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Startup Korea Round Table

Time Table
3:00~3:05 3:05~3:20 3:20~3:35 3:35~3:50 3:50~#:00 #:10~#:#0 #:#0~#:50 #:50~5:20 5:20~5:30 5:30~5:#0 . * About Startup Nations * Why? Startup Korea * Startup Korea TO !" !rea$ ti%e * * 5 15 15 15 10

Startup Nations

Startup Chile
&un'e' by the (o)ern%ent* Start +p ,hi-e is 'i..erent .ro% typi/a- a//e-erator pro(ra%s su/h as 0 ,o%binator* Te/hStars

Startup Chile
+S1#0*000 o. e2uity .ree see' /apita1 year 34SA * 5 %onth pro(ra% Three ti%es a year* appro6i%ate-y 100 startups .ro% %ore than 30 /ountries /o 7or$in( spa/e pro%otes peer %entorship 2010 22 startups .ro% 1# /ountries 2013 58# startups .ro% 50 /ountries 2010~201# : 1000 startups

Startup Chile

Startup Chile

Nu%ber o. entrepreneurs 7ho stay -on(er than the %an'atory si6 %onth perio' 1#0*000 (rant is spent in the -o/a- /o%%unity startups a-so hire -o/a- 'e)e-opers* 'esi(ners an' stu'ent interns Se)era- o. Start +p ,hi-e9s startups ha)e (one on to parti/ipate in other a//e-erator pro(ra%s* su/h as 500 Startups or Te/hStars. :assin( a ne7 -a7 that enab-es businesses to in/orporate a /o%pany on-ine* .or .ree* in ;ust one 'ay

Startup America
The Nationa- Net7or$ o. Startup ,o%%unities

Startup America
<Startup A%eri/a= is a White >ouse initiati)e to /e-ebrate* inspire* an' a//e-erate hi(h (ro7th entrepreneurship throu(hout the nation. This /oor'inate' pub-i/?pri)ate e..ort brin(s to(ether an a--ian/e o. the /ountry9s %ost inno)ati)e entrepreneurs* /orporations* uni)ersities* .oun'ations* an' other -ea'ers* 7or$in( in /on/ert 7ith a 7i'e ran(e o. .e'eraa(en/ies to 'ra%ati/a--y in/rease the pre)a-en/e an' su//ess o. A%eri/a9s entrepreneurs.

Startup America
S+A: : Startup A%eri/a :artnership

* @esour/es: pro)i'in( )a-uab-e resour/es an' /onne/tions to he-p youn( /o%panies (ro7. * ,o%%unities: supportin( re(iona- startup e/osyste%s throu(hout the /ountry. * A7areness: re/o(niAin( startups as the 'ri)ers o. our e/ono%y an' .oun'ers as heroes.

Startup America
S+A: : Startup A%eri/a :artnership

Startup America

"ntrepership N&T" CNet7or$ .or Tea/hin( "ntrepreneurshipD 4:ness Bentorin( re-ationships Te/hstars : 15 1500

Startup America

Spee'up :25F 110B F 10 G @a%pup : 5 F 2 F 10 G Startup : Bin 2 4E"A

Startup America

&a/i-itator ,onne/te'ness Startup H@e(ionsI

Startup Britain
A nationa- /a%pai(n by entrepreneurs .or entrepreneurs to /e-ebrate* inspire an' a//e-erate enterprise in the +K.

Startup Britain
Start+p Jo/a- is a ne7 initiati)e that a--o7s enthusiasti/ an' e6perien/e' )o-unteers a/ross the nation to re(ister as a Jo/a- ,ha%pion.

Startup Britain
Ki)in( !ritish startups the /han/e to pop up on a hi(h street near you

Startup Britain

Start+p !ritainLs :it/h+p /o%petition to be in 7ith a /han/e to pit/h pro'u/ts to senior Mohn Je7is buyers.

Startup Britain
Nationa- Start+p Tour : )isitin( 30N -o/ations a/ross the +K

Startup Britain

Startup Canada
,ana'a9s .irst e)er* entrepreneur -e'* nationa- %o)e%ent.

Startup Canada
Startup ,ana'a !-ueprints
20,000 ,ana'ians an' 300 partners throu(h 200 e)ents .ue--e' by hun're's o. )o-unteers. 30 to7n ha--s* 100 .rin(e e)ents* %eetin(s an' 500 )i'eo inter)ie7s

Startup Canada
* ,onne/t an' support the 'e)e-op%ent o. )ibrant startup /o%%unitiesO * :ro%ote a stron( entrepreneuria- /u-tureO an'* * :ro)i'e entrepreneurs 7ith a p-at.or% an' a )oi/e to he-p /reate the /on'itions ne/essary .or entrepreneuria- su//ess in ,ana'a.

Startup ,ana'a ,onne/t Startup ,ana'a ,o%%unities Startup ,ana'a ,a%pai(n

Startup Canada
1000startups : 777.1000startups./a 20 25 ne7 a7eso%e .oun'ers unti- rea/h 1000

Startup Canada
:o-i/y K-obaStartup !ritain Startup ,hi-e Startup Spain Startup Ba-aysia Startup Austra-ia "nterprise Jithuania Startup Wor-' Startup :irates Startup Keneratio

:i)ot BAK.


Startup Ne6tKen

Startup Brazil

Start +: !rasi- is an 11Q %i--ion pub-i/ pri)ate partnership 7ith nine a//e-erators in the /ountry The start ups se-e/te' 7i-- re/ei)e up to @1 200*000C188*R20D ea/h* to hire hu%an resour/es .or 12 %onths





"ist o# Starup Nations


2011 1

* *

2011 3

:aypa-* !T !usiness* 4ris* 4ntuit C 52D

2012 5

* 4ntuit




* * K"W*

C :re.erD

%h! Startup Korea$


%h! Startup Korea$

C 2.8S D *

? ? &ntrepreneurial 'o(ernance

Startup Korea T)* B&

Startup Startup Startup Startup Startup Startup Startup Startup Startup

Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea Korea

TU9 V Tour Wee$ Sub%%it Jibrary On-ine +ni)ersity A7ar' A//e-erator


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* ? * OOO ? * Startup Korea TO !"

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Than$ +W

One Bore thin(

8 E.EA0 With !.!.X

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