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Welcome back!

A Team
2009-2010 Plan
 For Improving the Academic, Administrative,
Financial Functions and Behavior
Positive Results from Partnerships
and Rethinking Differently

 Decline in Suspensions/Referrals
 Increased Academic Achievement
 Increased Attendance
 Change in Attitude toward School
 Increased Parental Involvement
Transformation from Bureaucracy to
Learning Organizations

Eliminate Unneeded Bureaucracy

 Teacher attention moves from planning to
 Students are our clients and we are working
for them
 Businesses find ways to improve on what
they are doing
Long-Lasting Partnerships Further
 Cisco
 Schlechty Center for School for School Reform
 Read 180/System 44
 PDRT Staff Development
 Technology Development
 Design Team
 SIP Team
 PBS Team
 SAC’s Team
 Administrative Team
 Leadership Team
 Extracurricular Activities
 The World has changed.
 The JPPSS is changing.
 The Schools are changing and how
students learn.
 The students/parents have changed.
Interesting Facts
 75% of online teens use Instant Messaging
 They chat with an average of 35 people per
week for 3 hours total.
 75% of adolescent spend 2-3 hours per day
downloading or listening to music.
 80% of 12-17 year olds use MySpace
Lesson Design

 We must remember, “To produce superior

designs, we must change the way we talk to
one another. Breakthroughs come from
asking new questions, not debating existing
Today’s Methods
 In today’s interconnected and technology-
driven world, a learning environment can
 Virtual
 Online
 Remote
 In other words, it doesn’t have to be a place
at all.
A Meeting of Minds
 Administrative meetings will be held with a purpose in
 Collaborative meetings will also be held.
 Focus student groups will be developed.
 Communicating and Speaking a common language will be
a major focus.
 Coaching students that are not aligned with our beliefs at
 Paying Forward (designing lessons ahead with a focus in
mind) or Paying Later (by guessing of last minute
 We must provide a superior education for all students.
 Using funds in collaboration to get the best
for our bucks.
 Being very careful of how and why we are
spending what we are spending.
 Realizing that we are not alone in our
endeavors and we can do this together.
My Philosophy
 “We all have the Power of Possibilities”
 All things are possible when you believe.
 We have the power to speak life or ill being thoughts into people lives.
 We have power to make others believe they can when others say they
 We have power to educate self and others around us.
 We have the power to heal and the power to hurt. Our words are
Powerful tools.
 We have the power to live to our fullest potential regardless of
obstacles and not be jealous of others that this opportunity to grow.
 We have the power to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
 We have the power to touch the lives of so many students and make
them become what they were meant to be in this world.
 I am a firm believer that Perception Is Reality and All Things Are
Possible, and we have the POWER.
School Procedures: handbooks
the old

Dance Team
Performing arts
and the new

Student Council
Tuesday Meetings

Grade books/Infinite Campus

Parental Portal

Sign in/ Sign out

Back to school dance

6th grade orientation


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