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Basics of

Computer & Informtion Technology

Definition of Computer

Computer is an electronic machine which accepts some data as input, process at electronic speed and gives some output under stored programs.


Data: Streams of raw facts representing events such as business transactions. Data can also be classified as:

quantitative qualitative discrete continuous primary secondary.

Types of data

Quantitative data is that capable of being measured numerically, e.g. the standard labour hours required to produce one unit of output. Qualitative data is that not capable of being measured numerically but may reflect distinguishing characteristics, e.g. the grade of labour used to produce the unit of output.

Types of data

Data is said to be discrete when it can only take on specific fixed values, e.g. the actual number of vehicles through a car wash per day could be 35 but not 35.3. Whereas continuous data takes on any numerical value and we could, in an eight hour day, measure the throughput of cars as 4.375 per hour i.e. 35 cars / 8 hours.

Types of data

Primary data is collected for a particular enquiry, for example by observation, employees would be observed performing a 'value adding' activity when establishing a standard time for the activity. Data collected by a trade association from a number of firms and comprising trade association statistics would become secondary data when used by a firm in the sector making an enquiry of its own.


Information: Clusters of facts that are meaningful and useful to human beings in the processes such as making decisions


Types of Information

Information is classed as:

Strategic that information relating to the longer term planning and strategic focus of the business. Tactical that used in short term planning and decision making within an organisation. Operational that relevant to day-to-day decision making.

Types of Information: Strategic

Strategic Information would relate to the longerterm strategy on the companys market share, which in turn informs the production plan. This plan would be used to predetermine the level of investment required in capital equipment in the longer term. This process which 'compels planning' would lead to investigating new methods and technology.

Types of Information : Tactical

Tactical information could include the short-term budget for 12 months and would show the budgeted machine utilisation in terms of machine hours for each item of plant. The total machine hours being predetermined from the production budget for the period.

Types of Information: Operational

Operational information would include a current weeks report for a cost center on the capacity of the plant utilized in the period. actual machine hours x 100 budgeted machine hours i.e. the percentage capacity utilized.

Types of Computer (A/C to Size)

Supercomputer Mainframe computer Midrange / Minicomputer Microcomputer

1) Supercomputer

Supercomuter are highcapacity machines with thousands of processors that can perform more than several trillion calculations per second. Its speed is measured in MFLOPS and GFLOPS. It is used in area of defense and weaponry, weather forcasting, scientific research etc.

Mainframe computer

Larger, more expensive, and faster than midrange computer. Permit the interconnection of a greater number of people. Typically store larger volume of data and information. Speed : MFLOPS, GFLOPS

Minicomputer / Midrange

Perform specific function like to control complex manufacturing processes or to operate a hotels reservation system. Interconnect people and large sets of information. Powerful than microcomputer. Speed : Multiple of FLOPS or Hz.


Relatively compact and usually found on a table or desktop. Speed : MHz or GHz. Desktop computer, Notebook, Laptop, palmtop, pen-based computer, PDA are types of microcomputer. Generally use as a client.

Types of computer (A/c to Function)


Digital computer

High speed, programmable electronic devices that perform mathematical calculations, compare values and results. Counts discreate signals (0,1). Example : Desktop computer, Digital camera etc.

Types of computer (A/c to Function)


Analog Computer

Measures the physical properties like voltage, pressure, temperature etc. Works on continuouse signals. Examples : Furnace thermostate, voltmeter, speedometer etc.

Types of computer (A/c to Function)


Hybrid Computer

Combine functionality of Digital and Analog computer. Example : Modern Petrolpump, Robots etc.

The sending and receiving of data and information over a communication network.

Data Communication
The transmission of data and information through a communication network.

Communication Networks A set of stations, conssiting of hardware, programs, and information, that are linked togather as a system that transmits and receives data or information.

Information Technology (IT)

Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or desseminate information.
Computer Technology

Communication Technology

Information Technology

Information system
A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization

Activities in Information System





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