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Trigonometric Explanation for

falling gain at poles

Attempt to explain why the gain falls at poles,
since it sounds.
First principle interpretation- Poles are
frequencies of infinite gain. I would imagine
encountering a pole should increase the gain.

sin2 + cos2 = 1
Understanding the sine wave

Between 90 to 45 the
SINE function falls from
a 1 to a 0.707 and from
45 to 0 it falls from
45 90
0.707 to a 0. Which
means first 45 takes
the value down by ~30%
and the next 45 takes it
down by ~70%.

sin2 + cos2 = 1
Understanding the sine wave

Differentiating the SINE

wave (meaning
determining the slope of
SINE) tells us that the
45 slope is maximum near
0 and is least at 90

sin2 + cos2 = 1
Stable System
Pole -ve S-Plane


-1 + j1

- j1



sin2 + cos2 = 1
-ve S-Plane


-1 + j1

- j1



sin2 + cos2 = 1
-ve S-Plane


-1 + j1

- j1

When this distance is
equal to
this distance we say we
encountered a pole
And here the gain starts
to fall

sin2 + cos2 = 1

-1 + j1

- p
j1 b
When this (b) distance
is equal to
This (p) distance then
this is equal to 45

sin2 + cos2 = 1
this (h) is the distance
of the pole from the
frequency axis (freq at
Amplitude which we are bothered
about the gain)
-1 + j1 X j

- p
j1 b


sin2 + cos2 = 1
this (h) is the distance
of the pole from the
frequency axis (freq at
Amplitude which we are bothered
about the gain)
-1 + j1 X 1 j

- p
j1 b
h = p * cosec ()

Which means the h starts increasing more

rapidly after 45, and therefore the distance
-j from the pole start increasing exponentially
and hence the effect of pole starts falling more

sin2 + cos2 = 1
h = p * cosec ()
Since the goes from 90 to ~0 going away from the
pole the cosec function goes from 1 to .
Which means the h starts increasing more rapidly after
45, hence the effect of pole falls more rapidly.
It is this rapidly reducing pole effect that causes the gain
to fall when we encounter a pole.
Similarly encountering a zero has the reverse effect. It is
the effect of zero reduces rapidly and hence the gain
increases because of other poles now that the zero is
having exponentially lesser and lesser effect.
The reason SINE slope was analyzed in the beginning is
to use the fact that the slopes are changing before and
after 45

sin2 + cos2 = 1

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