T&D and Career Development

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Training, Development and

Career Management


Training vs. Development

The process of providing employees with specific skills or helping them correct deficiencies in their performance.
Current Job Individual Employees Immediate Fix current skill deficit May be seen as negative

An effort to provide employees with the abilities the organization will need in the future
Current and future job Work group and organization Long term Prepare for future work demands


Challenges in Training
Is training the solution to the problem? Are the goals of training clear and realistic? Is training a good investment? Will the training work?


Managing the Training Process

Phase 1 - Needs Assessment

Organizational Task Person

Clarifying the objectives of training

Phase 2 - Training and Conduct

Phase 3 - Evaluation

Direct response to an organizational problem or need Approaches vary by location, presentation, and type Effectiveness of the training is assessed


Managing the Training Process

Phase 1 - Needs Assessment

Four Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessments:

Step 1. Perform a "Gap" Analysis. Current situation (SKA) vs. Desired or necessary situation The difference the "gap" between the current and the necessary will identify our needs, purposes, and objectives.
Problems or deficits Impending change Opportunities Strengths New directions Mandated training


Managing the Training Process

Phase 1 - Needs Assessment

Four Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessments:

Step 2. Identify Priorities and Importance. Examine each in view of their importance to your organizational goals, realities, and constraints
Cost-effectiveness Legal mandates Executive pressure Population Customers


Managing the Training Process

Phase 1 - Needs Assessment

Four Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessments:

Step 3. Identify Causes Of Performance Problems and/or Opportunities. Are our people doing their jobs effectively? Do they know how to do their jobs?


Managing the Training Process

Phase 1 - Needs Assessment

Four Steps to Conducting a Needs Assessments:

Step 4. Identify Possible Solutions and Growth Opportunities. Training may be the solution, IF there is a knowledge problem. Organization Development Activities may provide solutions when the problem is not based on a lack of knowledge and is primarily associated with systematic change
strategic planning organization restructuring performance management effective team building

Managing the Training Process

Phase 2 - The Training and Conduct Phase


The training program that results from assessment should be a direct response to an organizational problem or need.
Approaches vary by
Location Presentation Type


Managing the Training Process

Phase 2 - The Training and Conduct Phase Location Options OJT
Job rotation Apprenticeships
Moving a trainee from department to department to broaden his or her experience and identify strong and weak points. A structured process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training.




Can be inexpensive to implement Immediate feedback Can be costly in customer satisfaction Wide variation in quality and content of teaching


Managing the Training Process

Phase 2 - The Training and Conduct Phase

Location Options Off- the-job Training

Simulated training Training employees on special off-the-job equipment so training costs and hazards can be reduced. Role Playing
Creating a realistic situation in which trainees assume the roles of persons in that situation.

Corporate universities
Provides a means for conveniently coordinating all the companys training efforts and delivering Web-based modules that cover topics from strategic management to mentoring.

In-house development centers

A company-based method for exposing prospective managers to realistic exercises to develop improved management skills.

More conducive to learning/less distractions

Learning may not transfer back to job


Managing the Training Process

Phase 2 - The Training and Conduct Phase Presentation Options Slides and Videotapes Teletraining Computers Simulations
Replicate job demands at off-site facility

Virtual Reality (VR)

The use of a number of technologies to replicate the entire real-life working environment in real time

Classroom Instruction and Role-plays


Managing the Training Process

Phase 2 - The Training and Conduct Phase

Types of Training
Skills Training
job aids
External sources of information that provide job related information

Retraining Cross-functional Training Team Training


Managing the Training Process

Phase 2 - The Training and Conduct Phase

Types of Training
Creativity Training brainstorming Literacy Training Diversity Training Crisis Training Customer Service Training Ethics Training


Managing the Training Process

Phase 3 - The Evaluation Phase

Monetary Assessment
ROI (return on investment) of training
ROI = (Training Benefits Training Costs)/(Training Costs) x 100 = (Net Training Benefits)/(Training Costs) x 100

Managing the Training Process

Phase 3 The Evaluation Phase Kirkpatrick Model


Level 1: Reaction Level 2: Learning

Were the participants pleased? What do they plan to do with what they learned?

What skills, knowledge, or attitudes have changed? By how much?

Level 3: Behavior
Did the participants change their behavior based on what was learned in the program?

Level 4: Results
Did the change in behavior positively affect the organization?


Managing the Training Process

Phase 3 - The Evaluation Phase

Legal Issues in Training

The major requirement here is that employees must have access to training and development programs in a nondiscriminatory fashion


Orienting Employees

Employee orientation
A procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm

Orientation content
Information on employee benefits Personnel policies The daily routine Company organization and operations Safety measures and regulations Facilities tour


Orienting Employees

A successful orientation should accomplish four things for new employees:

Make them feel welcome and at ease. Help them understand the organization in a broad sense. Provide a Realistic Job Preview (RJP)
Make clear to them what is expected in terms of work and behavior.

Help them begin the process of becoming socialized into the firms ways of acting and


Developing Careers


Chapter Objectives

Establish a sound process for helping employees develop their careers Understand how to develop your own career Identify the negative aspects of an overemphasis on career development Establish an organizational culture that supports career development

Key Terms
Career development Job Rotation Mentoring Promotability Forecast Succession Planning


Career development An ongoing and formalized effort that focuses on developing enriched and more capable workers.

Challenges in Career Development


Who will be responsible?

The Individual The Manager The Organization

How much emphasis is appropriate? How will the needs of a diverse workforce be met?

Challenges in Career Development


The Individual
Accept responsibility for your own career Assess your interests, skills, and values Seek out career information and resources Establish goals and career plans Utilize development opportunities Talk with your manager about your career Follow through on realistic career plans

Challenges in Career Development

The Manager Provide timely performance feedback Provide developmental assignments and support Participate in career development discussions Support employee development plans


Challenges in Career Development


The Organization
Communicate mission, policies, and procedures Provide training and development opportunities Provide career information and career programs Offer a variety of career options


Career Development
The Assessment

Phase The Direction Phase The Development Phase


Career Development
The Assessment Phase

Career workbooks & Careerplanning workshops

Skills Assessments Interest Inventory Values Clarification


Career Development
The Assessment Phase
Organizational Assessment

Psychological Testing Performance Appraisals Assessment Centers Promotability Forecast Succession Planning


Career Development
The Direction Phase Individual Career Counseling Information Services
Job-posting systems Skills inventories Career paths Career resource center


Career Development
The Development Phase

process in which a more experienced person supports and aids a less experienced person in his/her professional or personal development

Job Rotation
individual is moved through a schedule of assignments designed to give him or her a breadth of exposure to the entire operation. also practiced to allow qualified employees to gain more insights into the processes of a company and to increase job satisfaction through job variation.

Tuition Assistance Programs

Career Development
Innovative Corporate Career Development Initiatives Provide each employee with an individual budget Offer on-site or online career centers Encourage role reversal Establish a corporate campus Help organize career success teams Provide career coaches Provide career planning workshops Utilize computerized on- and offline career development programs Establish a dedicated facility for career



Career Self-Assessment
Does what youre doing for work resonate with your values? Do you find your work to be meaningful? How does your organization treat you? How do you use your talents at work? What is your manager like? What is your life like?


Guidelines for Todays Leaders

Take an entrepreneurial perspective Embrace chaos Some risk is needed Breadth is the key Soft-skills can make or break you


Self-Development: Development Suggestions

1. 2.



Create your own personal mission statement Take responsibility for your own direction and growth Make enhancement, rather than advancement, your priority Talk to people in positions to which you aspire and get their suggestions on how to proceed Set reasonable goals


Self-Development: Advancement Suggestions



4. 5. 6.

Remember that performance in your function is important, but interpersonal performance is critical Set the right values and priorities Provide solutions, not problems Be a team player Be customer oriented Act as if what you are doing makes a difference

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