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Managing Organisational Change

Lecture FiveCh 7 & Ch 8:

Implementing Change in: People, Structure, Processes, and Technology Discussion of Term Project Format

Extension of Midterm Project

Midterm turn in project papers should be submitted in 2 weeks on Friday November 1st 2013.

The project should power point presentation + the project papers. The Quizzes of Lecture 5 to be submitted next week or max by Nov 1, 2013 too

Review of the Coming Quizzes

1. 1.

In class quiz next class October 27th Quiz 16 (group), First part of this quiz will be comparison between 3 models indicating the advantages and disadvantages. Second part discus and explore if there are any change in DXMXP>C, identify if there is any qrituiq about the model, identify if there is any knowledge to reach the realization stage. Qrituiq the model in a certain steps. (4 numbers of them will be enough). Quiz 17 (group), case study about British Airways p.239 Quiz 18 (individual), Draw a mind map for the all lessons learned from this course from Chapter 1 until chapter 8.

About SANYO company video watching abstracting approaches. About the change management approaches (one page).

1. 1.

What is the meaning for everyone? Why do we believe in that? (3 pages).

Quizzes Discussion:

Quiz 9 Problems at Perrier: (Abdulla Jalal). What was the main problem at Perrier Company? TPI (Total People Involvement). It wasnt there. It should be used for creating (D) , (M) and (P). Communication plan should be there. D should be through all the level of the company.

Quizzes Discussion:
Quiz 10 Overcoming resistance to change: (Amal). Dislike proposed action. Incentives should not be tighten with dislike and reduce the production of the company; incentives should be done without consuming organizations resources as less as possible. The model was used is engagement = bring the employees to the meeting room, discuss the issues and talk to them and give the people team spirit. Availability for the employees will reduce the discomfort and uncertainty. Availability = Probability of (Profitability) (Profitability = bottom-line or Value Added). The more involve the people in the change the more reduction in dislike. When change should be start? When value added not that much. If there is an opportunity in the market, and if the organization not seizing that opportunity they lose the chance to change.

Quizzes Discussion:

Quiz 11 Jacks Dilemma: Mahmood AL Qumaish., Eman Marhoon, Mohammed AL Mannai What was the learning in this case? Frequency of observation, it is not about the time it also about the speed could start changing in the organization the change could be quickly even if the change agent new in the organization. The size is not mention in this case and it is important factor to know it. The D it is not increased the amount of dissatisfaction in this case. No hand over between the old management to the newly appointed manager so it was missing in the case. The frequency of observation should be done deeply into organization process like Gandhi strategy of change : Observation -> Absorption -> Reflection -> Action.

Chapter 8
Implementing Change: Change Management, Contingency, & Processual Approaches


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Change Management Approach

Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

Focuses on strategic, intentional and usually large-scale change Entails following a variety of steps; the exact steps vary depending upon the model used Belief that achieving organizational change is possible through a coordinated and planned approach

Kotters Eight-Step Model

Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

D 1. Establish the need for urgency 2. Ensure there is a powerful change group to guide the change M 3. Develop a vision 4. Communicate the vision 5. Empower the staff 6. Ensure there are short-term wins 7. Consolidate gains P 8. Embed the change in the culture

Kotters eight-step model is one of the best known:

Quiz 16a In Group Compare 3 CM Models

Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

Ten commandements (Kanter, Stein and Jick 1992) Ten Keys (Pendlebury, Grouard, and Meston 1998) Grp 1 12 Action Steps (Nadler 1998) Transformation Trajectory (Taffinfer 1998) Nine-Phase Change Process Model (Anderson & Grp 2 Anderson 2001) Step-by-Step Change Model (Kirkpatrick 2001) 12 Step Framework (Mento, Jones and Dirndorfer 2002) Grp 3 RANDs Six Steps (Light 2005) Integrated Model (Leppitt 2006)

Change = D x M x P > C

Quiz 16b. N-Step Model Issues

Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

The sequences of steps The number of steps The timing of steps The resourcing of steps The involvement in each step Managing multiple steps Revisiting different steps Are all steps needed for particular changes?

Change Management vs. OD

Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

Critics of change management depict it as being faddish and the product of management consultancy firms There is a debate between proponents of OD and proponents of change management:
OD is criticized for being less relevant to modern organizations Change management is criticized for having a focus on the concerns of management rather than on those of the organization as a whole
What maters.. Is what makes the organisation both Healthy & Profitable

Contingency Approaches
Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

Contingency approaches challenge the view that there is one best way The style of change will vary, depending upon the scale of the change and the receptivity to change of organizational members. In the Dunphy-Stace model the style of change varies from collaborative to coercive

Contingency Approaches
Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

Contingency approaches remain less common than change management approaches. Suggested reasons include:
Achieving fit may be difficult due to differing perceptions of the conditions in which the fit is sought Contingency approaches require greater analysis and decisions by managers; the prescriptiveness of change management models may be attractive to managers Contingency approaches focus on leadership style rather than a specific set of actions The use of different change styles at different times may raises questions in the mins of staff as to the credibility of senior management. There is a question about what is contingent to managing change


Processual Approach
Images of Managing Change Change Management Approach -Kotters EightStep Model -Other n-step models -N-step model issues Change Management vs Organization Development Contingency Approaches Processual Approach

Draws on a navigator approach

Change is a continuous process which unfolds differently depending upon the time and the context

It sees the outcome of change as occurring through a complex interplay of different interest groups, goals, and politics. This approach alerts the change manager to the range of influences which they will confront and the way in which these will lead to only certain change outcomes being achieved This approach is often used to provide a detailed analysis and understanding of change retrospectively.

Class Notes
Major and important Keyword learned during the Lecture: Difference between: Realization and Awareness. Realization = bringing concepts to reality. Change Management CM vs. OD Organizational Development. What matter the change manager ability to create Healthy and Profitability environment in his organization.

Key Words for Healthy: Communication. Key Words for Profitability: Value added as MOH and it is useful for profitable service sector.
Contingency Approach: should be emphasizing this approach. TBI: To Be Involved should be emphasizing through D, M, and P. Availability X Profitability: Profitability: Keyword = bottom-line KBF: Key Business Factor : what is more important than How?

Quiz 17 Compare between the

Different perspectives of Change
The British Airways Swipe Card Debacle
Review the BA swipe card story, drawing on each of the following change perspectives discussed in Chapters 7 and 8: Organization development Sense-making Change management Contingency Processual Discuss the case from the 5 perspectives by comparing what couldve been done from each perspective for the BA case?

Quiz 18 What gained so far?

Draw a mind map linking the benefits of all the Quizes and exercises learned so far .. Including the Mid term project: Hints Did it improve your Capacity ? Did it improve your Competency? Did it improve your Capability? Did it improve your Changeability?

Mid Project Any Questions?

Work focused on the Mid Term Project and prepare it as if it going to be given as a structured feedback to the Organisation Team that leading the change in : SMC Psych Hospital Municipality Ministry

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