place in the *rame-ork o* a *ederal republic system o* go7ernment has at times been parliamentary presidential or semi1presidential. ,n the current semi1presidential system the President o* Pakistan is the head o* state the Prime Minister is head o* go7ernment and there is a multi1party system. E>ecuti7e po-er is e>ercised by the go7ernment. ;egislati7e po-er is largely 7ested in the

Economy o* Pakistan is the <#th largest economy in the -orld in terms o* purchasing po-er and the "=th largest in absolute dollar terms. Pakistan/s economy mainly encompasses te>tiles chemicals *ood processing agriculture and other industries.

Pakistani Musi+
5here are *our main *amilies o* musical instruments in Pakistan and more than si> hundred Pakistani musical instruments4 the most -ell kno-n are the$sitar, tabla, rabab, dhooland$bansuri.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

5HE 3+9. P.+F,0CE( +3 PA?,(5A0

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


1. Punjab$is the most populous$pro7ince$o*$Pakistan -ith appro>imately &#D o* the country/s total population <. 5he main languages are$Punjabi$and (araiki E. $;ahore$has traditionally been the capital o* Punjab *or a thousand years4 it is Punjab/s main cultural historical administrati7e and economic center.
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

:A2(HAH, M+(G9E


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad



1. )eographically it is the third largest pro7ince o* Pakistan <. $,t is hot in the summer and mild in -inter. E. (indhi$is the sole o**icial language ". ?arachi is the largest city main$seaport$and the as -ell as the$capital o* the$pro7ince$o*$(indh. &. ,t -as the original capital o* Pakistan until the construction o*$,slamabad

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


$Pre7iously kno-n as the$0orth1 Best 3rontier Pro7ince. 5he main ethnic group in the pro7ince is the$Pashtuns. 5he principal language is$Pashto. 5ribal system Most beauti*ul pro7ince.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

/a,as *

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


6a,o+*istan7is t*e ,argest )ro8in+e 9by area: o-7Pakistan 2+ar+e,y )o)u,ated

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Borld &th largest gold mine

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Borld &th largest coal reser7es

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Borld =th largest copper mine

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

3rd 'u+,ear 3ea+tors

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

& :ig .i7ers

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Borld#th largest Army

7t* 'u+,ear Po0er

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

=th largest .ice Producer

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Cth largest -heat producer

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Pakistani Food
.e*ined blend o* 7arHous regional cooking traditions o* the (outh Asia$. Pakistani cuisine is kno-n *or its richness and *la7our. ,t has been partly in*luenced by Arab Persian and ,ndian Cuisine it retains its o-n distinct Pakistani *la7our.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Pakistani FoodBithin$Pakistan cuisine

7aries greatly *rom region to region re*lecting the country/s ethnic and cultural di7ersity.

)i7en the di7ersity o* the people o* Pakistan cuisines generally di**er *rom home to home and may be totally di**erent than the

Pakistani Food

Pakistanis *ocus on other areas o* *ood such as bee* lamb chicken *ish and 7egetables as -ell as traditional *ruit and dairy products.

Pakistani Food
Pakistani dishes are kno-n *or ha7ing spicy *la7ours and some dishes o*ten contain liberal amounts o* oil -hich contributes to a richer *la7our. $Cumin seeds $chilli po-der $turmeric )aram Masala is a 7ery popular blend o* spices used in many Pakistani dishes.

;raditiona, dress
(al-ar kamee@ %shal-ar Iamee@' is the national dress o* Pakistan. (al-ars are loose trousers designed in 7arious styles. 5he sal-ar kamee@ is important especially during the *esti7als celebrated in Pakistan *or men as -ell as -omen. (al-ar kamee@ is also popular due to the com*ort *actor.
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

;raditiona, dress

Pakistani 6ride and (room

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Pakistani 6rides

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad


My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

P*i,oso)*y o- "du+ation in Pakistan

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

P*i,oso)*y o- "du+ation in Pakistan

According to Constitution o* Pakistan it is (tateJs responsibility to pro7ide *ree and compulsory Iuality education to children o* the age group & to 1# years According to ne- education policy o* )o7ernment o* Pakistan English Medium Education is to be e>tended to all schools across the country )o7ernment e>pects to attain 1!!D enrolment le7els amongst primary school aged children in year <!1&

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

P*i,oso)*y o- "du+ation in Pakistan

Constitution o- Pakistan

Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, 1 !" # Article "!$b The State shall remove illiteracy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

%e8e,s o- "du+ation
5he education system in Pakistan is generally di7ided into three le7els Primary %grades one through *i7e' Middle %grades si> through eight' High %grades nine and ten leading to the (econdary (chool Certi*icate'
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

%e8e,s o- "du+ation
,ntermediate %grades ele7en and t-el7e leading to a Higher (econdary (chool Certi*icate' 9ni7ersity programs leading to graduate and ad7anced degrees
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

;*ere are Mu,ti),e "du+ation system n Pakistan

Cambridge system. Pakistan secondary education system. Madressah system

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Madresa* system
5hey are supposed to pro7ide ,slamic Education (chools are e7ery corner opened at

5he students are teachers no proper institution. 5hey donJt *ollo- the basic ,slamic principles they Practice 7iolence .

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

s,am in "du+ation
,n e7ery education system -hich is implemented in Pakistan ,t is necessary to include ,slamic syllabus in schools colleges and uni7ersities.

Ministry o* higher education implement all ,slamic rules and regulations in all educational institutes.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

2e+ondary edu+ation system

,t is *or general public ,t is gi7en in go7ernment as -ell as pri7ate schools Pri7ate schools are so called English medium schools they are not organi@ed and they donJt pro7ide the right type o* education.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Cambridge 2ystem
,t is mainly *or the upper class. Middle class cant a**ord it e7en i* they do they get stuck here. ,t pro7ides e>cellent education. an

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

"--e+ts o- mu,ti),e edu+ation system

,t creates di**erences in society like personality traits . ,t creates comple> in di**erent sects o* society. 5hey donJt mi> -ell -ith each other and causes di**erences.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

;e+*ni+a, "du+ation

;e+*ni+a, "du+ation

;e+*ni+a, "du+ation

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

;e+*ni+a, "du+ation
5here are currently CE! 5echnical K Focational 5raining ,nstitutes in Pakistan. 5he minimum Iuali*ication to enter *or male is Middle K *or *emale is Primary.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

At the time o* independence Pakistan had only one 9ni7ersity -hich -as Punjab 9ni7ersity ;ahore ,0 18"=. 0o- Pakistan ha7e more than 1"! 9ni7ersities o* -hich == are public and #E are pri7ate


s,ami+ Centers

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

s,ami+ Centers
Pro7ide *ree ,slamic Education -ith boarding K lodging to students. (tudents came *rom *ar poor areas o* Country as -ell as outside *rom country.
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Pakistan<s A+*ie8ements in -ie,d o- "du+ation

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

% ;"3AC5 3A;" ' PA/ 2;A'

5he literacy rate in Pakistan ranges *rom C=D in ,slamabad to <! D in the kholu district %bL- <!!"1 <!1!'. ,n Pakistan peoples o* di**erent age ha7ing the literacy rate as *ollo-s

AGE Age b/w 55-64 Age b/w 45-54 Age b/w 25-34 Age b/w 15 -24

LITERACY RATE % 30 % 40 % 50 % 65 %

n indi+ate t*e 0it* e8ery )assing generation %itera+y rate is in+reased 6y 10 =

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

Year of census


Fema Tota le l 12.2 % 16.4 % 16.3 % 21.$ % 26.2 % 43.9 %

Urba n


Definition of being "literate" One who can read a clear print in any language

Age group


19.2 % 26.9 % 3 .2 % 35.1 % 54.8 %



All Ages



34.8 % 41.5 % 4$.1 % 63. 8 % $1% $4%

One who is a!le to read with 1 .6% understanding a si"ple letter in any language One who is a!le to read and 14.3% write in so"e language with understanding 1$.3% 33.64 % 44% 48% One who can read newspaper and write a si"ple letter

Age 5 and a!o#e Age 1 and A!o#e Age 1 and A!o#e


11.6 % 16. % 32. %

1981 1998 2 2 1 4

66.25 41.$5 54% % % $ % 45% 5$%

One who can read a newspaper and write a si"ple letter% in any language

Age 1 and A!o#e

Literacy Rate

1 !" 1 #1 1 # "$1$ &un'a! 2 .$% 2$.4% 46.6% 59%


3 .2%








5 %


1 .1%

1 .3%



1 #1 ,sla"a!ad A-ad )ash"ir 0ilgit-+altistan 2ri!al Areas 4$.8% 25.$%

Literacy Rate
1 # "$$! 8$% 62%.2 53%.2 22% 4/ 6/

$2.88% 55% 3$.85% 1$.42%

3% .1e"ale/ 6.38%

Literacy rate of Pa'istani &istricts ("$$!) Ran' District Province LiteracyRan' rate
#iew$M$tal*$M$edit %slamaba&


Province Literacy r

1 2 3 4 5 6 $ 8 9 1

%slamaba& Ra+alpin&i ,-elum /arac-i La-ore 1-a'+al 3u4rat 3u4ran+ala Abbottaba& 5aripur

3apital 2erritory 8$% &un'a! &un'a! (indh &un'a! &un'a! &un'a! &un'a! )hy!er &a*htun*hw )hy!er &a*htun*hw 8 % $9% $$% $4% $4% $1% 69% 6$% 63%

11 12 13 14 15 16 1$ 18 19 2

*uetta Faisalaba& Man&i .a-au&&in Toba Te' 0ingAttoc' 2iarat Mian+ali 0ial'ot 0-ei'-upura 0u''ur

+alochistan 62% &un'a! &un'a! &un'a! &un'a! 62% 62% 62% 61%

+alochistan 61% &un'a! &un'a! &un'a! (indh 6 % 59% 59% 59%

U' >"32 ;5 ?43%! 3A'/ '(

urin! "#4$%&003 not a sin!le university of 'a(istan could be ran(ed amon! the top 600 universities of the world)******+++

,ut today 5 to 6 'a(istani universities belon! to the presti!ious !roup of worlds best universities )*++++
My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

U' >"32 ;5 ?43%! 3A'/ '( C4'; 'U"A

;$"2" 'C%U!"2 @A.

-.ST / 0S1232,2

.4T / 125674

3.4T / 823S5676

9272:50 .-0;47S0T<

=.20 %4%2>23 .-0;47S0T< 0S1232,2

("'!3" ! 2PA3 ;5
Among all the criticism o7er Pakistani education system the one o* the most important criticism is the )E02.E 2,(PA.,5N . ,t can be analy@e by *emale to male ratio %i1e 3LM' ratio OPPPPP

?67 '7032727< 4 .:2T06?@3 72T06




&=."" D

("'!3" ! 2PA3 ;5

?@3 72T06

?67 30

14 4 .:2T06-




#< D

?@3 72T06

?67 S4:6- 27< 14;41



#=.&=! D


("'!3" ! 2PA3 ;5

?@3 72T06

?67 :6114A4 14;41




#" D

; 2 >"35 MUC$ MP43;A'; ;4 '4;" ;$A; 5here is a big gender disparity di**erence in tribal areas such as sa-at district etcO. Bhere 5aliban en*orcement o* a complete ban on *emale education.

My country Pakistan Prepared by: Muhammad Mujtaba Asad

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