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Even how angry you are, try to control your temper.

But dont fully believe what they say. Try get information from teachers, classmates or other parents.

Do not be too quick to blame anybody.

Let your child tell you in their own words.

Preschool Behavior Problems - How to Deal with Preschool Issues

Try to find something worth praising or noting in the school or person who is working with your child After you explain your concerns to the teacher or caretaker, follow up them and your child about the improvement.

When it is time to share your complaint, try to keep the issue on the actual incident instead of the people involved. 68

Show your empathy and understanding.

Play significant part of child education because it can facilitate child acquisition of knowledge.

Researchers have found that children learn by interacting with their surrounding (play)

Children: Learning through play

Based on Macintyre, 2001:6, play can be divided into two:

Play as learning

Play as exercise

Constructive play

Sensori-motor play

Explorative play Symbolic play Problem solving Fantasy and sosiodramatic play

Games with rules

Rough and tumble play

Play on apparatus

Language play 69

Motor skill play

Tend to be more prepared emotionally for kindergarten ( they are accustomed to a certain level of structure as well as being away from home for a period of time.

Have a opportunity to socialize with other kids in their age

Give opportunity to engage in a wide spectrum of age-appropriate learning experiences they may not get at home.


Pros and Cons of Preschool Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Childhood Programs

Children learn not as individual but in group. So they did not get fully attention.


Children in preschools are exposed to illnesses on a regular basis

parents miss out on spending large amounts of quality time with their children because children already tired when at home.


To have a quality preschool education Gave children a diverse experience of learning about others and adopting the social skills and structure

The teachers all had a degree in early childhood education.

Why Preschool Education Is Important For Your Child

There are some significant reasons for a preschool education. 1. Brain development is highest during the first four years of life

2. Going hand in hand with brain development is structure


3. Social skills are next on the list and they are important to learn at this age rather than waiting until Kindergarten age or later

Reintroduce kids to the task of doing afternoon homework by visiting the library.

Getting enough sleep is vital to a healthy lifestyle and can impact the amount of alertness or energy one has throughout the day.

Drop by the library

Reinstate school year bedtimes

Preparing Kids to Go Back to School

Go back to school shopping

Visit the schoolyard

Create back to school excitement by taking children shopping for school supplies and clothes.

Reacquaint children by visiting the school yard a few days before the school session begins.


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